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Everything posted by Quadrone

  1. Hm, maybe it's the Barbarian then... I have some problems with combat too since this patch, made a Barbarian with high Might and Con rest between 10-14 and now I tried to kill Medreth and his goons three times on normal and got stomped each time. Before this patch I killed them easily even with the multiple boar bug. Or is it that the encounter has been made more challenging? Anyone?
  2. Really? People are that up in arms over the highlighting? Sure, could be done a bit more subtile but overall I have to agree with mutonizer,... it helps.
  3. [Description of the issue] The standard (not fine quality) Morningstar is mostly transparent. Example: 1) Create Barbarian. 2) Select Old Valia as your Culture. 3) Your equipped Morningstar is nearly invisible. 4) This is also the case after character creation when viewed on the inventory screen. [Expected behaviour] Without appropriate magical enchantment weapons should be opaque.
  4. Didn't see this reported so far and couldn't find an old report of this either, so here it is: [Description of the issue] Combat encounter is going bad and I decide to reload while the battle is still going on. Once the game has loaded I am getting attacked instantly even though at this point I never had attacked the NPCs. This persists even to older saves, not only the most recent one. Example: 1) Walk up to Merdeth and his group. 2) Save. 3) Talk to Merdeth and initiate combat afterwards. 4) Reload a previous save. 5) Merdeth and his group are now hostile from the start. [Expected behaviour] Reload resets everything to the state it was at the time at which you saved.
  5. Happened to me as well, seems to only affect BB Fighter so far. Happens anywhere, just save and reload.
  6. Huh, Dragons must be weak as **** in Eternity. Usually there is one big bad Dragon as the antagonist on any kind of artwork and here there's a whole swarm of them descending on our party. Alternatively they just wanted to show the party about to get absolutely anihilated, one of those two.
  7. And what good does that do compared to the frustration these new nano inventories would create?
  8. I must be a hopeless optimist but I just don't see how the beta is in such a sad state that, if each patch is at least of the quality of the first one, 3-4 more patches plus one release day patch won't get the game into an acceptable state. Or, at least, why so many seem to doubt that it'll work out like this. While some new bugs appeared, overall the beta improved quite a bit with one patch. Finalizing yet missing content is something that is hopefully sheduled and planned ahead already and nothing we have to worry about. Reworking and testing game mechanics (attributes, combat, AI, etc...) might take more time but then it is also completely up to the Devs how much the want to reiterate on that . It does work after all.
  9. This is bait, isn't it? OP is just trying to be a master ruseman, right?
  10. Couldn't disagree harder. First of, Were- forms? In a fantasy game? How unrealistic! Second, animal forms don't really visually show off your improved combat prowess. "Ok, let me transform into a stag and then I'll beat that lions ass."
  11. Glad you like them! The druid spells you saw were done by Krystina who is another artist at Obsidian, and I think they turned out really good! I have a few artists helping me with icons now, so expect to see more new stuff in future patches! Phew! Hearing recently that you were alone doing all the still missing art had me more worried then all the bugs. Good to know you get at least a bit of extra backup.
  12. Why even ask such a useless question? Do you really think there is any chance at all the entire combat system will be changed a couple of months before the release date?
  13. I guess we're **** outta luck then, because there is no way Obsidian will pay for continued development out of their own pockets past Q1 2015. If even past December at all.
  14. I was thinking along the same lines as you. While a lot of the criticism in this forum is very much understandable considering the state of the beta, I still feel that there is a lot of doomsaying going on as well. Currently we just can't gauge at what speed Obsidian is able to implement missing assets and fix bugs. At least wait until one patch is released, if that doesn't fix enough stuff to make a difference then everyone can start lamenting to their hearts content.
  15. Hm, perhaps Obsidian will make those numbers public... me personally though? I wouldn't. No responsibility to do so and no positive payoff, just more people complaining. "You got X on top of the Kickstarter money? And now you want more for the expansion? You're just pocketing our money!"
  16. That's an option. Perhaps it even does already work like that. I don't know. Though I'd still argue that 15% is too low a percentage to make a difference in most fights, no matter how much extra damage I get. Again, except for enemies with mountains of HP but then I doubt that the damage increase the Death Godlike gets is so big that it matters there either. I just don't see where extra damage against a near-death enemy would make a difference. You either got him on his knees anyway and 1-2 extra attacks by your Godlike won't matter, or you already ****ed up and most of your party is dead and it all comes down to your last guy standing having that little extra damage. Btw. number 2 will never happen since everyone who isn't playing on ironman has reloaded by that point.
