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Everything posted by Karkarov

  1. I myself tried making a high dex/perception fighter who duel wields fast weapons. It doesn't do huge damage but is also really effective tanking, scores lots of interrupts and is very good at tying up enemies. Once people get more used to this system I think they will find it is okay to gravitate away from the cookie cutter builds.
  2. During some video cutting this morning I also noticed something else surprising, minor, but surprising. The Rauatai is the only culture without a unique background option. Maybe we can do something about this before launch? I know it seems minor since it is only an RP thing but every other culture has one, why not them?
  3. Nice info Osvir, good post.
  4. He may have said that Sensuki but the beta known issue list said the fog not being obstructed by los issues was a known issue, which implies it was not intended. Obsidian should know we want the fog to be hindered by line of sight, we can't see through the wall so the fog behind the wall should stay until we open a door and go in.
  5. Well said, Bugs et all I enjoy playing this far more than I did the original Divinity beta release.
  6. At the present I am tempted to agree. I'll withhold a bit to give them time to maybe fix the combat with patches but I think turn-based would suit a game like this better. I am already pausing often in fights so it's not like it's a big stretch to put it in. Unfortunately problems with implementing it aside, this will never happen. It is a modern take on the IE games, and the IE games are real time with pause. To deviate from that would be too big of a change and would hurt the feel of the game and the stated goals of the kickstarter.
  7. Maybe so Junta but you can not deny that Eternity has the potential to be..... OVER 9000!!!! Seriously though the only weakness the suggestion has is that one could argue Power is "counter intuitive" and implies magical strength not physical.
  8. Just reposting this from another thread because I think it is a good idea and should be given serious consideration. Cabamacadaf, on 22 Aug 2014 - 08:38 AM, said: I do concur here. People associate Might with Strength, but it isn't Strength, it is a reflection of the "force" or "power" of your soul. You could be a 100 pound weakling in Eora and have a 18 or higher Might. Changing it over to Power would be a good idea and fairly simple to implement.
  9. Just to throw this out there but I bothered looking into it yesterday and yes DT = a straight number. 10 DT means you do your damage, then the game minuses 10, and that is the real damage you ultimately did. That said I think there are situations where DT either doesn't apply or can be heavily bypassed. In practice I have run into DT being a problem far less than damage type resistance. For example I made a post about how OP a Cipher with high might and the Justice sword is. I was literally landing 120 damage crits to start every fight. But then I ran into the Crystal Spiders who are highly resistant to slashing damage and suddenly I was only hitting for like 5-10 damage. Meanwhile BB Priest with a one hand war hammer was doing far more damage despite the DT because there was no crushing resistance on the spider.
  10. I do concur here. People associate Might with Strength, but it isn't Strength, it is a reflection of the "force" or "power" of your soul. You could be a 100 pound weakling in Eora and have a 18 or higher Might. Changing it over to Power would be a good idea and fairly simple to implement.
  11. Very very true. I think a large percentage of issues also comes from three things: 1: People want to play it like it uses the D&D rules except it doesn't use the D&D rules and people haven't taken the time to learn Eternity's rule set. 2: You are dropped into a game with a new ruleset you have never played at level 5 with an almost full party, the learning curve is very brutal. 3: By the Dev's own admission your party is undergeared for a group of level 5 guys and it shows, my first beetle encounter was very hard and almost wiped me. My last one after gearing up? I mowed them down like wheat before a scythe, it wasn't even funny how easily I killed them.
  12. I think we need to change the human racial "special". Every other race gets a different special buff based on their subrace, humans however have the same special skill no matter what subrace you choose. This is just a little disappointing and seems odd that only Humans get snubbed.
  13. Hard to tell since we have no access to any area that is not Dyrwood right now. There are various little things that pop out, but we can't really post them for fear of someone going "SPOILER!!!!!>>!>!>!????!?" The place has plenty of character and there is a definite history you can learn about in game. But it is a small town, like 6-7 buildings and about a dozen actual unique people.
