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Hiro Protagonist II

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Everything posted by Hiro Protagonist II

  1. Decided to see what this would look like with the Baldur's Gate side and bottom bars. Really hope they take advantage of widescreen monitors Apologies for the BGEE skin.
  2. I thought it looked a little more Icewind Dale. I hope they can blend both Baldurs Gate and Icewind Dale into the game. Perhaps different areas will look more like one game than the other.
  3. My expectations are a little more than the basic mechanics and elements of the IE games which you've stated. What my other expectations are: - A mature rated game which is what they've promised. - Being able to put mature themes and topics into a game that Obsidian have always wanted to do but couldn't due to publisher constraints. (This sounds really awesome) - A new world and game play to experience but still retaining those basic mechanics and elements of the IE games (which I loved) and it seems to do. - Expansion pack and other merchandise. I love isometric rpgs. Fallout, Fallout 2, the IE games, and the many spin-offs and similar isometric games that came before and after. We don't know what the system is going to be like. Similar to when Fallout was released with SPECIAL. Nobody knew if it was going to be any good. The good thing is we have a lot of the developers from the Fallout and IE games with Obsidian, Feargus, Tim Cain, Chris Avellone, Scott Everts, Josh Sawyer, Darren Monahan, etc. I have faith that they'll create a game with a new world, new game mechanics and skills, mature themes and still retain the basic gameplay elements of those old games like Baldurs Gate and Icewind Dale.
  4. Obviously never been to the Diablo 3 forums. This is normal behaviour everytime patch notes anything is announced.
  5. Well we are talking about these DJs in this thread in Australia. Not sure why you're bringing up what you do in your own time and in your own country, different countries in general and the difference of those laws in other places. Try and keep it on topic and relevant. eg. the DJs in question.
  6. Never had a problem with the IE games and how they handled money. I'd rather have money at the end than no money at all.
  7. AD&D in 1990. Played a Halfling Thief. With a group of 5 other guys (including the DM) who were playing Elven Mage, Human Cleric, Human Paladin and Dwarf Fighter. Always had a soft spot for the Halfling Thief/Rogue and is my favourite character to play.
  8. Everything you've said I already know about and doesn't tell me anything. And no, I'm not a $500 backer. It would be good to hear what Obsidian has to say.
  9. Nice. Had a look at the price of these including the 24". On topic and to Obsidian, what's it been like to develop from the IE games to Project Eternity with using the different terchnology from back then to now? Harder, easier, and also the types of graphic programs you use. Has there been much change over the years with how you develop graphics and development time or just been pretty much the same.
  10. While we understand Obsidian are busy with the game and some of the below aren't important than other things in the grand scheme of things, it'd be good to have an update on how the following are coming along: Fulfilment website Forums badges Name and design an Item, NPC, enemy adventuring party, inn, etc for backers who are at this tier level. Memorial stone in game How the physical goods are coming along: Cloth map, patch, hardcover book, t-shirt, etc. Any success in obtaining suppliers, etc. Linux and Mac versions and how they're going. Challenges, successes, etc Even if it's just an Obsidian employee advising us in this thread. (hint, hint ) Feel free to add what you'd like to see in a future update.
  11. Personally, I would buy the original BG instead of BGEE. Was a long time supporter of BGEE prior to its release, pre-ordered it and then found out it was riddled with bugs. The extra content while interesting, doesn't really add much to a game with bugs, when the original game doesn't have those bugs. Beamdog introduced new bugs that weren't there which defies logic. I found it very hard to finish this game and went back to the original BG. Very disappointed with this effort. An example of an introduced bug which has been brought to Beamdogs attention on their forums last year and still not fixed: BGEE cannot be 'alt-tabbed' and minimised to the task bar with dual montiors. The original game can. As a person who uses dual montors, this really sucks when the game is 'stuck' on one monitor and can't be minimised. Also on a dual monitor system, any applications you open on the same monitor as BGEE will be 'behind' the game and you can't access those apps. The only way to get rid of the game is exiting it because minimise doesn't work (on dual monitor set-ups). I know it doesn't sound good on my part, but part of me is glad we won't see BG2EE.
