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Everything posted by Quadrone

  1. The Barbarians skill "Threatening Presence" is continuously triggering on enemies in the AoE. Several times per second each. This causes them to constantly play their "get-hit" sound and slightly stutter as if they were taking a physical hit.
  2. I think it's already too late for that. The next patch is not likely going to happen before January. It's also not that the beta is "broken", many people including me are playing just fine.
  3. I see similar threads pop up from time to time with requests for intricate features or lamenting the absence of the same. And most of the time I feel the posters of such threads are losing sight of the scope of this game. This is a Kickstarter game. For a paltry 4 mil. we already get a game the size of, at least, Baldurs Gate 1 made from scratch. Asking for such detailed combat animations is not only too late now, but probably out of the question ever. Though I'm certain Obsidian would be happy to provide if there was another million or two to employ some extra full time animators. PS: I'm actually surprised you agree with the OP Sensuki. I would have sworn you'd say that a.) that isn't the way IE games did it and b.) that all the uncontrolable movement would harm combat readability.
  4. Well, first off it's a beta not an actual demo. There's still stuff missing or broken and bugs occur as well. Regarding your questions: No, saves won't carry over to release and most of the time also not through builds. That's because the beta is sort of a standalone. It's a cutout from PoE and won't later upgrade into the complete game on Steam.
  5. [Description of the issue] When engaging battle with a certain type of the Skaen Cultists in the Dyrford Ruins they use a skill that seems to cause an infinte loop. The targeted character is surrounded by a violet/black starshaped aura and violet/black balls seem to shoot towards him from off-screen. This causes stuttering and sound tearing. Aditionally the log is being bombarded by a dozend actions per second. From what I could make out it seems to be a skill used by cultist using a bow. It was always my BB fighter that was targeted. The loop ends when the NPC that used the skill is killed but the loop can break the log and it keeps inifintly scrolling. Example: 1) Load attached savegame 2) Select BB Fighter and move foward until first group of cultists is encountered. 3) Upon entering combat the effect should trigger as soon as the cultists react. 4) Kill the cultists. 5) The loop stops. EDIT: Hope that is the right savegame. It should start you out in the flooded cave where the stone beetles were. 213af5a131e743cda8e7028a7338524b 7804866 DyrfordRuins.zip
  6. Well dang, I guess that's that, then. The big question now seems to me: Does that mean you're gonna pirate it now? Of course not. But if I were, do you really think I'd be dumb enough to admit to it on a board that'd ban me for confessing to it, no matter the ethical implications (or lack thereof)? Meh, was worth a shot... Personally I think this is quite petty and the bigger slight would be to give everybody access to the Backer exclusive item than just the backers. One party paid money years in advance for the development of the game the other did diddly and now comes in when everything looks fine. Sure some will still take that as an excuse, but those that do were either looking for one anyway or have some sort of OCD.
  7. The beetles seem to be somewhat of an excpetion in this build. Once you get past them, on normal I had no problems with the following wolves, spiders or the Ogre with his bears. Part of the problem might be a bug that has been reported of the beetles ignoring 10 DT, the other is that their numbers have gone up again and with their close positioning it's really easy to aggro 4-8 of them at once. Regarding the attraction, I'd guess that is working as intended. Nearby enemies are alerted to prevent single target kiting.
  8. Well dang, I guess that's that, then. The big question now seems to me: Does that mean you're gonna pirate it now?
  9. When starting a new game the first loading screen before character creation reads "Lädt" in the lower right corner, the german word for loading. While I am German I have the game set to English and everything else before and after this screen is also properly English, including loading screens.
  10. Ok, false alert I guess. Just booted up my PC this morning and it worked right away.
  11. Um, is it just me? Steam won't even start PoE anymore. Constantly looping while preparing to start. Already restarted Steam and verified the data. EDIT: It's late now, will try a reinstall tomorrow.
