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Everything posted by Rink

  1. - - Weapons or armor that break or gets worse over time [intelect 8 / 15]- Shown skilllimits for dialogue-options (I really would like to say that, but sorry, I am unable to )
  2. You never watch a trailer before you see a movie? You never read the backside of the box when you buy a game? Nobody is asking for spoilers and the ending of the book. What I personally ask for is a sign of what the game story would be like, or interactions or characters. Because we haven't seen that yet, the stretch goal leave no impression that this part is important for devs and for some of us this may be important for seeing if some expectations (that were generated by including P:T as point of reference for story) are way out of bounds. If something (for example a character) would be shown to us you of course would be free to ignore it altogether. No need to be insulting.
  3. I don't think they care that much if the story is good and characters are well developed and there are enough additions to the existing systems. There are very few games that really try to break away from game mechanics of other games of the genre and if you really want that, you probably gave up on videogames long ago. I don't think anything they will announce will have a high impact on pledges (never seen shorttimed drop of pledges on any kickstarterproject) at all unless they point at new people that they haven't reached yet. Most people will not really read the forums (atm 120 users here of 50000) or the long updates or the stretchgoals. So they can introduce things that reach and mobilise new people or undecided people or they introduce more rewards for some pledgelevels shortly before the campaign ends to get last minute generosity of the fans. I wonder what groups they haven't reached yet, I think they planned it well and got it covered good with the (quite different) games they started their video with. Maybe women can be mobilised less good, but that was the same case for IWD and BG, I guess. Maybe romances would really help a bit there, or cute pictures of companions, or classes with animal companions :D Damn my ideas are cliché
  4. Yea, I just wanted to say: you didn't say that if they make a good story and companions and tactical combat like we know it from bg2, then I guess everyone would be happy. They don't really need to make romances to please one group or special enhanced combat systems just because some groups maybe pledged more. In my opinion they cannot make a mistake if they focus on story and characters (but that is just my opinion).
  5. I am not sure if that really qualifies for innovation in my mind though. Is that what you are asking for? We can also make elfes blue, dwarfes invisible and make orks as small as ants and very smart. That would just invent new names for things we already know, just recycled and puzzled together differently. I personally rather see additions to the setting we know and love, new races and classes additional, so we don't have to recycle anything much and give silly names to things we know the names already.
  6. I disagree partly. This is not the US with just democrats and repulicans. It just isn’t that simple. Today you sell games by targeting teens, make good graphics, simple hack and slay and collect items mechanic, same style game as most others with some small things changed to make your game stick out. Like preferably targeting the themes that are active in the same year (few years ago vampires, now zombies) or in the scenario (with RPGs you just feature dragons - personal note to that : ok, I don't mind, but still does it have to be on the cover every ******* single time?). If you are innovative and use a completely new scenario, then you will have a problem finding enough people that want to buy it. Why? Probably because it is harder to tell people what you are selling if you cannot say « it is like … Skyrim but with less arrows to the knee ». So your game always needs BOTH, traditional elements (so people find immersion and you don’t replace things that work perfectly just to be innovative) and new elements (to distict your product from other products and so people cannot say „buy diablo, it is the same but the original“. And that is what the developers did here with the classes, some are known, others are innovative. I think where your idea about two groups and their wishes really stops working is with the story. I doubt that even one player here wants to see exactly the same storyline as he has seen before/another amnesia story etc. Innovation with the story and characters is a must and I think if we have that and tactical combat, then we all will be happy holding hands singing praises to the devs in the end. I don’t think our wishes are that far apart that we need several groups. But of course I would like romances too.
  7. @Merlkir of course you are correct that there should be something new in the game, new fantasy classes and races are fine for me, but I also like that they take a root of basic stuff from other games if they really have no way to replace it with something absolutely new or people just generally like it (and it would for example just be silly to exclude fighterclass from any rpg game). For me innovation doesn't HAVE to happen in the gamesetting, for me innovation should happen in story, writing of companions and quests. Kickstarter is about innovation just as it is about nostalgia. But many innovation-projects ususally just do not reach that level of funding, because they don't have a pool of people they can mobilise in a heartbeat.
