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Everything posted by Karkarov

  1. Seriously, there is no reason to drop things on the ground in a game with infinite inventory. Just make more regular stops in town to sell off the junk if it is that huge a concern. If you feel there is a memory issue from having so much stuff in the stash think how bad it would be if the game had to track all those same items.... but now they are all in hundreds of random piles all over the place instead of in one location that the player can empty with very little hassle whenever they want ;p?
  2. They just need a way to stick the currently existing inventory management sorting options so they work on the stash too. Once that is done it should be a'ok!
  3. I will be honest, I wish you wouldn't. This thread has devolved to the point where no civil and reasonable discourse about the actual subject of engagement issues and what can be done about them is possible.
  4. In all fairness Shevek many of your responses have been just as below the belt as Sensuki. The forums in general have gotten a bit more ... rough... than they really should be over the last month or so. Hopefully people will cool their jets a bit when the next build hits.
  5. Gaider glued it with his... eh, what's the point Apparently he was asked this question on the forums or in an interview and weaseled an answer about how the beheading was an in-game animation while for lore purposes she was stabbed and left for dead. Not that this makes any more sense, but what do you expect from a lead writer lazy enough to approve a story where the main suspect in assassinating the pope is collectively dragged by his apprehendors to the position of a leader of the efforts to restore order after the assassination with the main argument for this being the same that makes him/her suspicious in the first place (the mark on the hand) That's true Leliana's thing is weird. It is pretty much the only case of that happening anywhere in the lore too. The real question is why Nonek even sided with a bunch of cave dwelling murder mad men in the first place ;p. Also it is explained pretty obviously why they don't suspect you anymore after the introduction level so I am not seeing your point. Well that and that while your "captors" have let you off at least one major faction hasn't. That said I get it, you hate Bioware, you will get over it. Personally I am loving DA:I so far. Is it a 10/10, uh no. Not very many games are. But it is easily a 8/10 so far. Also to answer your question Lephys, no, I don't have friendly fire on. If I did I am sure it would work that way. I am already playing on Nightmare, trust me, it is hard enough as it is. Normal encounters can wipe me if I play poorly, not even kidding.
  6. I really wish you had tried that first, before normalizing the combat stats of all the classes. In all fairness it is probably considerably easier to tweak a stat than it is to change combat speed.
  7. Jesus guys we are getting a little vitriolic here. Like Sensuki I suspect Obsidian has no intention of changing the default application of the mouse buttons. The rebind is buggy, that sucks, but that's life. Lets just hope they get it ironed out in time for launch so people can bind it all however they want.
  8. Yeah well DA:I combat is very fast paced if you don't pause a lot and on harder difficulties the enemies are heinously smart and brutal. Like as in enemy mage sees your big ass two hand melee killer charging.... so they cast an ice trap mine centered on themselves (no friendly fire) so for your melee is nullified unless it wants to eat a freezing trap. Also mobs are more than happy to drop aggro on your tank and go after your DPS I am playing on nightmare and I will be honest, the people who complain that is it "too easy" have self inflicted problems. Trust me on nightmare "easy" is not a word I would use to described DA:I combat. Brutal with very little room for error is probably how I would describe DA:I on nightmare. That said, yes, the default mouse and keyboard controls are bad. Mostly only because they got rid of mouse steering. Don't worry though Lephys, the people on this forum hate Bioware. DA:I could be the best RPG ever made and most of them would still say it was crap.
  9. Eh it isn't SUPER annoying but yeah it is a drawback. They need to make the colors more pronounced and toss the "look like IE" nonsense. Make the current "you are clicked" color the normal color, and make the "you are clicked" color into like some bright high contrast blue or something.
  10. So wait... your complaint is you don't think getting a discount price is a valid incentive to pre order? Well if money means nothing to you why don't you loan me a 5 spot while you are at it? Seriously, the Backer Beta isn't even a very good inventive trust me. It isn't that it totally sucks (it doesn't) it just isn't a big piece of the game. The Wasteland 2 and Divinity Beta's let you play a good chunk of the game, Eternity it is just the vertical slice area, can be completed in 4-5 hours easily, and has all plot relevant stuff ripped out. You seriously aren't missing anything big. Meanwhile your complaint isn't legit to begin with. Coming from a guy who has to work for his money, yes, getting a discount price is plenty good enough pre order incentive by itself.
