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Everything posted by TrashMan

  1. The video is more there to showcase hte weight issue. Relisticly the testing falls flat because they are hacking at the mail placed on a tree. A human being isn't a tree. And a human being moves to absorb the shock of the impact. Now of course the chainmail won't protect you agtainst a clean hit from a battle-axe, but in battle, clean hits are not easy to score.
  2. Then you suck at playing a mage. Because a mage is never useless unless you dont' know how to paly him. A mage can still shoot a crossbow, swing a quatarstaff, use scrolls or wands or if nothing else be a decoy.
  3. Yes, the old IE games lack any fatigue indicator. That was the problem as you coudln't tell how tired the party was. Um a fatigue icon would show on the characters portrait? Yes, but AFTER you already become fatigued.It's about as usefull as "you are dead" flashing on your screen after you HP goes to 0, without having any HP indicator anywhere. A bar going down, showing you how fatigued you are would have been a FAR better idea.
  4. No, that's flawed logic and assumptions based on your own preconceptions. Not really. The rouge is part of hte group. Let's say you are fighting 5 guards...you think that the rouge will be able to move around without a single one noticing? Also, sports are somewhat different than battle, since you don't die if you make a mistake in sports. Also, while you can have a general idea where your party mates might be, that idea is hte product of a moment. You take a glance, see, turn back towards the enmy and fight. In 3 seconds they might be in completley different positions. Peopel move around. And since there's your people and enemies behind you back, when oyu hear a noise (and you'll hear a lot of noise) there's no way for you to tell who that is no what was is he facing. So the idea that a rogue can be magicly undetectable and perfectly place hits on a moving opponent, while a fighter can't, is utterly redicolous. A rouges roles should be more bond-like. Or Sam Fisher-like. Not to backstab in combat - but to sabotage the enemy before the combat starts. Say you are clearinga bandit hideout and they have 2 guys patroling. And let's say the AI is decent enough that they know how to raise alarm. The thief sneaks, waits for a good opportunity and quietly takes out one of the guards (backstab on out-of-comabt opponents unaware of your presence), hiding the body somewhere. He slips inside the fort, sabotages the alarm, sets a trap in front of the enemy sleeping rooms and goes back. THEN your party moves in and wreaks havoc, the thief/rogue moving around wherever he's needed the most, flanking and being one big nusiance. That's how a rogue should play.
  5. I want it to be very much medieval-ish. Some people have a rather very dark image of medieval times...it wasn't really as horrible as some say.
  6. Soooo, you wanted the entire game to be levels 1-3 in D&D? Or maybe 1-6 if you're talking 2nd ed? Because anything beyond that is by definition superhuman. Well, except for the fighter class outside of Pathfinder and 4th ed. But that's because D&D fighter class design has always sucked donkey **** until those 2. Fighters didn't suck. They were a simple class, but had tactical options (especially in pathfinder). All the combat manouvers were normal stuff, no magical powers. Everoyne having magical powers cheapens them. I don't want to see every fighter hiting the gound with his sword, causing a massive shockwave, nor gainign super-speed, nor jupming 50 feet into hte air. I don't want to see rouges conjuring magical poison from their buttocks. Now don't get me wrong - I'm sure PE will be a great game. But I'm afraid that it seems less and less lilkely that it will truly be my kind of game. Setting and mechanics are two things that make or break a RPG for me. After all, the best horror in the world won't draw you in if you're not interested in horror.
  7. Yes, the old IE games lack any fatigue indicator. That was the problem as you coudln't tell how tired the party was.
  8. You understand nothing. Other wise you wouldn't be arguing. Why would it mean he can't handle ordinary things? Don't you handle ordinary thing and do stuff over the day? Is it fun to chug poitions? FUN is relative. I can easily consider half the stuff you find interesting in RPGs to be utterly boring. And why would it be tediosu to manage ordinary fatigue? It's not really hard to manage to begin with. You already had that in BG and IWD....don't you recall characters getting sleepy? So no..I don't really get your point. After 20 hours of walking around i'll drop half-dead. Presumed i hadn't stopped for a while, camped to have a meal, or simply sat on my back to respire. Even with pauses it will still tire you. Again, breath and fatigue...two different things in essence. So, everyday 8 hour sleep, controlled by player as a must? Not as a must. But hey, if you do choose to go on two days without sleeping then you face the consequences. And no, you don't have to sleep exactly 8 hours. People can generaly go on for a while with shorter sleep cycles. Atlough every once and a while they really do need a long sleep. You speak from ignorance. If you knew anything about armor, weapons and fighting you wouldn't be saying that. Armor and physical activity are tireing. Even light armor. Some more than others. For one, it is hot in armors. For two they add extra weight. For three, there's the aditional weight of weapons and everything else that is in your backpack. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ymBF3nfhCU&feature=player_detailpage#t=127s Check the 2 minute and 5:50 minute marks.
  9. I guess the game assumes the party is making best speed. Surely you want to be fresh, so you don't want to sleep too far away. Neither you want to be too close. Would oyu prefer it if hte player cna draw a path on the map and set resting points? Speaking of which, why didn't you rest before starting the journey in hte first place?