  17. Maybe it has already been mentioned elsewhere and I just didn't see it, but do the special abilities of the Godlike actually scale with level? Because, if not, some are pretty underwhelming and others will surely become useless as the game progresses. Case in point: The Death Godlike does increased damage to enemies below 15% health. That seems borderline useless if the percentage doesn't increase, if we ignore Boss battles with dragons or similar, an enemy with 15% health will die with a few hits either way, decreasing the number of hits needed probably by two at most. It's a bit different with the Moon Godlike, they release healing waves at several points as their stamina goes down. Sounds good, but again if it doesn't scale the amount of healing that was awesome at level 1 will be neglible at level 12. Now some might say: "Why should the Godlike abilities scale anyway? Enjoy your bonus, the other races don't get anything!" Wrong, they get helmets. And helmets do scale and also offer flexibility. Already the Stag Helmet in the beta gives skill and attribute boni and I'm sure that's not the best helmet in the game and surely not the best helmet once the expansion releases. So, do i have to feel embarassed for whining about something that was already answered or do I actually have a point? Opinions?
  18. I don't understand this line of thinking, seems like a bunch of slippery slope suggestions. Let me use some hyperbole to get my point across: "Just let me play however I want to. Why are you oppressing me?" "I'm just playing this game for the story. Give me an optional invulnerability mode so I can breeze through combat!" "Just leave this infinite gold exploit in, you don't have to use it."
  19. 3-5*6 every 2 seconds Oh please spare me the hyperbole, combat in PoE is hardly that different from Baldurs Gate or Icewind Dale. Activate one ability on your Fighter, Barbarian, Rogue, Paladin early on then park them in melee combat, actvate other abilities when needed. Priests, Chanters, Druids and Wizards sling spells from the back for greatest effect. You did read that PoE is trying to mimic the Infinity Engine RPGs when you backed this game didn't you? If so, then I don't understand how the addition of some active abilities for the melee classes now makes everything too complicated for you.
  20. Holy ****, are you people insane? Cut abilities? By half or more?? What? Are you telling me auto attacking with your fighter is fun but activating one of his 3-5 abilities is overload? Or that having big and nuanced spell lists is undesireable, like you know, how it was in Baldurs Gate? This forum is driving me nuts. Good thing it's way too late to even consider lunacy like this.
  21. They are meant to look Alien and intimidating, especially the Death godlikes, which get a bad rap from almost everyone. Yes,...so? I didn't say that I disliked the apperance of the Godlike, just that some of their horns and masks are oversized compared to their bodies. It makes their proportions look out of whack. Horns on a human look still weird enough, even if they're not 40 cm long.
  22. I like the looks of most of the Godlike on priniciple, but ... The one thing that stands out for me is that some of the Horns/Masks of the Godlike are way oversized. This is especially noticeable with the male Death Godlike. My guess is this was done so that the Characters were still distinguishable even when zoomed out, but to my tastes someone went a bit overboard when doing so. Making them look rather comical whenever you look at them up close.
  23. Yup, that's exactly what I think. Yeah. This. Can't be repeated enough. Absolutely retarded.
  24. I'll just skip your link to that Polygon article as it seems to have little to do with what I criticized,...like the rest of your post. So my point again slightly extended: We are just a few months away from release and you ask for lots of new details from additional environment animations, creature animations, new Dialogue/VO work to even new mechanics like "Spiders attacking by touching a web on the floor". Thats all cool and everyone including me would surely love getting more of everyting. But money, time and manpower are all limited. Time = money and all these extras will take lots of time. Please remember that PoE has over 150 maps that would need to be touched up according to your ideas and that's not even considering the creature changes you asked for. I can understand that you'd like the game to be super detailed and polished but that is not really giving advice.OE doesn't have Blizzard time and money and will probably be relieved if they can get the game done in time, balanced, bug free and with all the planned features included. Tldr; dreaming up "wouldn't it be cool" type ideas isn't helpful and it also isn't part of beta testing, it's just kinda annoying.
  25. You started out somewhat reasonable and then went full retard. How many people do you think work on this game, how much time and money do they have? Getting so tired of all these backseat developers...
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