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Everything posted by Caerdon

  1. The high end offering more benefit per point than the mid-range only leads to universal min-maxing. The high end should offer less benefit, so that when you make the choice to go all-out on one attribute, you're actually sacrificing your ability in other areas. There should always be diminishing benefits so that players will at least sometimes think that 14 or 15 is good enough in order to be good at other things too. The low end, however, should be somewhat punishing.
  2. Death godlike should be somewhat resistant to blinding effects - they're wearing a visor.
  3. I want attributes to make a difference in a different manner. The minimum value in any attribute should be a definite handicap; something that doesn't make the character unplayable, but forces you to find ways to go around it. On the other hand, the attributes should give diminishing benefits so that you'd have to make actual sacrifices to max more than one attribute. In other words: the attribute/benefit graph shouldn't be a straigh line but a curve that has high steepness at the start and low at the end. The total amount of points would have to be lowered to compensate, as the middle values would give more benefit.
  4. I'd definitely prefer something more solid than these weird spell effects on black background. There are so many better ways to do it: runes like in BG series, some aboriginal paintings on stone or wood or leather, wood carvings, mosaic... stained glass, anyone?
  5. It's a known issue and will be fixed.
  6. Yes. It's easy to do. Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Pillars of Eternity - Public Beta\PillarsOfEternity_Data\data\art\gui\portraits\player Match the file name format, file type, and resolution. Basically, you need two PNG files: 210x330 and 76x96. BTW, I've been looking around for a Photoshop oil painting filter to give photos a painterly look, but so far haven't found anything that looks decent. If anyone knows of one, let me know. Totally unnecessary. The game understands JPG files just as well, possibly others. The resolution can be higher, and if you're playing on a high-res display, it should be higher or the portraits will be blurry. The only thing that really matters is the aspect ratio - the game will stretch portraits to fit.
  7. Of course you can. It's not a bug, it's a feature.
  8. I understand that tab key highlights transitions, however it's also my understanding that this particular transition is supposed to be secret until we've interacted with the statue and revealed the hidden passage. So I really think we shouldn't be seeing the stairs symbol before that has happened. Also, thanks for the response, it's good to see you guys are being so active here!
  9. I was using simplified numbers to get my point clearly across. I assure you, changing them to more realistic ones won't change the result, and neither will accounting for grazes and crits. As long as we have a reasonable DT (i.e. not so high that only the large weapon with full might bonus can strike through at all), the weapon dealing less damage per hit benefits relatively more from higher might. Attack rates don't matter one bit if we're talking about relative increases of effective DPS, which is usually the most sensible way as it's the single most important factor in weapon balancing.
  10. I don't think that's actually true. Weapon X deals 20 damage per hit. Against armor DT of 10 it only deals 10 damage. With 50% might bonus it deals 20 damage against that armor. It's effective DPS has increased 100%. Weapon Y deals 40 damage per hit. Against the same armor it deals 30 damage. With 50% might bonus it now deals 50 damage. It's effective DPS has increased 67%. It's as simple as that.
  11. Unforgivable? Right.
  12. A small weapon benefits *more* from strength than a large one, because it suffers more from DT. Also, could we finally let go of the idea that large weapons are slow and require lots of strength to wield, because that's utter BS. It's a good gameplay mechanic that they have lower attack speed but deal more damage, but that should be all. In real life it's actually easier for an untrained person to use a two-handed sword, because it requires *less* strength.
  13. It must be afwully common, then.
  14. Ah, trying to be clever, I see? I'm sure there will be moments in the game where you're awarded XP for some reason (story cutscene, powering up some ancient device, entering a cave etc.) and then the game immediately throws you in the middle of a skirmish. Or maybe you got the level up earlier but didn't go through the process at the time for some reason.
  15. How do they hide in shadows? I'm actually being quite serious here. They shoud get a significant penalty to sneaking in dark corridors. Or is there, perhaps, a lore explanation how they can suppress their flames for a while if they concentrate or something? Should this be visualized in-game? (Sorry if this has been discussed before. I didn't find anything, though.)
  16. Those lines are not a problem if you zip the file, though, they will be compressed into oblivion.
  17. Nope, it's just that the game's concerned about the lost display device while it's minimized - and keeps logging that constantly.
  18. A little irritating fact: you can press C to open the character sheet and then I to switch to inventory, but you can't do this in reverse order... -- Why is it that back in the day when we had narrow screens sidebars were used all the time in games, but now that we have widescreen displays, everything tends to be at the bottom... I generally react very well to change and I'll never subscribe to the "things work just fine so nothing should be changed" attitude, but the UI in IE games made perfect sense and was just superior in most aspects. Similar concepts should really be used for PoE.
  19. Yes. Also, there should be a delete button regardless of whether you're saving or loading the game.
  20. This has been bugging me, too. You should be able to toggle stealth mode for the selected characters, not the full party.
  21. The notes functionality being so undeveloped is a bit of a missed opportunity for Obsidian - it would be a great tool for us to keep a record of all the smaller bugfixes, annoyances, balance problems and improvement ideas that we encounter during the game. (Yeah, you can use actual physical notepads or any text editor or whatever, but it'd still be nice to have an option that wouldn't draw your attention away from the game.) Also, addition to the things mentioned by the cool guys above, I'd also like an export button that'd write the notes to a text file - or at least a copy buttton that would copy the whole thing to the clipboard.
  22. I heard from a reliable source that the PC Beautification Pack, which gives us playable Hylian Godlikes and extra Godlike headmorphs (including hair options), will be released as day one DLC. It'll be super cheap, too - only 4.99!! (Per race, ofc.) Similar pack for male PCs will be released one week later!
  23. What bugs me is that there's no matching head morph for many of the godlike portraits.
  24. I have 2560x1600 and I experience the exact same problems. Apparently the guys at Obsidian don't have proper displays.
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