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I think it is time I lay this out clearly since people obviously don't "get it" based on the current votes. Just to make it clear how bad the current implementation of the skills system is I just made a rouge and went through the trouble of listing every single Talent they can take that gives something other than Athletics as it's skill reward. I will list what the Talent does, what Skill it gives, and how much of that Skill it awards. Bear in mind if you see a Talent that gives say 1 Survival and nothing else that is because the other Skill it gives is Athletics and Athletics doesn't matter. Why doesn't Athletics matter? Because out of 46 total skills a Rogue can pick (by the way Rogue's only get 1 Skill Fighters don't) 28 of them give Athletics, that's right, roughly 61% of skills gives Athletics. So trust me, you can build any kind of Rogue you want and odds are good you can and will fit Athletics in there somewhere. I would also add that there are only 24 Talents that gives Skills that aren't "just Athletics" and even some of those still give +1 Athletics like I already mentioned. That's right. There are more Talents that give Athletics than there are all other Talents combined. Why make this point using a Rogue? Because Rogues are supposed to be the "Skill" character based on most peoples expectations. So without further ado, here is the list of every skill you can pick as a Rogue that will award something that isn't Athletics. ----- Snake's Reflexes - Gives bonus Reflex Defense - 1 Stealth Bear's Fortitude - Gives bonus Fortitude Defense - 1 Survival Bull's Will - Gives bonus Will Defense - 2 Lore Cautious Attack - + Deflection but lowers Attack Speed - 1 Survival Envenomed Strike - damage over time on attack - 1 Survival 1 Stealth * Deep Pockets - Gain 2 extra Quick Slots - 2 Survival Gunner - Reload speeds are faster - 2 Mechanics * Dangerous Implements - Wands and such do more damage but user takes damage too - 1 Lore Graceful Retreat - Grants bonus defense against Disengagement Attacks - 1 Stealth * Scion of Flame - Increases Burn Damage Threshold and and Damage - 1 Survival 1 Lore Heart of the Storm - Increases Shock Damage Threshold and and Damage - 1 Survival 1 Lore Spirit of Decay - Increases Corrode Damage Threshold and and Damage - 1 Survival 1 Lore Secrets of Rime - Increases Freeze Damage Threshold and and Damage - 1 Survival 1 Lore Backstab - + Melee damage from Invisibility - 2 Stealth * Potent Potions - All potions have longer Duration and Heal more damage - 2 Survival Accurate Traps - Traps are more Accurate - 2 Mechanics Powerful Traps - Traps do more Damage and have longer Duration - 2 Mechanics Quick Switch - Reduced Recovery Time when switching weapons/spells - 1 Lore Lore Keeper - Gives more Lore - 4 Lore Expert Mechanic - Gives more Mechanics - 4 Mechanics * Stealthy Scout - Gives more Stealth - 4 Stealth * Expert Survivalist - Gives more Survival - 4 Survival Wound Binding - Allows for a "modest" amount of Health Healing on Self - 2 Survival Field Triage - Allows for a "modest" amount of Health Healing on Others - 2 Survival ----- I put Asterisks beside the Talents I would ever actually consider taking just for reference. Bear in mind I would obviously only take Gunner if I was a ranged Rogue, or Backstab (the one Rogue unique skill) if I was a melee Rogue. So I would never even take all the Asterisk marked skills on one character because they don't work well together. Meanwhile you will notice Talents like Two Weapon Fighting, Savage Attack, Penetrating Shot, Bloody Slaughter, Weapon Focus, etc etc are all missing because they only award Athletics. In fact just to get my jollies I will let you know that if you decide to make a "Master of the Bow" character there is only one Talent you will even consider that doesn't just give +2 Athletics and that's Gunner. God Lore is even worse off if you look at this list, I sure hope casters get a ton of Talents we aren't seeing listed here . Obsidian said they didn't want us to make "Skill" characters who were only good outside of combat that we dragged around for picking locks and removing traps. However that is exactly what this skill system change did, it created Skill characters who are sub optimal in actual combat and emphasized Skill use over actual ability in battle. EDIT: Oh in defense of the system I did forget as you level up there is a couple more skills that become available to Rogues that are good and give stealth. Of course they are Rogue only and 1 of them still manages to give +1 Athletics.