  8. I would like a enemy-dish with diversity. Sometimes a horde of weaker creatures (rats, goblins), sometimes bigger stronger creatures, sometimes a party like yours. Sometimes respawn of enemies if it makes sense or an enemy with several "forms". Especially if some skills and spells are area-based others are for 1 person, then this gives some tactical depth to battles. Was always fun to use fireball on gnoll-hordes in BG1 (although a lot of work to collect the rewards afterwards)
  9. Usually you have that option of "not taking sides" in the Witcher. In sidequests this is easy: you just do not make the quest, you don't solve any problem, so you do not get any reward. Programmers do not have to program something for that, right? (Well the question is, if anybody would really not take sides in such situations though) About the quest, do you mean this one? http://witcher.wikia...rs_in_the_Night In such a situation the walking away is also taking sides. Your choice in the game is: let them take the stuff (so walking away is already a decision!) or not let them take the stuff and then they attack you. I think this is a realistic situation and to me it didn't feel forced. In main quests usually you have the option to "walk away and pretend you don't care" until a certain point where you have to take sides. I think if you don't want to take sides in the most important conflict of your world, then maybe you should retire to your base and make a farm with your NPCs where you have cows and make your own bread. I agree that some games have bad writing in quests and options you would chose are not there. I think the witcher is not one of them. I also don't mind if a game forces me to make a decision though, because I understand that it cannot include more than 2-3 ways to make something or the game would be a lot shorter. Even if it is a dilemma and every choice hurts.
  10. I agree with most guys here. Friendly fire is a nice addition that should be in games more often especially for magic that affects an area (like the fireball). I am not sure about friendly fire in case of arrows though, because that would make rangers and rogues really annoying for the fighters. Well at least they would have enough arrows after the fight again after they pulled them all from the fighters backsides.
  11. if they say they want a story or characters like in Planescape:Torment, then for me that can be seen as spiritual successor. And they said that, didn't they? For me there just isn't enough information yet to know for sure if the story and characters really reach that level of quality and I think that information would be nice.
  12. I personally don't like Paladins. Seen them in too many games and they usually were quite flat characters and usually don't really differ too much from fighters and clerics. Still I wouldn't mind if they were in the game. I personally would vote for an Anti-Paladin class then also though (so evil Paladins, fighting for evil Gods). Bards may be a class that brings more fresh wind by having songs that affect all partymembers or all villains. It could give something other classes cannot. He could have high charisma and evation and know some illusion and charm magic spells. It would also be funny to have a pacifist bard in the party that doesn't use any weapons at all (well he doesn't want to break his instrument on the bad guys heads) but only magic spells and songs. Both classes are usually men dominated and usually there are gay references to them. I wonder if u guys have seen enough of that already or if you want the heterosexual bard or paladin that everybody "bashes" as unmanly or homosexual. I think female bard companion would be nice for a change (preferably very good looking but low intelligence - just enough so she can sing and dance on the table and really screw over the men around her with her relationship behavior :D ).
  13. The description reminds me a bit of Barbarians (stretch-goal) - they usually also have frenzy skill in classic RPGs (chance of hitting party members in frenzy). I guess new classes really have to be different than the ones we already have to make sense.. I like malkavians though.
  14. Of course you are right with "trust" and all. I think some of us just said that maybe this trust could be earned by sharing some aspects of the concepts, just some sneak peak. Even if it is early on, I am sure that some things are already on paper and were before this kickstarter started. As for me there will be no detailed information needed. I don't think there are two fanbases here that differ in understanding. I think even if u like tactical combat of IWD u will never have something against great storylines and deep characters and vice-versa.
  15. Well atm all kickstarter-game-projects have the plus that there is no "big" game out yet that was funded through kickstarter, so they can still surf on the hope of users because nobody was disappointed yet. As a matter of fact the budgets that were reached through kickstarter are just not as high as the ones of topgames and the developmentprocess with the fans will lead to a lot of compromises and I am sure not all of the games funded through kickstarter will really be top-games in the eyes of the funders (although I am sure Project Eternity will be just that ), so they have to use the momentum as long as they are able to. For me it sounds like **** with 2 games for 1, dungeoncrawler hack 'n slay and I don't see what they really want to say with "Old School RPG" and what differs compared to new New School RPGs, probably just that it has crappy graphics.
  16. I agree, although I am not disappointed yet. But I am also one of those guys that are here and invest in the project for P:T and BG2 and not IWD or dungeoncrawlers There are enough mindless dungeoncrawlers out there already, with great action effects and graphics trying to catch the next swarm of pre-teens but there really is only one game like Torment. I think they should bring a sneak peak for an ncp/write a short dialog story for all of us that expect P:T-quality ncps and story. Explaining how it works in "dry words" isn't the same as really having an example. Of course that is hard to do without spoilering, but I am so senile that I would have forgotten about that in 1.5 years anyway.
  17. If they make voiceacting, I think it should be more character-specific lines (like someone said/or P:T: if a mage is a pyromanic, he can scream "FIRE, MUAHAHHAA!"), I think this adds more to the game than if they have to make same latin words for every companion in their own voice. I myself didn't even know that the words did depend on magicschool and think it is quite silly to have every spell of the school done with the same words.