  11. Just for the record Shevek I didn't mean to say you were using a Druid or a Cipher. I simply meant that anyone who doesn't use the adventurers hall (which be honest, will be most players) is going to have much more limited choices about their party. If there is a super uber good guy Fighter in the game but you are playing a slimy Rogue out only for themselves they probably won't fit in your party... which means if you don't get to have a Fighter cause you are only using NPC's. You see my point right? Think about it, there are 11 classes.... but only what... 8-9 companions? There will be at least a couple classes that literally have no NPC at all and will be adventurer's hall or player character only. Also no, you don't have to be a munchkin to make a "successful" party. You do have to be a munchkin (or playing like one) to make a party that can breeze through entire maps on hard mode or higher and never have any issues at all outside of "hard" fights. Also no offense, playing that way is a legitimate way to beat the game, but you also seem to imply from your post history that that is exactly how you play Eternity and the games before it like BG2.
  12. Well time to weigh in. A few super annoying numbered points - 1: Shevek's video's prove you can make a very passive style party for dealing with trash mobs. This isn't really "news" to me cause you can do this just fine with the BB characters already, they just weren't as good at it because they weren't "built" for it. That's all well and good though as the point stands. 2: Does this revelation actually matter? No. Because we have been told, repeatedly, that the characters in the BB we are given start off weaker than a normal party at that point would be. They don't have as good a gear, missing tons of items, and your own main character comes in with level 1 newbie equipment. You don't even get 6 guys to start with. So it is obvious that a properly geared, focused build, full party is going to be vastly stronger than 5 undergeared people with no build focus. 3: All of this hinges on making a customer party so again, does the point even matter? Not to most of us. I play games like this for the story and lore, I will be rolling around with NPC party members not custom made dudes from the adventurers hall. My choices will be limited. I may not get to have a Druid, cause there might not be a Druid companion. I may not have the option of a Cipher if the ingame Cipher turns out to be a whack job and I want to play a "good guy". I am sure guys get my point. So what I am saying is we need to stop arguing over semantics and silly nonsense about how if I go full grognard I can do this or that. Guess what? Players who are hard core min maxer munchkin grognards were always going to steam roll this game, because they always steam roll these games. Games like this are 100% about the mechanics and how you abuse them when it comes to challenge, not your actual player skill or talent. So let's stop trying to judge combat based on how it plays if you do everything in the most abusive/exploitative way with your builds and abilities. Most people won't play that way and it will be impossible to plug all the holes for those that do and you shouldn't even try to. That out of the bag... that doesn't mean systems that are broken or not working in a logical way should be ignored. IE engagement, which can't possibly be considered up to stuff right now as it is blatantly cheesy and just works poorly. You either game it an exploit it's mechanics.... or you don't and it's existence is unimportant. There needs to be a middle ground in there somewhere.
  13. Just to confirm other posters comments... There is no carry weight. Each character only has so many inventory slots, plus their quick item slots. Everything else goes in the stash which not only has no weight limit but is also infinite. You can only access the stash when resting, no it doesn't matter where you are resting only that you are. So yes you can rest and hit up the stash while in the bottom floor of an undead infested crypt. That said, yeah, you only have so many camping supplies and when you are out, you are out. You have to go back to an Inn to get more.
  14. The Dwarves need a little work cause their heads are a bit out of whack and they have horrid hair clipping. Other than that the models are okay. They aren't perfect, they could see some improvement, but they are plenty good enough. Just touch up the Dwarves and introduce some idle animations.
  15. Because both the log and the "main menu" can be collapsed. Also the log can be stretched and pulled to take up that space if desired.
  16. It is a good post Endarire, and makes many valid points. The problem is many of this forums posters are a tad bit on the jaded side and we have discussed EXP, Eternity's implementation of it, and all that that entails in more threads with more posts than I care to even contemplate. As a result some in the community are just downright aggressive to pretty much anyone posting about it.
  17. From what I've seen on twitch streams, when you get far enough from enemies, your living character(s) exit "combat mode" and simultaneously, whoever was left unconscious at the field of thenlast battle you ran away from just materializes next to you, but woth very little health left (inadvisable to go back and fight). I don't think the game ever locks you inside an area where it's impossible to escape back to base. As soon as you are out of combat, fast travel becomes available, and you can return to your fortress or to someplace else where you can buy potions. That's how I think the game works all the time, at least I haven't seen evidence to the contrary. You also have the added benefit of multiple saves . It is worth stating enemies don't necessarily stay dead either. You can also always just drop the difficulty, though there are two achievements... One for beating it on hard, without ever lowering difficulty. Another for beating it on Nightmare (the hardest difficulty), again with the caveat that you never lower it.