A Proposition for Improving Combat Interface Feedback
Karkarov replied to Gairnulf's topic in Backer Beta Discussion
In many ways this argument is getting old because in all honesty it isn't really legitimate. Combat does not feel all that different from the IE games, no.... no,... it really doesn't. Many people on this forum were die hard "do it like IE or else" people and these half measures are what is making the game rough to begin with. In retrospect I think Obsidian should have done one of two things. 1: Just made a modern IE game rip off where basically it was just like Baldur's Gate 2, or as close as possible, just with new graphics and no official D&D rights. This would have disappointed the hell out of me personally but suck it up cupcake. 2: Just done what they wanted to do and made the game they wanted to make and if it turned out looking fairly different from the IE games? Oh well, people will get over it. The main problem with combat now is just most actions are too fast and too much is happening all at once. If they do make some minor adjustments to action speeds, tune some weapons and abilities to be less powerful and a few others to be stronger, and make a couple other minor tweaks I am sure they will be good. What they don't need is these massive sweeping changes that alter the entire flow of combat from the ground up. -
Yeah that is a big part of the reason why I took the time in my recent vid to say I liked many of the changes and felt this was the best build yet before I went on to discuss for 25 minutes about how I don't like the new skill system and stats.
Shouldn't Health and Endurance Be Switched?
Karkarov replied to PrimeHydra's topic in Backer Beta Discussion
I suggest it because in the IE games (aka D&D rules) you have HP, as in Hit Points. When you run out of Hit Points you don't necessarily "die" in D&D, and the way they are displaying endurance in Eternity is consistent with how the displayed HP in the IE games. Lots of people are apparently just weirded out by this. They could also maybe swap the bars, like Health is the red filling portrait thing and the green bar on the side is Endurance. To me it doesn't matter what names they use, I understand how the system works. Though just like Prodigy points out above I am not sold on the idea that it was a system we needed to invent. -
It is a good article but I am not sure how much it applies here since this isn't an early access game, isn't available anymore anywhere until full release, and is clearly marked as a beta not a "we are in final stages" game. Either way the article makes some good points.
Kark's feels on 3.33 Character Creation/Building
Karkarov replied to Karkarov's topic in Backer Beta Discussion
I was thinking about that earlier and it does make good sense, especially if we change the name of Dexterity to Agility. Just have to give something else to Int to compensate. Maybe give it interupt chance back, IE your knowledge allows you a better understanding of opponents anatomy so you are better able to strike weak spots? -
I can see it now.... Sensuki Feedback #732: Mages Suck.
[333] Character Creation won't end. "Done" button is grayed out.
Karkarov replied to Matt516's question in Backer Beta Bugs and Support
You forgot to pick the type of Aumaua you are actually. Like are you a coastal, etc etc. That's why it is happening. Back in the beginning I showed how you could create a character and not do half the steps thus this change was put in to prevent you from finishing creation without doing all the steps. -
Shouldn't Health and Endurance Be Switched?
Karkarov replied to PrimeHydra's topic in Backer Beta Discussion
It is simple. You get hit you lose endurance currently, you run out of endurance you fall unconscious and get a "wound" which is semi permanent character disability. If you lose all your health on the other hand you just plain die. The formula as it currently stands I believe is 4 endurance damage = 1 health damage, unless you are a barbarian then you lose 1 health every 8 endurance damage. It is pretty straight forward actually, even if a little more... intricate than it really needs to be. -
The games music is fine. Like most RPG's it is maybe too low in game which makes it hard to hear and muffled. So maybe they want to slightly up the volume on it but that is all it needs.
Shouldn't Health and Endurance Be Switched?
Karkarov replied to PrimeHydra's topic in Backer Beta Discussion
Like I said somewhere else we just need to change the names around to be more .... intuitive. Otherwise the system is fine. Make "endurance" Health, turn "health" into Wounds or Life if you don't mind that weird way of stating it, and make what is currently "wounds" be named "Injuries". Simple change, much more intuitive, no one is confused anymore. Run out of health, fall unconscious and gain an injury. Run out of wounds or life and your various pains have overwhelmed you and you die. -
They just need to mod it so that if no damage or effect is done on an attack the line just simplifies out to say "XYZ attacked some dude but did no damage" and leave it at that.