  18. If you don't like monks and if they are included in the game, then you will always have the possibility just not to take them with you, right? I am sure there are also people there that do not like priests (religious fanatics are sometimes hard to handle) or pure fighters (boring class) or rogues (why covardly sneak if you can run into the fight!). I think monks are a nice addition as a class, because they offer another playstyle. Imho they do not have to play without armor. They can wear light armor that doesn't block their movements, they could find different meditation methods from churches/shrines around the fantasyworld that offer different bonuses for fists/body (you know, that would be like finding different weapons) and I think monks should have some spells as well (protection-spells from priest, self-buff-spells, maybe some offensive wizardspells that need a lot of mindpower to them as well). Then it wouldn't be a boring class to play at all. But I think monks are great not only because they are different to play, but because they make excellent companions to write. There are so many games with stories of fighters, mages and rogues but I don't remember any well written monks at all (The dwarf from nwn2 doesn't count as monk to me - although definately well written ). I would like to see a very wise Minsk for example, rarely speaks, but when he speaks it is short, catchy and wise (would be funny to see word-fights against someone who is very intelligent). On a mission to recover the wisdom of old, send by his monastery (you later find out that the monastery and probably the old books don't exist anymore though and he still wants to fulfill his duty) Refuses to wear something on chest and head and makes remarks if you still try to make him wear something (that would of course be even funnier if it was a female monk with bare chest and of course later he has to disguise for main storyline and handle his fear of clothing and the lack of freedom it offers), funny dialogs in cold places because of the lack of clothing. It also would be funny if someone tries to "romance" this quiet, introverted, religious nerd and let out a conflict between religious celibacy and human affection and what witty ways he finds around one or the other. Anyway, I am sure most of you have better ideas than me, but I still think it could give a lot of options.
  19. I like the stretchgoal, and I think it is great that there now is a way that everyone sees how more money makes the game bigger. That is great! But of course like others I have even more questions now than before :D I personally like if crafting can make normal swords better and lets you put together legendary weapons from specific components that u collected (BG2) or upgrade already special weapons with specific items. I always liked how BG2 made every weapons special by telling a story, giving a specific name and made them unique. THAT felt legendary. To craft "legendary" weapons like in skyrim is just strange, because there can be no legend on a weapon if you just crafted it yourself. Maybe it will be legendary after the game, when u saved the world with it but it cannot start out as that It is always difficult, to make crafting correct, because it shouldn't be over- (it isn't realistic that someone that hasn't devoted his life to making swords can make a better sword than a long dead dwarf that worked his life on a blade) and it shouldn't be underpowered (if the skill is useless, nobody will pick it and use it). I am sure they will find a way. A big dungeon? That is great if it will not turn into 20 levels of hack and slay. If they tell stories, make quests and puzzles and tell a good story with it, then I am sure I will be happy with it.
  20. I upped my pledge, still would give more if some of the ideas here are added as stretchgoals and information about the length of the game will be made more transparent to the pledged amouth (so for example a gameplay -hour counter that counts upwards with together with the pledged amouth - but only make this if there really are many hours to play the game )
  21. Co-op Mode Information about how much time the average gamer will be able to play this game for one playthrough posted as "definately 30h+" Sneak peak of a very interesting character that will be in the game (so we know that characters are deep like in P:T or lovable like Minsc and Boo) - although that picture of dwarfen ranger already looks like it is going in the right direction Mod-tools confirmed (although I doubt this will be the case if they want to make successor of the game with same engine)
  22. For german they translated all the names and it sounds horrid as well! I think most german speaking players will want the names of places and people to stay in the original language. I will not care, because I will play the english version of course (although my english could be better.. sorry about that). I think it is great, that translations will be there and it is a nice milestone to reach. I just hope enough people will spread the word, so people that may not read here because of lacking english will also back the project.
  23. Germany has strict rules in terms of brutality in games and games that have more brutality than that have to be modified or they get banned in germany. I don't know if they would have anything against killable children, if there is a high penalty in the game for it though. The witcher 2 was sold in germany without restrictions, so I guess rules aren't that strict anymore. I would like to see children in the game, don't care if they are killable or not though, because I will not do that anyway. I think it is really strange how big a topic this gets so often, while nobody cares if a game doesn't let you burn/kill trees and bushes or grass with a fireball. And still they come with the "realism" argument.
  24. 30 P:T Final Fantasy 8 and Chrono Cross (If the sequel comes on Kickstarter, I can die happily :D)
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