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Everything posted by TrashMan

  1. I weep because of the horrendoues loss. Truly. Mind you, that was ment sarcasticly. I mean the previous thing. This also. If your only reason for dissing the rouge idea is that you think party splitting isn't an option - ever, even for a minute - then we truly have nothing to discuss.
  2. False, if I see a big honking fiery bird, I'm going to want to kill and loot it. Phoenix feathers are worth good money around these parts. Good luck with that. Not only it would murderdeathkill you, but if you somehow do manage to kill it, it would instantly explode in fire an all that would be left are ashes. From which it would be reborn, renewed and invigorated, ready to whoop your ass. The only way you'll get a feather from it is if you ask nicely.
  3. I'd like to point out that that has already been confirmed as being included in the game. Other that that, I'd like to add trapping, alchemy of some kind (focused on poisons?) and mechanical tinkering versatility. Not necessarily in a same rogue but as possibilities. Maybe even as combinations: poisoned traps, mechanical lockpicks that make it faster, that sort of thing. The irony is that I'm begining to regret pledging more. I have a feeling that the world and the underlying mechanics of the game are moving ever more away from what I like. Such silly mechanics as rouges dissapearing in plain sight really get to me. And worlds which push philosophy/sprituality/afterlife musing so heavily (PST, MoTB and now this) never did resonate well with me.
  4. Nope, they are not. Paladins are the 12 knights of Charlemagne, and AFAIK, they didn't go slaughtering innocents.
  5. The problem with tellign palyers to not mess wiht someone is that you have to be very literal, because of palyer mentality. They will just see it as challenge. the more dangerous the opponent, the more they want to fight it. Cthulu? Why not, they risk nothing since it's a game. Just reload. Even a retard cna win any battle like that with enough tries. Which is why I said that IronMan is the only true way to play. It forces you to actually pay atention. It actually puts back the fear of death.
  6. League of Legend, Baron. Roshan in DotA. These two are very simplistic examples in a simplistic (competitive) game and they serve as a representation this "High Threat Legendary Beast". For a game like Project: Eternity I would hope it'd be a little bit more.. dynamic. To draw a picture; it could mean that Baron or Roshan would walk around the map at some points instead of "standing still". You might yell "Blasphemous!" but I heard that Onyxia was very interesting (long ago, when WoW was still "fresh") to fight where you needed a really big group to defeat it. Haven't heard anything about it in quite some time. Nothing of those really count. Not only are those MMO's and multiplayer games, but everyone a PC there and bosses are boring HP sponges. Immagine a fight where hunderds of soldiers rush at a dragon with spears and arrows, while it kills them by the dozens. You use that distraction to flank it. Trick it by droping a large boulder on it. Lure it in range of ballistas. Things like that.
  7. What? Yes it does. The rest of your party waits a bit as the rogue does his thing. "But that is boooring" you might say? Your face is boring.
  8. I'm of the oppinion that the world need to have a few of those bottuns. The palyer should NEVER be the top dog and overpwoer everything. There need to be things to keep his ego in check and remind hinm that it's a big world, and he's just one guy in it.
  9. Great question and great post (post-introduction). Phoenix's are amazingly graceful, ancient and beautiful Indeed. Interestingly enough, going by myths there is only one Phoenix. Singular. Phoenix imagry and myths are found in almost every culture - from Chiina and Japan to India, europe and america. Symbolicly it has stood for: destruction, hope, renewal, death, fire, perserverance, life, beuty, freedom, wisdom, power, immorality, eternity, etc... This isn't every fantasy. K, jumped the gun there. Was more of a figure of speech anywhoo. Have no? That depdends on the writer/designer, but it would really get the power of the creature to show and make for a different than usual fare. When's the last time you took on a giant monster with outside help?