  12. I knew you'd come trhough! Good for you too, now I won't have to become a professional games journalist either!
  13. I dunno. It kinda sounds like they know there may not be a new build before the X-Mas Holidays, but that it's still possible, if not probable, that there could be. Just sounds to me like they're not omniscient. Which is good. I don't trust those omniscient development teams. "Wait... you know what stretch goals to pick to get to 4 million? YOU KNEW ABOUT ALL THESE BUGS BEFORE YOU STARTED CODING?! O_O!" Maybe you're right. Hopefully. We will see. Time is running out... Would be great if BAdler would give us a new update of the progress of a new build.... We have a programmer looking into the problem right now. Seems to be related to ranged weapons and it is particularly bad with the wizard talent Blast. So how does this bug manifest itself precisely? You said "certain" NPCs won't die. Does carrying a ranged weapon make them immortal or do ranged weapons not inflict fatal damage on them?
  14. Are You a professional game journalist? Since writing that post I've already received offers from Kotaku and Polygon.
  15. Don't know about you guys, but I'm having BIG expectations for today! There will be a patch before christmas.
  16. Eh, if they ask nicely maybe they can convince TotalBiscuit to make a "WTF is..." about PoE close to release. He does non-mainstream games quite often I think, so if the game is in a good state and he recommends it in one of his vids it's gonna have a noticable impact.
  17. Well, I wouldn't go so far as OP but like others mentioned a just slightly more zoomed out view could potentially make all the difference.
  18. I guess those are enemy NPCs, meaning NPCs you are supposed to kill? Otherwise I'd say it's not a big deal if you can't kill some neutral NPC who most people never attack anyway.
  19. Well, since the problem from yesterday has been solved I'm under the assumption that the patch is on track to be released today. Unless something else comes up of course.
  20. Aaaaany second now....right!? Right? *crickets*
  21. Agreed, I was pondering myself if I should create a thread for this sometime. While some talents are fine others just feel less satisfying. It's hard to put in words and harder to verify without some before/after number crunching but some picks seem hard to notice after level up. Maybe modern games just spoiled me with instant gratification, though. In any case, I'd like to ask the devs to take another look and make some of them more impactful. I especially like the idea of improved upgrades for existing talents i.e. Frenzy--> Greater Frenzy. Otherwise right of the top of my head, I'd advise to change [Two Handed Style]. Who would waste a talent on this when a single ring gives double the Defl. Bonus? And even though it's a trait and not a talent I think the Death Godlike would gain a lot if his damage boost from Deaths Usher was incremental like the Moon Godlike's.
  22. It is my opinion that the NWN2 companions were some of the worst characters ever made. Most of the companions had one or more of these 3 fine personality traits: 1.) generally unbearable, 2.) hamfisted trope or 3.) shallow & uninteresting Going from NWN2 OC to MotB was shocking, a difference like night and day.
  23. Ah, the old "Sainted developers (praise be unto their names) are all knowing and would never, ever, under any circumstances make an error of judgement". Two observations: 1) This argument is, quite obviously, not going to convince anyone to change their position on engagement (pro or con). 2) While some (heretical, mind you) actually do believe that the sainted developers (PBUTN) might make judgement errors, especially with a feature that they have invested a significant amount of resources in and represents a major innovation in the way RTwP games are made, nobody disagrees with one simple fact: The sainted developers (PBUTN) are most certainly omnipotent -- no amount of feedback from this forum can force them to change their beloved engagement model against their will. Given that you aren't actually arguing in favor of the merits the engagement model -- merely defending the honor of the sainted developers [PBUTN] -- and the sainted developers (PBUTN) are hardly likely to pay attention to the concerns of mere mortals, it is unclear to me why you are posting in this thread. Can you explain? Are you upset? C.) The Developers Given that Obsidian has yet to develop a single game with good gameplay, i can't say i trust them blind. And you don't have to. I was pointing out that I trust neither of two random forum goers with the ultimate solution to engagement (or anything else). But I hope that the Devs make some informed choices based on the feedback they are getting here and elsewhere.
  24. C.) The Developers the same developers that nerfed the engagement system after the same "obsessed"TM guy showed them that is gamebreaking and easily abused? because I am at a point where I think the current engagement system in its present form would have made the release. The same developers that proudly played their game for a few days just before this fiasco, identifying some problems&tweaks but failing to see this obnoxious abusable system? The developers that move to make corrections to the system after a way of abuse was pointed out to them during the games beta phase. Part of which may or may not have made it into the game from internal testing on its own, given time.
  25. C.) The Developers
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