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Everything posted by Rosveen

  1. Throne of Bhaal was an expansion.Mask of the Betrayer was an expansion. See, I've played games too! Disclaimer: I'm completely fine with White March being like TotSC and not ToB.
  2. I once used a name which I later found out meant "cow" in another language. Spirit animals are cool, I'm fine with bear or owl or snake, but cow is kinda awkward...
  3. This is the worst explanation yet.
  4. You're joking? Oblivion was magnitudes better in so many ways than Morrowind, not all of them graphically. It was also magnitudes worse in so many ways, not all of them aesthetical.
  5. It's not a bug, it's a feature. I think Eder was the only one with an extra skill. It's funny because you normally want to pick up your companions as soon as possible to have better control over their skillset, but Eder benefitted from waiting until level 3 thanks to that extra point.
  6. It's not that they're against it, it just doesn't make much sense from the financial point of view because only a tiny part of their playerbase is on Linux.
  7. GOG Galaxy tracks playtime. Your estimation is correct, I'm at 24 hours and nearing the end of the game. I read everything though, it's shorter if you skip optional conversations. There will be more combat later on depending on your etiquettes. Corporate and Socialite seem to be very useful, but I had neither, so I had to deal with certain problems the hard way. That said, Hong Kong was really good at providing methods of avoiding combat.
  8. I'm not sure what you mean. There was never room for all of them at once, there were eight and you have five slots in your party.
  9. Reload the save from before entering Sun in Shadows. The game makes an automatic save before you jump.
  10. What level did you pledge at? Any level that gave the Boxed Collector's Edition also gave a beta key... It's why I didn't get the Boxed Collector's Edition. I didn't want the temptation of a beta. Beta =/= expansion. There's a boxed collector's edition level without the expansion. However, the signed CE should include White March. At least that's the impression I get from Kickstarter reward list.
  11. HOLD ON A MINUTE PoE doesn't use Steamworks DRM? Why didn't anyone tell me before? Why was Steam always mentioned as the option with DRM? Goddammit.
  12. I understand the problem and I didn't expect them to incorporate the consequences of the ending into what was always meant to be a mid-level adventure. Still, in my opinion the current solution is just as immersion-breaking as continuing after Thaos (which is why I opted for starting a new game). Reloading makes me feel like my accomplishments are being erased, which sucks. I'd prefer to choose the lesser evil on my own.
  13. No worries. Tbh, I agree with that complaint. I think we should have the option to do White March after Thaos if we want to, even if it doesn't make sense in the context of the story. But that's offtopic, so I'll stop here.
  14. The author of that thread didn't play Trial of Iron. Not only that, but his saves aren't even bugged. Did you link the wrong thread by accident?
  15. Steam used to be much more convenient, but GOG has the Galaxy client now, which does autopatching if you want, tracks your played time and even supports achievements (it's all still work in progress). They tend to get patches a little later, though. But mostly the advantage Steam had over it is shrinking. I don't know what problems people had with the expansion, it's sold normally on GOG. It's on the front page and all. Maybe you were reading the thread about DRM-free copies? These people are talking about physical non-GOG and non-Steam disks.
  16. If I'm not mistaken, tiers starting at $165 qualified for the expansion, as well as any lower tier with White March purchased as an add-on. The expansion should already be on your Products page here.
  17. "Resolved issue that could cause Is0bel to briefly lose Mark Target Ability." Briefly? I lost it three runs ago. I'm glad it's fixed.
  18. I got a backer email two hours ago, update #100.
  19. I'm also a Kickstarter backer and the key did not yet appear on my "Products" page either. I'm a gog-user. Maybe Steam-keys are rolling out earlier than gog-keys? I think it was only for the $165 tier and above.Or for people who purchased it as an add-on. No issues here, the expansion appeared on my Products page. I don't think platform is the problem, I had an option to generate a Steam or GOG key regardless of my choice for the base game.
  20. Yeah, I get they're just running the platform, but that's enough to keep me away. I will never again give my money in advance to anything that has anything to do with the folks that run Double Fine, regardless of their role in it. Also, I'm glad you used the word "liability", because Fig seems like a ticking legal timebomb just waiting to go off. I want nothing to do with it.We all might have something to do with it when Obsidian and inXile fund their next games through it, like they said they're planning to. Then again, if we don't participate as investors, it'll work pretty much the same as on Kickstarter.
  21. Funny you should say that.....i just celebrated my birthday early and was worried that i'd be broke on the 25th,so i put $25into steam wallet. Great idea! I think I may do that, because: ... which I don't have (at all)! Then again, in my opinion moral introspection is the greatest virtue, while snobbery is among my least favorite vices Thanks for the tip, qwert! LOL yeah i thought it was a good idea and it turned out to be really easy. Technically, from a purely economic point of view, it's a bad idea. You've basically paid steam for credit, with no real benefit to you. That money sitting in a savings account has the potential to earn you a (small) return on investment. Given that it's only $25 and you have difficulty saving, it's not a big deal, but realistically all you've done is given Valve a 0% interest loan and cost yourself the opportunity to accrue interest.Not even a loan because you can't withdraw money from the Steam Wallet. Your money is now permanently Valve's.
  22. As a shotgun mage, this is highly disappointing. I don't think I like the new matrix. I just started, so it might grow on me, but the dissonance between turn-based+character skill and real time+player skill is very real. I almost feel like I'm meant to get caught, then it plays like I'm used to. I think it's a flaw that high decking skill doesn't help with staying undetected. Btw, is there a way to use Suppression out of combat?
  23. Self-control is the greatest virtue.
  24. How useful are etiquettes so far? The previous games were very uneven in this aspect, some etiquettes gave substantial rewards and others were hardly ever used.
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