  10. Because that makes it linear. Since there's no way to gain Xp except by doing quests, you can *never* do a level 10 quest without first having done the level 5 quests. You're forced to walk the straight predetermined path without deviation. Plus, it's trivial to predict with high accuracy the Player's level at any given point in each other system. Your low value is the Player who just followed the main quest path, your high value is the Player who followed Main + Sidequests, and anyone who opted to grind outside of that is on their own (If it's even possible to grind). Incorrect. That depends on the way leveling and power scales. You can do a quest that's several levels above or beneath you in a well-made system. And what you describe in neither exact nor trivial. What? No you don't. What kind of overy-complex system do you have in mind here? Your solutions are about as elegant as a monkey in a fine restoraunt.
  11. What part of "adventurers don't have time for this" did you miss? Blacksmithing in as art that takes YEARS - if not decades - to truly master. And I somehow doubt the game will span years. Sure, the PC could learn some of the basics....But crafting great items? No way.
  12. I don't think anyone here demands that non-lethal methods are 100% effective. A lot of people would love to TRY and take someone out..even if they fail. In fact, when doing non-lethal damage, I would prefer that you don't get any penalites to hit - you just have a chance that you will inflict full normal damage. Actually, any non-lethal attack should deal a small amount of real damage in additon to energy/stamina (or non-lethal) damage.
  13. That's because bad systems have perverted/distorted your idea of what a rouge is or should be like. Since when? I've been playing Rogue-ish type characters in PnP, video games, and MMOs for about 20 years now. The "back stab" or "sneak attack" or any other name for an underhanded, premeditated attack from stealth, has always been a constant hallmark of the archetype. Since forever. Since it's earliest days, when D&D was still young it needed simple ruels. And since it was extreemly combat-oriented, rouges needed something. So they game them backstab. With more advanced mechanic that allow far more variation and complexity, and with more non-combat content, this is no longer necessary. Actually I can argue that it never really was necessary in the first place, it was just easy to implement. Think again.
  14. "backstab" has been changed, to sneak attack, in the DnD world a long time ago. Sneak attack is an important part of being a rogue and a lot of their skills are geared around it. Eliminating this skill just because you want to see a fighter do higher damage in a fight all the time would be silly. This game and past crpg's are based around combat which really restricts a LOT of skills a rogue and the player can effectively use. Thus making combat skills a higher priority for a rogue to have to ensure that they server a purpose in a party. In a perfect world/game a rogue could scale the walls and throw his voice to confuse his enemies so that he could sneak by. Always avoiding combat unless he has the clear advantage on his target. No, I don't want to eliminate the skill because I want a fighter to do more damage. I want to re-do the class so it makes more sense and gets more character and depth. By your own admission in a perfect game a rogue would play differenlty. So why not try and make hte rogue play better? It's not impossible. The D&D system isn't perfect and beyond improvements. Clearly some progress can be made. Again - it all boils down to game/encounter/level design. You CAN make it balanced for a rogue. Also, a lot of people - you included - seem to have a very narrow definition of what makes a class usefull. You're thinking strictly in the lines of battlefield lethality (DPS) and complety ignore battlefield utility. What a rouge should be able to do outside of battle: - scout areas - set traps - use varioues devices, pick locks, etc... - sneak (but not in broad daylight. Sneaking is often done rather poorly. I'm all for having to keep to darker corners and taking the longer way around. Also possibly dousing out light sources. Visibility AND sound matter.) - get around various ostables (climb walls, jump over chasms, walk on ledges, etc..) - sneak up on a unsuspecting guard and preform a insta-kill (knife to the back of the skull) Inside of battle: - move around fast, flank and confuse opponents. they should NOT become magicly invisible and do sneak attacks then. Only normal flanking. Their speed and sliperyness is a great asset on a truly tactical battlefield in itself. Of course, such a system is not easy to pull off
  15. Clear? Nothing is clear or obvious. Keep your fantasies to youself. Even if your first assumption (that I never play rouge) was true (which is not), IE games are party-based so you DO end up controling a ruge anyway. And in games like ID and ToEE all characters are yours. I'm not trying to take anything "away" from a rogue. Quite the opposite. I'm trying to give a rogue more depth. Of course I disagree with you. You already labeled me as someone who shouldn't be listed to based on nothing but your own fears and insecurities.
