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Hiro Protagonist II

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Everything posted by Hiro Protagonist II

  1. I'm thinking it's a demo. I very much doubt they'll have the backer site up which I give another couple of months. There's still about another 10+ differrent updates over various things I'd like to see so it's not like they don't have anything to update us with.
  2. I agree. Obsidian should forget everything that was in the IE games so they 'don't waste time, money and resources' and make the game as plain as possible.
  3. Important modding aspects for me is; no overpowered items or spells, not changing the NPCs stats or weapon proficiencies to make them better, not allowing NPCs to use weapons that their class isn't supposed to use, not being able to skip parts of a game because you can't be bothered doing it but still get all the xp and loot, and various other game breaking stuff and so forth ... Well I think that covers nearly every IE mod out there.
  4. Anomen doesn't wear a dress in BG2, so I don't see the relevance. And any armour you put on Anomen will look similar to his portrait. So the second portrait is meaningless.
  5. Or you could have a pacifist that has avoided combat all game and not used any weapons, but is just as powerful and skilled with their weapons as another character who has fought their way through the game.
  6. I agree with Josh. I can't identify with most of the IWD/2 portraits when my character has armour and a sword, but the portrait is holding a staff and in a dress. It's why I like the BG/2 portraits because every combination of armour and weapons will fit nearly every portrait.
  7. Yes I know. I did read Brendan's comment which really doesn't tell us anything. SoonTM was said last year and earlier this year.
  8. I've replied to your post in the fulfilment site thread as this is getting off topic. A lot of people including myself like to know who is working on the project and what they do. I like to hear stories from the dev's. Programmers, artists, and other people in the many fields of game development. I wouldn't mind seeing a music update as well. Perhaps ignoring certain updates if they bother you so much.
  9. Yes I did read your second comment when I posted in this thread. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/64139-fulfilment-site/?p=1370711 However, your second comment doesn't seem to negate what you said about wasting time and resources on a "fool-feel-ment sight". Do you now want time and resources spent on a "fool-feel-ment sight"? Having read the Kickstarter update 45 from March, it's probably going to be a huge overhaul of the site. Torment does the job for now but is quite basic. Obsidian seems to be redesigning the wheel and it will become an evolving backer site with new information added. Part wiki (information and artwork), part backer site, exclusive forums for high tier backers, private online submission for higher tiers that can be continually updated to a certain point, and other features like RSS feeds. Realising this, I've now come to the conclusion it's a lot of work. I'm now hoping the site will be up in the next few months, hopefully before Christmas which is only 3 months away.
  10. I find it weird you were expecting an update on the fulfilment site when your post in the fulfilment site thread was asking why it's so important for everyone and why time and resources should be wasted on it. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/64139-fulfilment-site/?p=1369082 Anyway, good update. Some comments brought a smile to my face. A question for Kaz, was there anything with the UI in the IE games that you didn't like?
  11. Well, for some reason you have a lot of people jumping to the defence of Obsidian for the lateness of the fulfilment site. It must be some awesome super duper site they have in store for us. Otherwise, if it's anything like inXile and Torment, then I'd have to ask why it's taken a year to do.
  12. I'm a completionist and will be doing the stronghold. But also I'm sure there will be 'Solo game and No Stronghold' Challenge threads.
  13. I seriously hope that. If nothing else, getting both a house and then a stronghold in Act 1 would be sort of silly. Getting the house after you already have a stronghold would be equally silly. This needs to be clarified because there are two stretch goals with different things. From this update today, it appears the player house is the stronghold. I always took it as two different things. Now that I read update 20 again, it can be read two ways. It appears the player house has been upgraded to a stronghold. I thought we all got a player house and if some people wanted to play a stronghold, the game gave you that option. Seems I read it incorrectly.
  14. I've always liked the oil painting style of Baldurs Gate, especially BG1, over the IWD portraits. The BG2 portraits look washed out. Irenicus is another good picture.
  15. I haven't been following this or going to the InXile forums so I don't know too much about the development. But seeing the latest youtube demo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sdmGthYqTbo makes me wonder if Wasteland 2 will be better than Project Eternity. Everything about it is just amazing. Can't wait till I get to play the beta.
  16. One of the things I found in the IE games was my characters would carry around 3 or 4 swords, maybe a couple of shields and a few other weapons. This was more prevalent in BG2 for me. Just in case I came across a Dragon, I would have the longsword Dragon Slayer in my inventory. Didn't have the heart to sell it. Same with Lilarcor. Sell a talking sword? Never! Too many good items to sell. It would be good to keep my weapons in a strong hold for later use instead of carting them around. Or maybe have them stored away for the expansion.
  17. I think it would be cool to put stuff that you might want to collect in your own strong hold. Such as bookcases. All the history books in the Baldur's Gate and Icewind Dale games were kind of cool but was no point collecting because I didn't have my own bookcase to put them in. If I had some Bookcases in a Stronghold, I would meticulously file them using the Dewey Decimal system.
  18. My view of Wizards would be either: 1. the type of wizard they are. Are they Battle wizards? I like the knives with the above picture. 2. from what region they're from. This will determine what style of clothing they have. Are they from a tribe such as below? 3. Are they allied with different factions? Are they allied with Rogues and dress like Rogues? 4. Are they Wizards for a Kings Court? While most don't have the pointy hat, I think it's always good to include a variation of it when it doesn't look out of place. The possibilities are endless due to the type of factions they could be aligned with and the regions they're from. Also, the different styles of armour with the Tribe Wizard having pelts and leather while the Kings Court Wizard wearing breast plate. The robes on the others could be hiding the type of armour they have underneath.
  19. Okay. I'll *move* on, *because* writing like *this* with *astericks* and *italics* obviously *doesn't* bother *anyone* here and *they* like this *type* of *format* in *their* games..
  20. So for you the astericks have to be there in the screenshot I posted. That's what you're saying. While others like myself can still read the words without the astericks and still get the same meaning. ^I put some emphasis on some words I thought were important. Btw, ^your opinion. Yep, redundant. Which is why I don't use them and didn't in my original post.
  21. So it doesn't bother you that the overuse of astericks could be taken out of the game? Okay. Why not just say that? It's like some big thing that people don't want to admit that it was unecessary, as per the screen shot I posted. Oh no, we can't agree with Hiro even though the screen shot would be just as good without the astericks around the words. It's better to disagree with Hiro. Seriously.
  22. It comes down to the heart of the matter and my original post on this. Do you like the overuse of asterisks? I don't. Here's part of my original quote. And then we have three pages of people disagreeing with me and yourself chiming in after I posted a screen shot to highlight my point. And yet there are posters who are still disagreeing with me including yourself, even after the screenshot clearly shows it's not needed. I would have used a better screen shot to show how bad the conversations can get with astericks everywhere but I was at work when I posted the one I did. There is a definite overuse of the astericks in IWD 2.
  23. I'm not trying to be king of the hill or anthing. I showed an example of IWD 2 with a screen shot where it's totally unnecessary. You're now saying the screen shot in question did have to have the *I* and *you* with asterisks around them?
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