  18. It depends on what you are doing. There is plenty of points in the game where you can just be out and about messing around exploring a zone or doing side quests. There are times when you are on dedicated missions though where you have to do set goals to advance and you can't just bail out mid mission. EDIT: Open world Clarification.... It is, and it isn't, open world. There are dedicated zones in the game, the world is not continuous in that you can run through the border of zone A and then be in zone B like a MMO or something. That said... the Zones are huge. One reviewer said he tried to do everything that could be done in the first real zone of the game and it took him something like 15 hours and that by the end of the game he was around 80 hours of playthrough and had two zones he had barely even visited and only went to for crit path story stuff.
  19. Does DA:I restrict travel to such locations? In the sense that you have to fight through everything between one to get to the other, yeah. I suspect they are more limited than you might be thinking. Once you start a major mission there is no way to just stop, go back to base, and rest. You would like it gifted, doesn't even have crit path scaling so you can level on up by doing everything, go back to an earlier area, and own the heck out of it to your hearts content. As for "IE games had no dedicated healer".... Are you guys joking? If I wanted buffs I could take any number of characters. Bards, Mages, Paladins, Rangers, Clerics, Druids.... any I might have missed? Yet I never made a party that had a Bard.... but no Cleric. Why? Bards can probably buff better than Clerics. But they can't raise dead. They cant cast cure serious wounds. You can make all the arguments about "Clerics had buffs too" but tons of classes had buffs, only two could be viable healers. Cleric and Druid. Strangely I never made a party that didn't at least include one, the other, or both. I have plenty of parties without Bards.
  20. You know I find it really interesting it turned out this way and I think you make some good points. Funny thing is... I think Obsidian was aiming to do what (of all games) Dragon Age: Inquisition did in fact do right. In Inquisition there is no healing magic. Your characters have HP meters, but there are also defensive spells that can grant temporary damage shields. Ideally you use the spells to shield your characters taking a lot of damage, or characters with low HP in situations where you are dealing with lots of AOE. When you have to heal for real the only way to do so is healing potions as HP also doesn't refill at the end of combat I believe. Healing potions are shared with the entire party and you are only allowed to carry a limited number of them (I think 8 when the game starts, bear in mind you have like a 5 person party) and they only refill when you rest in town or other similar "recovery" type locations. It is a very elegant system that removes the "dedicated healer" from the party, gives you a reason to use defensive spells, and punishes players who don't conserve on heals or play smart at the higher difficulties.
  21. Logical fallacy at it's finest. The voice that is least vocal is silent, you can't make a decision based on an opinion that never get's spoken. They can only listen to the people who are actually talking. I don't think asking them to fix blatant disengagement exploits is something that should be ignored. I don't think when almost all people who are posting agree and say "combat is at least a little too fast" that they should ignore that. I don't tell Obsidian how to do their job, I just make suggestions and trust that they will actually listen to good suggestions and fix the things (or at least try) that are obvious stand out issues. As for backers not being important? Well slippery slope there. No, they aren't developers. Some of them actually understand things like design and combat flow etc etc. I will never say Obsidian should design by committee and if you look at my posting history I am probably one of the over all most positive people saying "Give it time, Obsidian knows what they are doing" more often than not. That said.... no backers = no game in the first place. I am pretty sure that removes them from the level of "doesn't matter".
  22. Thanks I appreciate the compliment :D
  23. While that is a fair point Kjaamor there are some key issues the most vocal people all agree on. The majority of us feel combat is too fast. Most of us feel fairly iffy on stats/skills and feel it needs some changes, maybe we don't agree on what those changes should be, but we agree they should happen. Most of us agree Wizards Suck. These are the issues Obsidian should focus on, it is easy to see when most backers all agree that there is "something" off about a given feature. They should be able to see the big problems we all agree are problems.
  24. Well let's be fair. It is real time with pause. That said on any fight that requires any level of planning or execution I pause so often it might as well be turned based. Combat is too "fast" right now, actions in general needed to be slowed down maybe 20%. It is definitely playable without pausing on easy difficulty, but even then on tough fights you will need it. I am not concerned too much for a number of reasons though. 1: I did pause a lot in IE games (save neverwinters) in any fight that did require some strategy or tactics. Maybe not as much as Eternity, but not much less. 2: They still have plenty of time to make adjustments and slow things down a little. I am concerned because Obsidian seems to listen to their QA very heavily while not listening as much to the backers.... AKA: the people who would be buying their game if it weren't a kickstarter. This bothers me because in all fairness Obsidian QA does not have a good track record, and no one can deny that. I just sincerely hope they have stepped up their game and it isn't staffed only by people for whom games have become purely a job and not something they enjoy anymore.
  25. I am still reeling from that final reveal.... http://buy.pillarsofeternity.com/ Thats right buyDOTpillarsofETERNITYDOTCOM YAAAARRRRRRR EXPLOSIONS!!!! But seriously, there was like three different dragons in there.
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