  14. Not really, the problem is people don't understand the system. This was actually discussed in another thread, but sometimes might is not a "great" choice for the character you want to play. Remember it is only 2% damage and healing per point. What if you want to play a ranged character who fires a really quick shooting bow? You will do less damage per shot, so that 30% may not actually be a huge damage increase over 20%. Your character would have been better off focusing on dex so they never miss, int so their abilities last as long as possible, and perception to help score interrupts. Barbarians have tons of aoe moves, but they only work if they hit, so a barb who only goes 10-12 in might but gets high dex and int is very viable because they miss less and hit more enemies due to larger aoe. People need to stop thinking about Eternity's stats like it is D&D. This is not D&D.
  15. They pretend to be a torch in a wall sconce. Or get in the fetal position and pretend to be a campfire.
  16. I can only speak for myself right now but considering how ball bustingly brutal some mobs are on normal I don't care what they do with Path of the Damned, I won't touch it with a 10 foot pole as the game stands right now.
  17. I think that selecting culture after subrace would make the most sense. Concur. Culture needs to come before the stat selection, ideally right after race. I know it is how it is for aesthetic reasons but unless you are going to play the Aeyder culture you always have to go back. Perception and Resolve need to be changed to be more than out of combat stats. I suggested it elsewhere I will here again. Either scrap 6 stats altogether and drop to 5 combining the two stats into one, which I know may not be possible, or significantly alter what they do. Assuming we have to keep 6 I suggest.... 1: We scrap interrupt and it's resistance all together. 2: Make Perception give a 1% (maybe even lower) bonus to Deflection and Critical Chance. 3: Keep the Will defense on Resolve but also give it a 1% bonus to DT (this is very small, a 10 Resolve would only give BBFighter 1-2 more DT in his starting gear) and +1% to Critical Damage. Those are ballsy propositions but they will definitely make them desirable stats.
  18. That's cause the quest log is bugged and experience is not always being properly reported for some reason. Once they fix the log and the reporting issues it will be fairly easy to tell when you have gained exp.
  19. Apparently that only happens if you hit continue instead of load then manually picking your save from the title screen.
  20. There are plenty of solutions. I easily talked my way out of the Ogre quest for example. In fact if you stop to talk to him he is a rather lucid chap and isn't even all that bloodthirsty. I could give other examples but I don't want to spoil it. There are also plenty of quest hints buried in dialog and passing stat checks related to it. That said, the whole beetle debate from last week about is it worth it, should I do this or that, etc etc..... uh pure bunk. Those beetles going to attack you man, you can either take the initiative or they will. Take Sensuki's advice and skip the beta. There are no "main story spoilers" but there are plenty of hints on what is going on with the main story and lots of stuff dropped in different quests. For example there was a big event that happened in Defiance Bay right before the game starts I guess that you can hear about. Not to mention the story behind some of the rather intricate quests in the Beta itself. If you want no spoilers at all.... avoid the beta forums and don't play it.
  21. 3-5*6 every 2 seconds Uh correction.... It is 1-2 abilities, and one of those abilities can only be used once a rest. BB Fighters other two abilities are modal and you simply switch them on and off, and considering what his job is I have no idea why you would ever turn either of them off. So at best you have to "use an ability" with him 3 times in one fight, cause the ability that is per encounter can still only be used twice an encounter.
  22. It just means you get a +5 bonus to your accuracy for the attack itself, meaning it is less likely to miss. Soul Ignition (and I think all "dot" type abilities right now) is horribly op however and seriously needs to be toned down.
  23. My problem with BB Wizard is his spell options. All of them are aoes, many of them are line attacks, etc etc. Too often I am finding there is no way I can just drop a spell without also roasting BB Fighter or someone else at the same time. That said don't knock him. I have seen him do over 40-50 damage to 5+ guys with one fireball. His spells are plenty strong they are just hard to use safely and he gets very few casts.
  24. Had the exact same issue myself. I think it has to do with not actually having the quest when you get there.
  25. BB Fighter is already pretty passive. Seriously, not kidding. He has 1 per rest ability and 1 ability he can do twice an encounter. The other two are just modals you either turn on or off. He and BB Rogue are by far my lowest maintenance characters.
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