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Hiro Protagonist II

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Everything posted by Hiro Protagonist II

  1. I thought the DVD in the boxed version would be DRM free as well. I just want to put the DVD in and install without having to worry about steam/gog keys. Similar to the IE games.
  2. I already like your music so far and I like this suggestion. More choice is a good thing and may yield better reults. Make it so!
  3. I do that with a lot of games too. Dual monitors, one for playing games and the other to watch TV shows.
  4. No, that's flawed logic and assumptions based on your own preconceptions.
  5. So something like the quote below wouldn't make you buy the below game? Other than the below description there is nothing about the story.
  6. In 4th ed, everyone gets bonuses for flanking and not just the rogue. They get a +2 to hit. I don't have a problem with the mechanics of the Rogue with Backstab / Sneak Attack. It works perfectly fine for me.
  7. I'm surprised so many people didn't like the vancian system in the IE games. I actually like the vancian system.
  8. I'm hoping it will be BG1 style of leveling with being around level 10 at the end.
  9. I thought this comment was a little bewildering and obviously didn't read what this game is about: "I'm not gonna lie, I'm seriously considering withdrawing my $100 if this is going to be first person."
  10. Well I ploughed my way through and couldn't read anymore after I finished the third paragraph on sex. Truly astounding what you read on the internet.
  11. I think of Bards as being able to do similar things like the other classes but have an extra ability with songs. Similar to a gimped Fighter/Mage/Thief and using musical instruments in battle. I wouldn't call a Fighter/Mage/Thief a rogue though.
  12. I'd have to question what you know about Bards because trickery/subterfuge isn't what comes to mind with a Bard. Arcane Spells and songs is what comes to mind when mentioning Bards
  13. With the NPCs, there's only 69 people currently pledged money to design an NPC. I'd very much doubt it would get past 80.
  14. By that logic, you only need one class. Everyone can be what they want by channeling into their soul.
  15. They already are. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dwarfism How many dwarfs in real life do you know that aren't human?
  16. I don't see how. A Rogue is more Fighter oriented with stealth and sneak attacks, whereas the Bard is more on the Mage side of things with spells and songs. Bards have an arcane source similar to Mages.
  17. Paypal is only at $13,893.71 at the moment. https://twitter.com/obsidian
  18. I don't see a problem. What I see is Obsidian will work with those backers to make sure things balance and work within reason for the game. Also, you may have backers that will bounce ideas off the dev's and say things like, 'how about this or that?' 'will this work?'. The high tier backers may even have ideas that the dev's will like and incorporate them into the game. I really don't see the high tier backers being aggressive and saying, 'Ok, I paid $1000 and you better put this in!'
  19. For a minute there, I thought I was in the Runic Forums reading about Torchlight.
  20. We haven't seen a spike in numbers with backers per day as yet. If the current trend continues with backers, then we'll see a 6 level dungeon same as Watchers Keep. I'm hoping for 7 or 8 levels. I'd be surprised if it's more than 8 levels.
  21. eh, I only played the first two or three on the Apple. It was just a dungeon crawl. No sci-fi.
  22. It would've been good to actually show game play videos of the old style crpgs that they want to emulate and pay homage to like Obsidian did in their video. But then you might have people complaining they stole that from Obsidian as well. Seriously though, I do hope they do well in their kickstarter. The problems I see with this is: - It feels like they put this together in a day. It comes across as amatuerish and they looked at how well other developers are doing and jumped on the bandwagon. - No clear defined game on what they want to make. Should have used old gameplay videos of previous games to show what they were trying to aim for. I didn't know if it was first person or isometric. Only checking the kickstarter site I found out it was going to be first person. - Is it fantasy like Wizardy? sci-fi? or both? I thought it was going to be fantasy because they spent so much time talking about Wizardy. From their kickstarter page they're saying it's both a sci-fi fantasy game. So I'm guessing it's going to be more like Anachronox? I have no idea. - Too many cliches with 'old school rpg' in their pitch video. I was pretty tired of hearing it so many times. - Two crpgs in the one kickstarter? That seems strange. Would prefer they concentrate on one game and make it good than try and make two games in the same time. - Timing is really poor. They should have waited another 2 weeks when Project Eternity was over to start their Kickstarter. It would have done a lot better if they waited because a lot of people have already devoted their money to Obsidian now. If they started in 2 weeks time, they would have been riding on the back of Obsidan. All they're doing now is competing with Obsidian. - If they get their funding for 2 games, they have 12 months to make 2 games. Seriously? Their due date is 3 months earlier than Project Eternity. I have no issue with them copying any ideas from Obsidian or other Kickstarter projects. So many Kickstarter projects are copying each other for ideas that it doesn't bother me. As I said before, I won't be supporting this.
  23. If there's going to be drinking in taverns then I also want bards in the game. In fact I want to go to the Adventuers Hall, create a party of bards and get them singing and drinking in a tavern, make a toast to the inkeeper everytime I send them off before every encounter. And see how they fare in battle.
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