NON-WEAPON PROFICIENCIES. In 2nd Edition anyways. It was actually a DM's choice thing. You could either do proficiencies based on individual selection or you had to select a profession or job you had prior to becoming an adventurer and your proficiencies were taken as a group based on that profession. That said, yes we need a skills system, and no 3.33 is not doing it right.
Still a bad name, it needs to be health and they need to call "health" wounds, and the "wounds" need to be called injuries.
Hotkeys are always useful, a good step in the right direction I felt.
I kind of find myself agreeing with this. Why do we need endurance? When I see my character's portrait filling up with red, I think health. The little green bar next to it seems more appropriate for a secondary fatigue system. Even the fatigue system--characters getting "tired", like the sleepy eye status in Baldur's Gate--is separate from endurance, if I understand correctly. It just doesn't make sense that enemies whacking you reduces your endurance. If endurance exists, it should simply be a more granular implementation of said fatigue system. Over time, your endurance/fatigue bar depletes, when it's gone you get the "exhausted" icon and associated penalty. You don't abandon ship because there is a tiny hole in the hull. We just need to rename endurance to be something more applicable, which I believe Sawyer said somewhere they were already looking at doing that.
Kark's feels on 3.33 Character Creation/Building
Karkarov replied to Karkarov's topic in Backer Beta Discussion
Yeah like I said, ideal solution would be to give 1 point based on your talent pick and 1 point you just get to spend wherever you want it. -
I think they are perfectly serviceable and sound fine. The clicks may be a little loud but it is no biggy.
Kark's feels on 3.33 Character Creation/Building
Karkarov replied to Karkarov's topic in Backer Beta Discussion
Adobe premiere pro takes a lot of practice, once you get adjusted it is very nice. Cyberlink Power Director is also pretty solid. Most "pros" tell you to use Sony Vegas but I think it sucks, it's UI is atrocious, it is as user unfriendly as it gets, and you have to export videos to something else to actually turn them into usable files unless you just want to do straight youtube uploads. -
Kark's feels on 3.33 Character Creation/Building
Karkarov replied to Karkarov's topic in Backer Beta Discussion
It is an accent ;p. I use adobe premiere pro cs6 and right now hilariously enough do video capture with the totally free if you have the right video card Nvidia Shadowplay. The only advantage fraps or D3DGear have is the ability to hide the cursor and take screencaps directly. D3DGear has a few mic recording options that are nice as well but I find them very hit or miss in practice, meanwhile Fraps puts out the best quality but the file size is insane and the resources used while recording very unreasonable. Also agility is definitely a better name for the current Dex stat... or just use ITSIIC short for "Ignore This Stat It Is Crap". -
You are kidding right? Tanks exist to soak up damage. Party tanks can snag enemy AI by running to intercept them just like you do now. This gameplay element does not change whether disengagement attacks exist or not. An enemy tank is a melee character. Enemy tanks will have simple AI, they will most likely attack the closest unit/unit that targets them first as per the current attack clauses. Have you seen my recent Sensuki vs Medreth videos? What do I do? I send my BB Fighter in first to take aggro. He does not take aggro because of the Melee Engagement system, the takes aggro because I ordered him to go in first and he is the closest unit to the enemy mob when combat begins - that is how you get your party members to take aggro. However the BB Fighter will not benefit from Engaging enemies, because none of the enemies will disengage. You are assuming that is a side effect of bad AI and not engagement. I have seen enemies plenty of times just run right by my "tanks" and ignore them.
So I am off putt enough by some of the changes in 3.01 and 3.33 I had to make a video about it. In general I feel this is the best the beta has been so far but some of the core basics of character creation and mechanics has just been changed a bit in the wrong direction I feel. If you want to hear me briefly speak about what should be changed about Skill selection just skip to around 32:58 or so. My Skills rant starts at 16:34 if you want to skip my stats rant. http://youtu.be/SBX00na6nmQ Feel free to share your feels, agreement, disagreement, etc etc. I do apologize because I do get very verbose.
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