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Everything posted by Caerdon

  1. The vast majority of the bugs is not at all related to the content in the beta, and I think the most of the unplayability comes from just a handful of bugs. So I'm not worried in the slightest. Sure, there are lots of bugs, but personally I'm extremely happy that Obsidian is definitely on the right track with this, and the most important design decisions so far have been the right ones. In a few weeks the roughest edges will be gone and the beta will be just pure enjoyment.
  2. I really don't get why there are only 8 slots, when there's clearly room for 16. It's just... baffling.
  3. Uhh... are you saying that the separate window that you open with right-clicking should not contain detailed stats about the item? Did I misunderstand this somehow? Didn't hovering over an item in IE just basically give you the item's name?
  4. Larger portraits than the standard 210x330 work just fine, I've used mexapixel-sized portraits without any issues. I made sure the aspect ratios for the images are the same as in PoE; the game might lose the aspect ratio, crop them in some way or add black borders otherwise, but I haven't tried that.
  5. Yeah, for me the formations are a total clusterf***.
  6. From the announcement: Our UI is still being polished and fully implemented. Things like our death screen, stealth UI, and the engagement UI, are all being implemented or tweaked. Be patient.
  7. A good point, but I guess the system could still be a bit more intelligent and detect if something about the target has actually changed.
  8. Also, it'd be better if it only triggers once per character for any single enemy, but when it triggers with every attack you make...
  9. Tab key should highlight objects you can interact with, not reveal if there's a secret passage hidden underneath that object. Unfortunately this is what happens, at least in this particular case.
  10. As far as weapons go, might increases damage, dexterity increases accuracy; that's all there is to it, and that's the extent to which weapons rely on these attributes.
  11. To be honest, I'm perfectly fine with that. I always found it pretty silly when you can do pixel-perfect adjustments like in DA:O. IMO, if you're not willing to make sure you're going to hit, then you should risk missing the target.
  12. Hmm... I think I have to disagree here. Yes, health is more important overall, but stamina is generally more urgent, and that, to me, is reason enough to associate stamina with the blood. The green health bar is still very visibile, it's not easy to miss that one of your characters is on low health. Also, while I was initially surprised that the blood flows from the top this time, it's consitent with the health bar - they progress to the same direction. It'd only be confusing if one goes up and one goes down. (Also: blood flows downwards, it's only natural! )
  13. The character portraits that come with the game are the same resolution as in BG1, i.e. 210x330. Yes, sixteen years later we're still using the same resolution. Therefore, despite my display being about 4 years old, the game still needs to upscale those portraits so that they become hideously blurry. They appear to be about 312x489 on my 2560x1600 screen. That's 48% upscale factor. Seriously? It's 2014. Compatibility with old IE portraits is a great thing, but that doesn't mean the game shouldn't support high-res portraits as well (in fact it does - you can put high-res portraits in the portraits folder), and it doesn't mean that the built-in portraits should have such a low resolution.
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  14. What the topic says. When I right-click on a character portait to open the inventory (just like in IE), it opens the inventory, yey! However, it also commands the selected character to move to the spot under the portrait. Interestingly the character will move there even if that spot is already occupied by an NPC, as you can see in the attached image. I expect right-clicking on a portrait only open the inventory and not affect the current selected character(s) at all.
  15. Yes to both. Circles of Many Colours felt weird the first time I experienced them, but when you get used to them, they're definitely useful. An important part of that, I think, is that the movement target indicators were the same colour as well, so you could see which character was moving to which spot.
  16. I was just about to post this.
  17. Nah, it's better to wipe the drive first and re-install Windows and other stuff before going for such drastic measures.
  18. You guys are lucky. My loading screens look like this:
  19. I totally agree with this. I can't understand why there are so many tiny windows with scrollbars instead of large windows with no need for scrollbars. And yes, listing the effects of the qualitiy of a weapon is confusing. Has that damage muliplier already been applied to the damage listed below, or do we need to calculate those things ourselves?
  20. This comes straight from Update #84 under known issues: "If you find any issues, please report them on the Pillars of Eternity Backer Beta Bug forum. Please do not contact Support for bugs or technical issues - use the indicated forum." Yeah... so why not attach that crash report here, thereby effectively sending it to the devs?
  21. So, did you do what that dialog window said and send the crash report to the devs?
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