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Everything posted by JWestfall

  1. I really want to join one of these new tribes - because I want to fit in and feel that if we are united against a single enemy we can accomplish anything - but I just can't decide which one. This is just as stressful as high school, when I couldn't decide if I wanted to be a jock or an emo, so I ended up being a punkish nerd instead.
  2. Yes, definitely. However, to give this game its own distinct flavor, maybe use a variation of Latin: Irefay Allbay! Armchay Onstermay!
  3. Certainly sounds potentially fun as a class to play - but more intriguing to me is how they will fit into society. Mind controllers are typically written as being ostracized & feared by society - and for good reason. A single psion could become supreme leader of the world if unchecked (a la The Mule in Foundation). So, do they form secret societies (as suggested by their name)? Are they hunted down or limited by other groups? Are they cursed in some way or have severe limitations?
  4. Just to make sure, everyone is still just debating the merits of scaling in general, right? Didn't one of devs clearly state that scaling is out or very limited in PE? Or am I hallucinating again?
  5. Hopefully, the devs will see an opportunity for an easter egg here. Example: hidden in a secret cubby in Cadegund's home, you find a set of Cursed Voluptuous Breastplate armor (with an appropriately droll backstory of course).
  6. I'll try to play devil's advocate here (since I don't really care strongly either way, as long as the end product is fun when combined with the rest of the system), and give 2 reason: 1 - because it is anti-MMO, and MMO == bad. 2 - more seriously, it rewards careful play and planning, and time can be viewed as just another form of resource management. This is akin to having inventory or weight limits, and the choice of balancing walking back to shop, dropping possibly valuable items, and player time.
  7. About basic mechanics? A lot. RPG systems in game design documents are notorious for being heavily altered during the testing, tweaking and balancing phase (i.e. after a workable version of the game has been created). It may be that Obsidian can borrow quite a bit from past experience, but I still wouldn't be surprised to see major changes before the game release.
  8. RPG Mechanics - where every player is a self-professed expert game designer, and which no actual game designer can ever seem to get perfect. Of course there will be reaction.
  9. I, too, do not understand everyone's knee-jerk reaction to console-based games. I've played some wonderful old-school hardcore RPGs that run only in a console window, such as ADOM and Angband. Bah, all these new-fangled graphics junkies are just afraid to use their imagination.
  10. This should be the 5 million stretch goal - are you paying attention devs?
  11. OMG the outrage! I'm totally backing out my pledge! Feminism... blah... mysogeny... blah... *Thread Closed* There, now that we got all that out the way, are we done here?
  12. Many have already been mentioned here, but a couple more obscure ones that I somehow still remember: Dragon Wars Legend of Blacksilver
  13. I want Obsidian to mail me personalized iron-on badges for every achievement I make in the game. Maybe an officially published thumbs-up for the harder ones, so that I can brag to all my friends. Er... I mean I vote no.
  14. No thanks. I want agency, I want my character to feel important, to be able to directly affect the story at each turn. If a scripted NPC starts ordering my barbarian around, my barbarian is going to object with his claymore - harshly.
  15. Yeah, character sheet with all the delicious numbers, tasty statistics, and succulent selection choices for me. The more sliders, selectors, distributors and dials, the better. If there is a reasonable way to incorporate graphs and arcane formula, then even better-er. I expect that I will need to read the manual/rules before I even think about creating a character. Of course, a nice selection of pre-rolled characters and packages are fine for those who aren't as bat **** crazy as me. Let me type in a short background, or at least add my own notes to an existing background package. No, no, no to FO3 style (or similar) tutorial/story-driven character generation. If there is a tutorial, then make it a separate choice in the menu.
  16. "Lower graphics" =/= "Bigger Game" Graphics will no doubt be targeted to modern systems, but Unity3D (the engine they are using) is backward compatible to a large extent. BG/BG2 level graphics were great in it's time, and it still doesn't look too bad - but on current large HD monitors, you either need to put up with the monitor up-scaling the **** out of the pixels (which means trying to read terribly rendered text) or crank up the resolution (which means trying to read tiny text). Either way, reading text on those older games sucks.
  17. According to the kickstarter FAQ:
  18. Sorry if this has already been posted here (didn't see it anywhere), but an article on Gamasutra here: http://www.gamasutra.com/view/news/177011/Project_Eternity_What_it_really_means_to_make_the_game_you_want_to_make.php Some insight on design considerations from Sawyer, among other tidbits.
  19. Never heard of them, I thought Obsidian made JRPGs. Nah, played BG & BG2 alot back in the day, PS:T I actually didn't enjoy all that much (you may throw rocks now), never played IWD or the sequel but I've been pondering picking it up on GOG.
  20. Not familiar with those at all - and I'm not meaning to crush your hopes here (like I said, I could be way off). But if they DO add things like dynamic lighting that affects the background, or real 3D walkmeshes, then yeah the editor would likely have to be much more complex. Also, considering Unity3D includes a full featured toolkit/scene editor itself (which is pretty shnazzy, actually), I'm not sure the developers would even bother rolling their own toolchain this time around that they could patch up and release as a toolkit. I'd love to hear from the actual devs though!
  21. NWN was all prefab 3D models and tileable terrain, which made it easy to design an accessible toolset. From what I understand (and I could be way off here, but whatever this is the place for speculation), PE backgrounds will be a mix of large pre-rendered scenes done in some combination of 3D and art softwares and "true" 3D models (with animations, lighting normals and whatever else the renderer will need to draw the scene). The pre-rendered backgrounds themselves probably will not be just straight images - likely they will need to contain proprietary data for lighting and pathfinding, among other stuff. It doesn't sound like PE can support a similar type of toolset as NWN, and unless you are 3D artist with the right software it probably won't be easy to modify maps at all. That said, they could offer a measure of mod-ability by exposing their data, art assets and formats - I just wouldn't expect anything near to the NWN toolkit. In fact, I'd be pretty suprised if there was an announcement of any sort of toolkit, even a rudimentary one (as much as I would like it).
  22. I know, false advertisement, I want my money back.
  23. Yes, I'm liking the concept art so far. I was never a fan of the more modern (post AD&D 2e) D&D artwork - too anime for my taste. Is that a rope or a whip?
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