  16. FRAK NO!!!! No dragon taming! Dragons have been sooooo overused in every fantasy that they lost any and ALL mystique they had. There is no more awe and wonder at it. No respect. No fear. Dragon armor Dragon sword Dragon mounts Dragon magic Dragon blood Dragon this, dragon that. TO. HELL. WITH. DRAGONS. If there is to be a dragon in PE I want there to be just one. A big, majestic creature that WTFPWNS a max-level party. You need an army (literaly) to beat one. How about some other mythical creature for a change? Infinitely superior t a dragon in every way. And not evil to boot. Altough one might ask - why put a creature in if you're not gonna slay it? Maybe because not everything in the world exist to be killed?
  17. Interesting thing is that different people will have different ideas about what is right and wrong. But for the most part - people will be really SECURE in one decision or another. In practilcy any game I've played, I rarely have trouble picking a side or an option. Let's take a few examples: - Collector Base in ME2 - I save it every time. It's a no brainer. Yet there's plenty of people that think it's the most evil decision possible. I personally consider destroying it the most retarded move possible. - Rachnii in ME1 - the only time in ME I actually paused for a second (aside from Vinmire). Killing her seems a less risky option (is there a reason to trust her at all?). I just wish there was a more painless way of killing her than acid. - DA mage/templar issue - Templars. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of a few. Unless the templars are being a collosal d***osaurus I'll usually side with them. They are a more controlled and grounded bunch anyway. etc... For the most part, creating such "grey", indicisive options is difficult and very often feels FORCED. It feels as tough negative traits and things are deliberately placed just to marr things and make things more "equal". That sensible, honorable knight you want to join? He's secretly a pedofile! That murdering mage? He generously donated to orphans and saves kittens from trees on Sundays. The most "natural" decisions in Real Life usually stem from not having enough information to make a informed decision... Something to think about?
  18. Some days I want to eat chocolate. Other I prefer vanilla. There is no "better way". Both approaches are equally valid. Some days I want greyness and lot of dillemas, some days I just want to bash Belzebubs skull with a hammer. **** But If you do decide to go one route - stick with it. Don't do what BioWare /EA did with Cerberus and TIM. Don't create a great grey character and turn him all evil and incompetent.
  19. JA2 did it and with 18 characters. So it can be done.
  20. Uumu..how is that a bad thing? Knowing with more accuracy player XP is good for balancing encounters and quests. And how is that less organic?
  21. ToEE had an option to deal non-lethal damage. JA2 had ways of knocking opponents down - from stun grenades, tranqulizer darts to a shotgun to the chest (if the enemy wore kevlar it would just knock all the air from his lungs). All attacks did some energy damage too (depending on where the enemy was hit, more or less). Heavily wounded enemy or merc would almost alyways collapse.
  22. I disagree. I haven't seen "better" solutions. And while you are so keen to lump every proponent of objective-based-XP into the "want to sour my fun" category, allow me then to lump you into "I-want-it-all ego gamer" category. Balance must be mantained after all.
  23. That's because bad systems have perverted/distorted your idea of what a rouge is or should be like. The association between rouge and backstab has become great beacause that's one thing that was made most prominent. As well as becoming magicly invisible and crap like that.
  24. Doesn't matter. The idea that "trained all my life in X makes me super-duper extra beyond all reason and that there is is no point of diminishing returns", belongs into bad shonen anime with infinite PWR lvlz. Being stabbed in the fact - regardlessby a trianed assasin or a trained soldier - you're dead either way. There is NO logical reason a rogue should get extra damage. None other than "we need to give this class some combat features" The art of assasination lies in planing, patience and sneaking....and poisons. Not knifing. I hate what D&D did with rogues. They basicly became a fighter sub-class. They are used as a fighter all the time. Take a look at any MMO with rogues. Get into melee, DPS, backstab. No, that would be great. Rogues should get back to what they should be doing. Scouting, planing, mobility, skills. High dodge and tumble alone make rogues a important contributor in a fight.
  25. Not really. Someone whos'e grossly overweight is a walking stroke hazzard. Especially if he goes around running. Agree with you there. PC treads get on my nerves.
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