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Everything posted by TrashMan

  1. Or poeple who realize that throwing things together that have no connection whatsoever and are a product of vastly different cultures and worldviews into a blender is jarring and stupid. To create a credible world requires are and the placing and evolution of each element has to be carefully considered. Also damn your tastes.
  2. Too much abstraction is bad. And unnecessary given the processing power of computers.
  3. These bandits wear and use armor and weapons that's worth a kings ransom (and more). Why are they bothering with banditry when they could sell them and live in luxury for the rest of their lives.
  4. While a specific monster may not be part of a CAMPAIGN, it is part of the SETTING and D&D as a whole. So still suck for me. Soekaing of which, while JRPG's and WRPG's have some design preferences, excpetions prove the rule. Anime did give us some interesting armor designs.
  5. Example of a good, charismatic "villain" - The Illusive Man... Al least untill they utterly and completely ruined him.
  6. You got talent man...real talent.
  7. What's this "should"? According to whom? For what purpose? If you actually LIKE to play the game by letting the chips fall where they may, then you don't have to RESIST doing so. So what you're asking for is the ability to select a mode that FORCES you to play in a way that, by your own admission, you DON'T enjoy? Fine, whatever. It never ceases to amaze me how people invent reasons for themselves to feel guilt about things and then expect somebody else to come along and fix it. No. That would be wrong. It's not a matter of enjoment (because that implies the player doesn't enjoy playing in Ironman mode, which is provenly false). It's a matter of feling of loss and the hard-wired impulse we have to get the most of everything. It's the reason we have things like greed and we hoard stuff and the reason we gamble to being with. Now most poeple don't have enough control to always fight off that impulse. Heck, I don't think any human has. It happens plenty of times that one reloads and regrests doing it later. But maybe you are the paragon of perfection and you do not face such problems as us mere mortals. And honeslty, being so condescending and patronizing towards people who want such a game mode is even worse then the worst of e-peen waving competitions.
  8. Everything should be of use to everyone. Problem solved. DEX should be just as important as STR for fighters. (unless oyu go with the heaviest of weapons and armor) STR shoudl also be important for archers (you need a lot of strength for some of he bows - at least to use them to full effect) etc...
  9. I'm for the D&D approach of 1 attribut point every 4-5 levels. Just enough to give you an extra edge and let you steer your character. Not enough to change him radicly. Regarding inital creation - don't mind either way. Having a fixed pool of poitns to distribute does seem the most fair.
  10. Agreed. D&D often feels like someone just took every myth, culture and idea wihout any fitering process whatsoever, threw them in a big blender and hit the "puree" bottun. Such setting that try to mix everything often feel very "fake" to me. Like they are a product of some checkbox assembly process.
  11. Good post OP. The party should really try to avoid to anounce their presence ot the entire keep/stronghold/dungeon. Makes sneaking a more usefull skill. Also make retreat a more viable option in the case you are detected. "Run way, run away!" Another think I definately DO NOT WANT is aggro mechanics. I know, the idea behind it that fighter cna protect mages or injured members of hte party by taunting or drawing hte enemy to them in some other way. Frankly I consider it stupid. Have a fighter (or any character for that matter) be able to physicly block another. Have a "guard" mode in which a character/NPC stick close to another npc and doesn't let anyone come near. Far more natural.
  12. Berserk is certanly interesting... But also overhyped. Hm.. will have to look into Zetman. Speaking of villains. Do we really need to have one? I've seen interesting takes on it. For example, Planetes doesn't really have a villain. Evne tough it has terrorists and douchbag superpowers and cooprporations. Vision of Escaflowne has Donkirk.. who pretty much has the best possible intentions (happines for everyone) and a way to achieve it (a magical zone that ecompases the whole planet and fulfills everyones wishes). Alas, he failed to take into account conflicting wishes. Macross has Zentradi. Who aren't really evil. Hell, they start defecting and joining our side. Hellsing....ok, bad example.
