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Everything posted by Karkarov

  1. I only show it at that height for two reasons. 1: It meshes well with the rest of the UI. 2: It is easier to crop it out cause that is the default BB size. You can actually scale the combat log to whatever size you want in game already so I don't see a big need to show it bigger or what have you since that functionality already exists. Log being in the middle I don't think really works for a number of reasons, but since you can scale the log however you want already in that minimal ui version you could technically make it take up half the screen which more than makes up for the not being in middle. If you had the main menu the log could just be insanely massive.
  2. Uhh Age of Dedadence sucks.... like a lot. It has dozens of purely arbitrary fail states, you have to play it like a munchkin, it isn't particularly nice to look at and has no distinct art style other than "bad", the RNG is beyond insane, it isn't even remotely balanced, and I have hard finding anything called fun when I play it. You guys are just weird. That out of the way... Well the game system the IE games are based on (D&D) eventually turned into 4th Edition which is super MMOish, so it only makes sense it happened to the IE successor too right ?
  3. I think deflection on two hander is fine, but it needs to be more than 5. Either that or it needs to be like +5 +something to will defence, or maybe +5% speed with two handers as well. Giving two hand DT pen would just make the already superior damage dealing melee weapons be even more egregiously op over 1 hand or duel wield.
  4. Well therein lies the rub. There are only two ways in my opinion to get resources off a small bottom edge, and please bear in mind in both the UI's (and Sensuki's for that matter) that I posted the room allotted is larger than in the current BB. First you could make a third resource bar that simple is or isn't there based on character class. This is sort of weird as it makes some portraits bigger than others and just looks uneven. Second, you could go for vertical orientation of the party say top left down which would allow for more vertical space to be used and wouldn't be an issue giving say 25-30 pixels to the display. You could do it now but you would have a really big party window and I felt like the earlier border I put on was already bigger than I wanted and it wasn't even 20 pixels.
  5. Okay BB Inspired UI version 2. This is the minimalist version. Notes for this one! 1: Chronometer can no longer be hidden but I put it where it is for a reason, I wanted to keep the party bar totally out of the corner and I think it is a nice aesthetic piece for an otherwise barebones UI. Additionally if I want to later this placement gives me the option of vertically orienting the Main Menu. 2: Combat log is back on the right but you can easily imagine these elements just being flip flopped. It work's either way. 3: Blue action bar is to show that the character is using an ability that has a cast time to it, when it fills up the cast is done. When it is just yellow it is their generic cooldown between actions. 4: The "action icon" actually tuned out a little smaller than I wanted so just pretend it is like 5 pixels bigger all around. 5: The portraits are SLIGHTLY smaller than they currently are in game. We are talking 73x93 instead of 76x96. Not a huge change, but much smaller than my earlier UI which was 85x105. Anyway, enjoy: ----------
  6. Personally I have no problem with engagement, but the enemies also need to not be total morons. As the system exists now the AI is too dumb for it to work. They need to tighten up both to get this where it needs to be and perhaps remove engagement all together from non tank based characters.
  7. I disagree, it is possible, just you would have been better off choosing to play a class designed around melee to begin with. Go fig. The real problem with it is I would focus the same stats as a melee wizard as I would as a caster wizard. Might and Perception. Maybe by third would be different for melee I would go Constitution but for caster I would look at Resolve.
  8. You cant blame them, no one even makes 4:3 monitors anymore.
  9. Thanks for the feedback everyone! Glad to hear it is mostly well received. I will be doing a mark 2 later that is going to be a more .... minimalist approach.
