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Everything posted by TrashMan

  1. Weather fights are balanced /dificult /interesting depends on so much more than just health regeneratnig mechanics. Peronsally I'm against such cheesy mechanics. -Unless you got a powerfull regenerating spell or item, no regeneration
  2. Monty Phyton jokes and refferences - vorpal bunny - holy hand grenade - the black kgniht - the swallow - the princ(es) needig nrescue - swamp castle 40K jokes and refferences - TEH INQUISITON. Fantasy cliches jokes and refferences.
  3. Your list of what does and doesnt' work is purely subjective, and I tend to not agree wit it. Pretty much anything can work for a villain if done properly. And note that pushing too much in any direction create chiches. You might say that a moustache-twirling villain holding evil speaches is chiche, and therefore deman a more moraly gray, tragic villain. Guess what - those are a cliche too. As are simply crazy ones. And forces of nature. And demons. And everything else. Everything has been done. There is no "original great enemy". There is only "the type of enemy I'm not fed up with...yet" EDIT: Also, how is the Blight not your problem? The Darkspawn try to kill you. They will kill everything. They are everyones problem.
  4. Can't it be both? I tend to disagree with you on the notion that simulating real combat is worthless. Real combat has real tactics.
  5. Go for the forums Boof! Go for the forums!
  6. [marik voice] Hey everybody, I am extreemly indifferent! [/marik voice]
  7. The update says there will be two stats for taking damage: stamina and health. Lose all your stamina and you're unconscious, lose all your health and you're either maimed (in standard gameplay) or dead dead dead (in Expert mode, or as an option in standard gameplay) with no possibility of coming to life again. Sounds like Jagged Alliance 2 health and energy. If you took a shotgun shot in the chest while wearing kevlar armor, you lost energy/stamina and could fall to the ground with the air punched out of your lungs, but you recieved little to no actual health damage.
  8. Hate any kind of mechanic that trivilizes wounds. I want wounds to matter. Like in Jagged Alliance 2 or in X-Com.
  9. It would also be good if the game somehow reflected the amount of room needed to properly wield a weapon. Staves and Zweihänders should be difficult to employ in narrow passages or when fighting shoulder to shoulder. Staves would fare worse in such a situation. You can always use half-swording with a zweihander. Even in narrow corridors it can be used to stab. Quaterftaffs lose much when you can only thrust with it. But yes. Large weapons would be less effective. I'm thinking penalty to hit and/or defense? Altough forming a phalanx in a corridor would be funyn to see. The enemy can't flank you.
  10. I really want health and injuries to matter. Healing should be serious buisness. Health shouldn't be something you can regain easily. I actually want to see injuries being so bad that your party memebr can be out of comission for days, and you take anotehr one in his place while the first one rests. Naturally, chugging health potions and being fine and dandy is contrary to that idea.
  11. I dont' like the "lever romp" experience you describe. I don't want to start killing rats and end up killing gods. I want to start killing normal, dagerous things and move on to fight more dangerous things. I don't want to struggle with a single bandit only to kill hordes of them wihout looking later. I want to struggle in the begining and still be challenged later by the same opponent(s) So stupid HP and power inflation. God-like power levels are for ego-maniacs anyway.
  12. Like the Spanish Inquisition? Well played good Sir! Well played!
  13. It's because the Aryan are also strong and stupid in their games. More like, some people have nothing better to do then look for things to call racist. Which is extreemly sad.
  14. Yep, it might be true in real life but in PC games - it might just annoy players and make them feel compelled to use the strategy guide/walkthrough. I'm all for unexpected surprises - whether good or bad, but I think we're both in the minority here. Every decisions you make can (and will) annoy some palyers. The devs should focus on making a good game and ignore stupid complaints.
  15. I personally don't care about people who can't solve riddles becasue they don't know english. Learn it ya lazy bum. Or if you won't, skip the riddle or looks for a walktrough.
  16. This is where you are wrong. Why is damage the only thing yo uare looking at? Is it the only thing that defines a weapon? No. For one, bludgeon isn't the best of all. Especially lighter bludgeon weaponry. They'd have a hard time agaisnt plate. It is true that such weapons work great agaianst anything that isn't rigid (lighter armors) - however, such weapons are also more sluggish and more easily dodged, and they lack the finesse of many other weapons.
  17. One thing to have in mind is that many players fall prey to "game thinking" insted of "roleplay thinking". They will go after the toughest mosnters and challenges, even if there is rationally no chance of sucess. Cthulu? We're taking him on! Why? BECAUSE HE'S THERE! I don't mind at all if players like that get their asses handed to them so hard, their grandchildren still feel it.
  18. My thought of this matter are simple: Choices and consequences shouldn't fabricated or constrained to follow any specific pattern. They should be natural and logical. No more, no less. Grey shouldn't be forced anymore than white or black should.
  19. I don't think there should be such a thing as a "trash mob" in the first place.
  20. No. People have a limit to how string they cna be. No matter how much you train or how much "experience" oyu gain you'll never be as strong as Superman. Caps are just that - reaching the limit of the human body. No. Clases should have no bonuses at allRaces shoudl have maximums. Otherwise, there's no real physical difference between races.
  21. Oh Please... Cauthrien was a HP sponge. Just giving a normal human oppotent a centilion HP does NOT a good battle make. Also, level shouldn't have that big of an impact. It if does, that means power creep. And I hate power creep.
  22. How about Confused Dog of the Obsidian Order? Matches your avatar.
  23. http://spoonyexperiment.com/2012/09/02/counter-monkey-never-get-on-the-boat/
  24. TPK players.. TPK ALL THE PLAYERS!!!! ALL THE TIME! I want to see egoistical players beaten to a bloody pulp. And then ground into fine paste.
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