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Everything posted by Karkarov

  1. I wanted to remove attack speed, give accuracy back to dex (while also slightly nerfing the bonus), and give perception back interrupt plus a slight bonus like percent to convert graze to hit. That done we then give deflection to resolve and make int be what it started as. I explain what I wanted Deflection to become in response to this.... You are absolutely right. There is only one problem. You can't miss in this game. As a result the benefit of Deflection is causing the enemy to graze more, but many enemies still do okay damage on graze and there are many talents and abilities that turn grazes into hits. In anything deflection should also grant a slight damage resistance. Or just be damage resistance period. It would be a more effective stat that way. Or if you want to get really out there it could turn into a percentage chance to "downgrade" the attack. Crits to hits, hits to grazes.
  2. Actually he is not. Going from a system where one stat was important "no matter what" to a system where your stat choices are based on character and build is not a bad thing. He is also wrong about there being two dump stats. It is now based on what kind of character you are making. If you guys think making a front line melee tank for example with 3 resolve by all means go ahead. Don't be shocked when they almost never get to take an action and they are constantly getting interrupted by enemies. Meanwhile dex was buffed to 3% action speed and with interrupt back on perception both are very valid choices for DPS now. The reason Dex was a "dump or ignore it" stat was because perception was godly and might was better. Might is still better for DPS but dex is no longer totally over powered by perception So we don't have "two dump stats" we have two stats strong for most characters but not "must have" for everyone (might and int), and 4 other stats that based on class and intended build purpose may or may not be useful. Explain how that is worse than one stat that is must have period, two stats that are really good for most classes/builds (might and int), and a total dump stat that is almost never a good choice no matter what (dex). If anything we finally have a return of the option to make a melee skirmisher who can be a fast attacker who scores lots and lots of interrupts but maybe doesn't do "as much" damage.
  3. While I don't out right disagree I like this system better than the current. As is now Perception is must have, the end, period, see you later, doesn't really even matter much what class or build you are. With these changes I can still see it being really useful and a valid choice but it is no longer OP. I also like that they buffed dex and resolve a little. Getting a clearer picture of how your saves are effected by the stats is a big deal too. Overall a good change.
  4. I think you will live. Seriously it isn't a big deal, your immersion can take it.
  5. Well this is where I think the complaint is a non issue. Because everything other than tanks, bosses, and mobs meant to simulate tanks are easy to kill. It isn't "just mages".
  6. Wireless keyboards and mice exist. Also yes, I use a tv as my monitor. Have for a very long time.
  7. Usually yes. I can test it if you think it is really a big deal. Personally with good image editing the resolution the game allows is more than enough.
  8. Come on nipsen give it a little rest. Mages in this game in my opinion are not at all too weak. You just have to be far more careful in how you use them, have to plan your character placement better, and build a good spell arsenal. The price they pay for their heinous levels of versatility is they are not god like in BG2 where they are the be all end all of the entire encounter. They can be very effective if used correctly though and that versatility lets them fit and be a contributor with basically any group makeup.
  9. Two things. 1: You can still use GoG and Steam but use GoG for when the game is on both. You know like for Witcher 3, Legend of Grimrock 2, and all those other old ancient games GoG has. 2: Big picture is ass and I have no clue how you can possibly think it is better than the default UI. Yes it works better on a controller but you know I can always just switch to the controller AFTER I launch the game. The normal interface is far faster to navigate and much easier to use, you just don't use a controller for it.
  10. Big grats to Obsidian on finally getting that confirmed release date announced and within sight! Can't wait to spin this game up for real on the 26th!
  11. It is possible. Not like everyone else and their brother doesn't do that these days anyway.
  12. There is no multiplayer and I don't care about steam achievements. I do like DRM free. Seems like an easy choice.
  13. Did I call it or did I call it? I would expect their final release candidate will have to be in late February at the latest unless they plan to release their physical goods/copy at a much later date than release.
  14. You are so lucky I cant find a video clip of the climactic battle of that old animated movie "Wizards".
  15. I think their secret handshake is stabbing the guy they are saying hello to with a spear .
  16. All I am saying is every Skaenite I have met is more than happy to use violence as the first response. People who go that way tend to not care about human losses on their own side when conflict is inevitable.
  17. They don't seem to think murdering dudes is all that big a deal to be honest. They sure attack your party on site priest of skaen or otherwise.
  18. Don't let people freak you out. The game has gotten better with every patch and it is getting very close to where it needs to be. I will be very surprised if it doesn't out perform Wasteland 2 on pretty much every front.
  19. Fair enough but attacks always hitting has been part of Eternity's design since day one. It is well past time we ironed things out. Personally I think removing the extra armor mechanics was a good idea. The math (like I said earlier) is already pointlessly complex. Taking out one layer of it isn't going to hurt. Hell take out more than one. They just need to tune the numbers more.
  20. There is no way the game is launching bug free. Not only is there the token "lol Obsidian" joke to be made but seriously, no one releases perfect bug free games anymore. Even the biggest AAA multi million budget games are shipping with bugs now. So that said yeah, there will be bugs to squash before release just don't expect them to get them all. Polish wise it actually isn't terribly far off. All the major systems are in and "working" for the most part. The big deal now is balancing and fine tuning all the mechanics, doing the final graphical tweaks and additions, maybe adding in some extra touches to maps or audio, etc. Personally I would expect it to release sometime soonish. Next three months maybe. Lots on this forum will say "delay to christmas!" or something equally insane that would probably hurt Obsidian financially. They have already delayed and pushed back the release date once, they can't do it much more.
  21. To clarify Sensuki's answer, yes, there will be no more zones added to the backer beta. There will be more zones to test on the official release day!
  22. You know they built a new engine when they realize Skyrim right? It really isn't all that "creaky" and the engine they used for fallout has long since been shelved.
  23. I think part of the problem here is other than Wymund I don't think any of them are actually priests or anyone who could recognize a Skaenite without some blatant necklace or headdress or something. Also no offense... but Skaen doesn't seem to be the kind of dude who would care if a lot of his rank and file pure fanatic loonies bit the bullet. I suspect he would see them more as cannon fodder and as a result not value their lives.
  24. I can't blame them. The math needs to be simplified and it is easier to balance versus 1 modifier than it is versus 2.
  25. Problem is there are too many things to factor in. It isn't just crit bonuses, it is your might bonus, your damage roll, bonuses from talents, bonuses on the weapon itself, temp spell buffs, blah blah blah. The math for one single swing of your sword in this game is in short way too damn complicated. The numbers in general need to be reduced, while the graze penalty needs to be reduced as well. Changing just one modifier won't work.
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