  10. So I will toss my own most recent mock up in here. Please bear in mind this one is a work in progress and designed to stay as close to the current UI as possible with some changes to appeal to players who aren't quite happy with the layout or sizing of some things. Places where I felt like there was no need to make a change (like the action bars) I didn't make one. I also restricted myself to only using UI elements that actually exist in game now. That said I feel there were room for improvements in a few places. 1: Like Sensuki I don't like buffs off the portraits. Just don't need it, plenty of space on the portraits. 2: Pet icon is too huge and should be fit to the portrait. 3: Resource indicators were cramped, and if you look closely actually do overlap with the portraits slightly due to lack of room on the bottom edge. 4: I feel like we need to move "cooldown" timers to the portraits to make it easier to see, it is too small/hard to see on those tiny hud elements. 5: Addition of current action indicators on the portrait is helpful in my opinion because it lets you tell at a fast glance if your mage has started that buff yet, has the rogue finished moving, blah blah blah without having to interpret the sometimes VERY busy game screen. 6: Felt like the health/stam colors needed to be swapped around, just a personal thing. NOTE: I no longer bothered with a selected character indicator on the portraits. Why? Because with the action bars being so wildly different from character to character and the highlight on the selection circle being so strong on the game screen I see no point. Hell the current way it is done is so subtle in game I don't even notice it half the time. Anyway, mark 1 BB Inspired UI - here we go! As always I request you please click it and such as needed to view it at full res. ----------
  11. I refuse to munchkin so I won't drop anything below 10, call me stupid. That said this is how I would do it. ----- At least some Might, preferably up to around 15 or so if not higher. For tanks I would throw "something" at it but if it turned out like 12/13 it's okay. Con would get at least 15 or so on any Tank, melee classes would throw extra stats at it, ranged wouldn't mind it staying at 10 but would possibly pump slightly "just in case". Dex untouched, leave it at 10 regardless of character. Perception same as Might, at least 15 if not max. Only exception being healer intended characters which I handle like tanks with Might. Intelligence leave it at 10 except for characters who do a lot of auras and tanks. I try to throw some stats at it for them. Resolve mostly leave it at 10. Tanks maybe get a little for interrupt issues some dps might get a little depending on class abilities.
  12. If my reasoning were dumb WoW wouldn't have over 10 million players and Divinity:OS with it's basically useless combat log wouldn't have been #1 on steam for weeks and getting hailed as the return of "classic old school RPG".
  13. I think this is the real truth. Games these days can be far far more visual. Back in IE days there was no floating combat text because I am not sure the IE engine could do it and no one thought about it. Truth is though when you have "good" floating combat text you don't actually need to look at the log during combat. I know you don't like MMO's Sensuki but there is a reason they use floating numbers and most serious math crunchers simply run mods to track numbers to an outside site then go there to actually interpret them. It works, and combat in MMO's, during a raid, with 10+ people and who knows how many mobs is just simply more complex than anything you will see in Eternity or any IE game. If it works for games that are far more fast paced, with even more hectic and complex combat, that you cant even pause.... there is no reason it cant work for Eternity. I feel like it is just another case of "but the IE games did it this way!!!!". Look at Shadowrun Returns, it is a very old school turn based game, but has no combat log and it doesn't really feel like I am losing anything by not having it. I don't even know why Divinity:OS has it, I turned it off like 30 minutes in and never regretted it.
  14. This is an improvement over other outings. I will be posting something myself later on since I can no longer resist.
  15. You're clearly in minority with this opinion. Only if you only count diehard IE fans and ignore the vast majority of backers who don't come to the beta discussion forum.
  16. Possible, I never really paid attention to rogue specific talents until this patch for obvious reasons.
  17. Not how I would do it, but it isn't that bad. I wouldn't mind it, but I still prefer what is in game now. Better than other UI's posted lately. Thinking about how Obsidian has designed some classes it is going to be hard to do a "great" UI. Mages/Priests are seriously handicapped by class design being based on spell levels.
  18. Sorry Saeri that UI sucks. It isn't your fault though since you are literally just copying the BG UI which.... sucks.
  19. I don't dislike your suggestions Shevek, in fact I wish skills in Eternity were far more robust than they are. However it is too late in the game for these kinds of huge changes you are talking about. Also with so few skills I just don't see a ton of point in putting a complex system behind it.
  20. You are going to make me seriously enter this discussion again. I voted for the default UI as I legitimately prefer it over all posted. Even over Sensuki's, which in all fairness boils down to just being the default UI flipped over so the log is on the left and party on right.
  21. Many Rogue talents still exist Sensuki they are just level gated. For example Backstab.... and the one that lets you turn invisible twice per encounter I think, or is it per rest, either way I assure you it works.
  22. In all honesty if I could change stats how I wanted them to be the 10 is 0 would stay, Int would go back to what it was, Resolve would pick up Deflection and give a bigger buff to Will Defense, Dex would get back Accuracy and keep action speed just make it .5% per point, accuracy would lose the crit thing, Perception would get interrupt back but also gain a crit bonus to compensate for it's removal from Dex, Might and Con would be unchanged, Range bonus would be dropped, the interrupt talent would get slightly nerfed to compensate for perception having interrupt again but not too much, and lastly a resist interrupt talent would be put in as well.
  23. Not a bad call to kill him first. I have done the fight a couple times, always win but it isn't unusual for BB Rogue to go down to Deep Wounds or something similar.
  24. Just to throw this out there but there is an interrupt talent now, also accuracy and interrupt on the same stat as the game stands now would be OP.
  25. I understand, but most people would crap a brick if there were 5-6 optional action bars on screen.
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