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Everything posted by Rosveen

  1. It's on the way to Twin Elms, you have to pass the Stormwall Gorge. However, you can't do this until the water level is lower. Keep playing, the way will open at one point in the main quest.
  2. I think when the thread begins with "We had a discussion about a swear toggle for those who want to save the children", it's not surprising it quickly morphed into a discussion about how exactly it would be saving the children when things like rape, lynching, prostitution and drug dealing are left untouched. Especially for those of us who weren't present during earlier threads. Isn't it what always happens on forums, repeating every topic as soon as the previous one died out just enough to make a few people forget about it? Then again, we should first define "children". A local store refused to sell me Dragon Age back in 2009 because I was too young. I nodded politely, went home and ordered the game from their online store. I don't think I was in dire need of saving from gruesome darkspawn deaths and the many joys of the Pearl, but what do I know? Maybe I was already a degenerate at 16. Of course, if the OP wants to mod out the swearing simply because of personal preference, more power to them and props for taking the time to go through all of this. Personally I think replacing real curses with fake words is rather pointless, because swearing is swearing even when fictional, but hey, not my game.
  3. The expansion was actually an add-on during the Kickstarter campaign, so some of us already bought it. http://www.pcgamer.com/pillars-of-eternity-tabletop-rpg-and-card-game-in-the-works/ Speaking of expansions, can you give us any details on what might be coming in the future? Sure. So, with the Kickstarter we announced that we were going to do an expansion, and so how we're approaching that is to actually do the expansion in two parts, and have one part out sooner than the other part. The idea being that people are really enjoying Pillars right now and they're going to get finished their first or second playthrough within in the next two weeks, a month, something like that. And so, we definitely want there to be content for them to enjoy and I think we're going to be talking about that pretty soon. I don't think we've released anything specifically, but it really ends up being this concept of this story that expands parts of what you would see in those sort of old school expansions we made for Icewind Dale and Baldur's Gate. So not just these three, four hour downloadable DLCs, but definitely big chunks of a story and a new hub to go to and things like that.
  4. I was halfway through a serious reponse to your first post, but... I just can't. I can't wrap my head around the fact that someone actually liked airborne darkspawn.
  5. By the time the errata is released, it will need its own errata.
  6. Detecting hidden objects relies on Mechanics, not Perception.
  7. If they came in from the inside, how did they destroy both my curtain walls and the bailey?
  8. The OP mentioned physical difficulties with using a computer. There are ways to alleviate some of those too, with different types of input devices. Anyhow, I'm curious which fights specifically the OP is talking about. Maybe cheats aren't needed, maybe we can work out a strategy helping him succeed. If not, there's always godmode.
  9. Which tells us nothing because the Grieving Mother's opinion is influenced by our previous interactions with her. which is wrong because if you unlock her full story you would know what I am talking about .Maybe you could be more specific and tell me what I missed?
  10. Which tells us nothing because the Grieving Mother's opinion is influenced by our previous interactions with her.
  11. Plenty of kith try to kill me too, but I still strive to help kith whenever possible. This vithrack did not wish me harm, it only cared for its young and survival of the colony. Were there any signs that the colony is a danger to kith setlements? They live in an Engwithan ruin, kith have no business there and enter at their own risk. Many of these "monsters" live in seclusion and rarely harm anyone save for a few unlucky adventurers.
  12. How are you going to demonstrate "quite a lot" as true if we have no idea how many "quite a lot" is?
  13. Exceptional spear with coordinating (+4 acc and 1.25x damage when attacking same target with ally) and marking (+10 acc for allies that attacks same target) enchantments (these can change depending on your choices) I wouldn't even give these examples, it has 16 different possible enchantment combinations, it's best to just take a look at its wiki page. The fact that it's always a spear is my problem. I had a firearm team with one guy using long-range melee weapons as backup, but I didn't rely on that skill enough to make this artifact as valuable as the quest buildup made me feel. If I had received it at all, that is. I let the guy go and never crafted the spear.
  14. You sir should go an replay Kotor and Kotor 2 . In Kotor 1 and 2 there are 2 characters that are playable in both of the games, T3-M4 and HK-47. T3-M4 being a character that you always get in both of the games while HK-47 in both games was an optional droid you could get, in the first game you could buy him and in the 2nd you had to repair him. But that's what he said. There are droid companions, but your character can't be a droid, making these companions more special. You avoid overlapping specialization that way.
  15. We have a Stories forum for spoilers. Use it. I don't have a problem with losing out on a neat shiny artifact because I did the ethical thing. Besides, that artifact sucks because it doesn't take your build into account, so it's very likely you won't have any need for it.
  16. And what would you accomplish by that? People all around the world consider the gods to be a very important part of their lives. Simply turning the gods off, with all their divine power, with all the blessings they grant their followers, might not be a wise idea. A lot of things we can do in the game aren't particularly wise or benevolent, some with long-lasting consequences, yet we can do them all the same. In that final moment we hold thousands of souls in our hands, capable of erasing them from existence if we wish, capable of bringing great joy or great pain to thousands of parents. Is destroying the gods so much different? I don't think turning off the machine would actually destroy them, they aren't trapped inside it like the lost souls are, but even so, we already ruined one Engwithan machine in the Heritage Hill, why not break another?
  17. The Gloomfrost Seer it was, I think. There was another one in IWD2.
  18. Pillars of Eternity wasn't meant to be a real life simulator. You didn't create a person, you created a character limited by the contraints of this particular video game's mechanics. Mechanics you don't seem to understand very well, using the attribute names while creating your character without care for what these attributes actually do. In Korgan's case, you focused on fortitude, which is defense against attacks on your body systems: poison, disease. You completely ignored deflection, which is typical physical sturdiness and the ability to withstand melee and ranged single target attacks. Your battle-worn berserker can survive the plague, but he'll fall over when a child whacks him with a stick. This is the person you created and then you wonder why you can't tank anything... Out of curiousity, I went into the game and checked your stats. To reach these values, you had to dump Resolve and Perception to 3-4. As a fighter, your deflection is 29 to 58 fortitude. As a barbarian, your deflection would be a grand total of 3 points.
  19. Well, it's not really a temple, it's two people sitting there because their real temple is unusable and their friends were eaten by a dragon. Pallegina will have special interactions with Hylea herself later on.
  20. It doesn't really matter what the IE games originally did. Adding a story mode doesn't take away anything from people who like the challenge - they can just choose any other difficulty setting. But it does make the game more accessible to a wide spectrum of players. And while this might not be viable in games with minimal to no story, focused purely on gameplay, I think it would work beautifully in many RPGs, including Pillars.
  21. This is idiotic. The game has a colorblind mode specifically to counter problems like this, why does the project lead's daltonism affect the design of normal mode at all?
  22. Not really, you can go through the dungeon as well, like the first time you met Maerwald. Besides, the OP said that door is also locked.
  23. Ever since my first manual resolve when something went horribly wrong and almost all my hirelings turned on me, my shock Vailian mage - standing right next to the keep's door - attacks me every time he sees me. Even when killed/dismissed and rehired. Furthermore, every time I talk to hirelings on the grounds, the dialogue window shows engagement in melee. Sometimes they attack me too if I bump into them, no hostile intent. I gave up on making sense of my stronghold. I hope this was fixed in the patch, or will be in a future patch.
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