  13. Ah yes....because making a typo when writing in a non-native language late at night is clear indication of an inferior intellect and undisputed proof that the poster is "a complete ass". You can post as many intelligent-sounding quotes as you want, and you can type fancy word with flawless perfection. If you think that makes you look smart, more power to you. Personally I just think it makes you a salve that desperately tries to mantain a fake internet image. Sincerely, some guy on the internet
  14. The thing with "option&choice" defense is that it can be horribly misused. For example, I'd like for paladins to have a lighting fart attack. If you're gaisnt it, you are limiting my choices to play the paladin the way I want to. What a bad man you are for limiting peoples choice! Which is why I draw the line at things that make sense and feel right.
  15. Somewhere in that whole ice-cream analogy I think I lost your point...what do the walnuts represent? Either he wants his villainsto be nuts (crazy) of he wants them to have nuts (be male)
  16. Griffith? The emo pertty boy with a serious man-crush? He's a bastard for sure, but he's not really greade A villain material. Have to confess, I dont' know this one. Which anime is he from?
  17. No man, it's just that you got old and lsot your sense of humor.
  18. Our Lord and Master.
  19. Plenty of memes age well. There is also an "Asceneded Meme" - a meme that persists. Like Chuck Norris jokes. And if you go and say "but I dont' find it funny". Well, millions of others do. Too bad for you. And "old" joke to you is fresh and new to someone else.
  20. I hardly consider that an easter egg. That is a completely normal and expected response. Tons of character used that same line.
  21. But if you did everything right, everyone wouldn't be dead. Sure, there would be casualties, but with precations you can prevent the worst. Also, do people really ragequit if things in a plot don't go the way they want? Doesn't Ironman mode allow you to save&quit at any time?
  22. If they require a special action to "unlock" then there is no need for subtlelty. In all the mods/campaigns I made for variosu games I almost always put it in hidden easter eggs and jokes that can be "unlocked" to show. This turns the game into a comedy show and it's worth anothe playtrough alone For example, for FS2 I made a very serious campaign with such things as: - the Vorpal Bunny fighter that can only be killed with the Holy Meson Missile of Antionch III - the GTVA Gigant(d)ick with is literally shaped like a giant, floating pecker. - Ludicrus Speed - ET calling home during a mission in which you are monitoring communications - modem dialing sounds when establishing a sattelite upling. Foghor in the nebula - "Captain, a plot hope is opening on our stern!" etc, etc...
  23. And I again ask you why do you think that battlefield mobility doesn't make him effective enough? Does he really have to have a special crit atack to be effective? Of course not. There is no "must". Balance cna be achieved in may ways...especially if you're a immaginitive sort.
  24. I don't see it. Mages with high CON will never be able to match figters. For one, if they dump points in both con and INT, there is not a lot left for STR, so they won't be heavily armored. And if you design armor properly, it can make a LOT of difference (especially since armor would take the brunt of the fireball to boot). Balance is somewhat of a strange notion in a singleplayer game. Unless you insist that all classes must be equaly usefull/efficent/powerfull in all things... Which I don't see what that would have to be the case. Personally I'd go with 10 HP per con point (no bonuses, no nothing. All classes the same) So a mage with 10 CON would have 100 HP. Gaining a LVL doesn't give you HP. Putting points in CON does. Would that mean that you can't 1-shot-kill a enemy mage with a fireball? Depending on balance, maybe. So what? However, HP discussion is a different subject, altough it kinda ties into discussing calsses, since for a very long time they have been balanced by this HP inflation. Except the CON stat IS the representation of that difference. The scienists goes down faster because he has lower CON. Why the hell would you divorce something that is a physical attribute from physical attributes and tie it to class? If a mage has high CON then he obviously also trained his body and lived healty. I don't see what is preventing him to do that.
  25. I was merely commenting/responding. I know PE is going to be a class-based system, and I have enjoyed class-based systems beofore. P.S. - it is diliberate. I like to irritate grammar natzis
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