  12. Looks like a roll back. http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?266901-5-19-13-Server-Status-Update-and-Important-Announcements
  13. Some people have been using an exploit to dupe millions of AD on the AH. https://twitter.com/NeverwinterGame/status/336218166248218624 This bug was in the Closed Beta. http://www.reddit.com/r/Neverwinter/comments/1ennb6/can_we_make_some_sort_of_official_thread_for_the/ Bugs that were known. Point 1 being a good example: AH exploit - This is what all the current fuss is about. Too bad it was discovered and reported in closed beta, only to still make it in. Through this exploit one can earn unlimited AD and simply clean out the AD vendors, as well as buy up all the Zen they wanted. I knew about it and reported it on the day that I logged in. My ticket was closed and marked as resolved. Upon reading it further, I noticed that a GM told me the ticket was lost and to resubmit it. I did and kept playing. The second ticket was closed and "lost again". So I gave up reporting it.
  14. Did you ever play the pen and paper game D&D and if so how are the rules in this MMO similar to that? Pretty much not at all similar. It's EXTREMELY LOOSELY based on 4E D&D. Really? First time I had a go of this yesterday and thought it was very similar to 4th ed. It was like playing 4th ed. I played a Trickster Rogue for 2 years in 4th ed pnp and the build in Neverwinter is pretty much the same right down to the same powers and dailies. I couldn't believe it. The Trickster Rogue is an OP build in pnp and it's nearly an exact copy of the build in this game. I'm really enjoying it.
  15. I agree with those who say any backer rewards at certain tiers should stay with those backers and not made public after a certain time period. They're not pre-order bonus items.
  16. A suggestion to the dev's: - The camp fire should light up its area a little more when it goes to night time. At the moment, the camp fire stays the same through the day and night cycle. The night cycle kind of makes the camp fire area darker and harder to see the fire. Overall, I really like it.
  17. A gun sticking out of a wall Nailed him! Nailed two guys in the head with one shot.
  18. The company has been around since 2009. http://www.portalarium.com/index.php/about Isn't Series A funding more to do with start up companies? How much money did it need to 'build up' the company to make one game from KS? It seems there's more to it than that.
  19. I agree that you can't jump to conclusions. It's why I said in my posts: 1. There's also been claims that the game is already funded with private investment of at least 7 million. 2. It's been reported in wired quite a few months ago that he has the 7 million for this game already? My first point has the word 'claim'. It's not certain. My second point has a question mark at the end, asking a question? And I was referencing the wired news article from a few months ago. The 'evidence' doesn't look good.
  20. What rumours would that be? It's been reported in wired quite a few months ago that he has the 7 million for this game already? http://www.wired.com/gamelife/2012/07/ultima-forever/ "Garriott’s current company Portalarium is also developing a spiritual successor to his past work called Ultimate RPG/New Britannia. The company said this week that it had secured $7 million from investors to support this and other game projects." So he's already got the money for it. This was obviously planned some time ago to develop the game, to get investors in and then he's put this on KS to get aditional funds and more importantly free advertising. It's not really what KS is about when you have 7 million in the bank from investors for the game and the KS project goal for the game is 1 million.
  21. Even so. It was originally developed as a single player online game that you share with others (eg. limited space for housing?) which looks like a MMO and with DRM. There's also been claims that the game is already funded with private investment of at least 7 million. So even if the KS didn't meet the 1 mil goal, the game would have gone ahead anyway. It all strikes me as odd.
  22. I won't be backing this. I'm only interested in single player games and this feels more like an MMO with the single player offline mode tacked on as an afterthought due to pressure from the community. That tells me they didn't develop the single player offline mode at all and gave no thought to it and concentrated all their resources on the online game. It'll obviously get funded looking at their KS page.
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