  10. I can't say I like it. It basicly sounds like Dragon Age 2 combat moves, only explained by SOUL POWER. Sounds very, very bad. Goddamit, I wanted to play a normal human. But it sure sounds like everyone will be doing superhuman anime-like moves and crap. I'm really starting to dread the setting.
  11. Again with the flawed logic. If someone is behind your back in a battle then chances are you don't know he is there. Or don't know who he is, because you can't see. Maybe it's your party memeber. Also if you are pitched in battle - especially with multiple combatants - then you are on the move. It is different if you sneak to some guard and stab him in the back while he's just standing there.
  12. That doesn't make much sense either. For one, a battle is a very noisy enviroment. And you cannot really brace yourself against an attack you don't know when is coming and from what angle. For third - how do you know what kind of armor my warrior is wearing? There are no items restrictions, remember? What if my mage attacks from behind? He has no armor.. See the problem with your reasoning?
  13. Wouldn't that depend on the individual?
  14. Furthermore, injuries could reduce your max HP a little that is only restored by proper medical care.
  15. Yes, it is enough. You jsut dont' get the system, do you? As for real life - third day you wearing 3-layered chainmail (with short sleeves, my case), you won't much notice it on your shoulders. Anything thiner and/or you are more used to, and you wouldn't notice any change from normal daily fatigue at all. And there could be a simple cloth west on hero. You will fatigue even if you go around naked. The armor is not the point. It just increases your fatigue generation, but it happens without it. You can sit in your house all day doing nothing and by the end of the day you will still be tired. Point is that you won't be. You WILL be exhausted after 20 hours of wlakign around, even if you didn't cast a single spell the entire day. Everything you do from the moment you wake up to the moment you go to bed drains your fatigue - slowly but surely. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA...
  16. Attacks of Opportunity were great (cause of frustration as well) in Temple of Elemental Evil. A good skilled fighter with a big weapon and combat reflexes would whack everybody who'd try to waltz past. I know...and if he head keen weaposn with Greater Critical... mwahahahahaha I once had a fighter kill 4 people during their turn. A bandit tries to get past him - WHAM crit, cleave the next guy - crit, great clave - crit - cleave ... You could have something similar. Like a "Area Denial" stance that causes your fighter to auto-attack anyone attmpeting to pass trough his thretened area - and if he hits (enemy gets a penalty to his defenses) the enemy is grounded for a while, but so is the fighter.
  17. Stabbing someone in the armpit is not something a regular fighter is likely to do. This is because it takes entirely too much attention even with bonuses from flanking and is very likely to fail. A rogue on the other hand, will almost exclusively go for strikes like that. It does much more damage but is harder to do on a regular basis unless said person is distracted. Actually it is. If a opportunity presents itself, they would do it. There are even combat manuals that showcase this in various occasions. From brining a man to the ground and then sliding in the tip of the blade under the helmet or armpit, to breaking thumbs with the sword crossguard, kicking in the nads and so forth. Suppose we twist the roles around and the rouge is in pitched comabt and the fighter comes from behind. You think a fighter shouldn't be able to hit a vital?
  18. Virmire makes more sense then the suicide mission, evne if it is contrived. With the suicide mission you have the sutpidity of your companions getting a bullet becasue you didn't do a pep talk with them. With Virmire the situation feels fake, because Ashley and Kaidan were 200 meters away from eachoter for one - and for another, the Normandy was right above the bomb size 5 minutes ago with a a compliment of marines. Where the hell did it go? But those naggin problems can be fixed by better design. I honestly prefer a properly crafted Virmire to the sucide mission a thousand times.
  19. Because the soul eating mechanic was so hugely unpopular that even Ziets is on record saying it was a design mistake and he would try to push the sense of urgency and danger on the player by different means if he was making the game today. MEh.. most people are stupid wankers - so used to being able to do anything at anytime and doing stupid things because there is no penalty. The second you add a penalty they start throwing a childish tantrum. I'd make EVERY quest a timed quest just to p*** those people off.
  20. Ironicly, the VAST majority of poeple who say that have no idea how aligment actually works. Ironically, I'm not in that VAST majority. I met plenty of people who claimed they understood aligment - but they didn't. Their idea was restrictive and stiffled gameplay - so no wonder they didn't quite like it. Aligment is a general direction. An indicator as to what a character aims for OR what a race gravitates towards as a whole. It's not a straight-jacket or a club to beat people over the head with.
  21. "Spicati (crinis) magnis penetratio" :devil: :devil: Or translated:
  22. If you need to keep the eenmy of your caster, insted of fighter having agroo, let him PHISICLY BLOCK the opponent (as he should be doing). That's what threat range is for. In old games you could place your fighter between the enemy fighter and mage - they'd just waltz right trough/around. I'd really like if a fighter could protect a mage by blocking acess to him.
  23. So...couldn't you technically have a "paladin" by having a fighter who (assuming backgrounds are in) was raised/trained/joined an Order of Paladins in the society? This would give you a "paladin" without being a new class and one that they could build some reactivity to the character (quests, faction ratings based on how the order is perceived, etc.). If it's an exclusive club and if joining comes with special abiltities and paladin-like powers. Yes. If it's just a title? no.
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