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Everything posted by Karkarov

  1. Posted the same thing myself in another thread. If he is saying what it looks like he is saying, then the funding of stretch goals will continue well past the fig ending.
  2. No, I mean if you had actually listened to the video and read the original information on the fig page you would have known. I wouldn't call that "women's logic" just plain old logic. Also sexist much? Seriously, you are being too emotional and reactionary. Just cancel your backing and leave the forum if it is critical for you. If you change your mind later you can always just buy the game at normal retail. Also they have already said it will be possible to add a sixth character with mods.
  3. I really hope Feargus is answering the question I think he is answering.
  4. Fair enough, but there are a lot of hours in the day, and it was right there in the original pitch. Also there are these things called days off. I am on one of them now.
  5. True, but at the same time with the classes all being tweaked, and the addition of subclasses, they may want to make unique talents a subclass thing. I put a question in the twitter pile for it so hopefully they offer clarification in todays stream.
  6. What about all that stuff he posted makes you think he isn't dead? That was blatantly him in Eternity 1. He even has a piece of "fulvano" loot on him that is not discussed in any of the other journals. Brenneke's comment if anything was tongue in cheek saying "Isn't he dead? Hmmm..." Also college professors fail students who site Wiki's as a source for a reason.
  7. I understand you are upset but they were totally upfront about 5 party members, it is right there in the original fig promotion. I am really really confused how people think having one less character is all that impactful? My 6th person in Eternity 1 was just a gun mook who simply sat back and passively shot someone every once in awhile, because I literally didn't need them for anything else.
  8. It would be the box itself. Signing the plastic wrap seems a tab bit silly, and very very hard.
  9. I beg to differ, I side kick dwarves many many times. Sometimes I front kick them too, and back kick.
  10. Probably the opposite. In PoE, the majority of the main companions just hang around, waiting for you to chat them up. On the other hand, didn't they state sidekicks will be people who join who after you help them in quests? Yeap, Heijoushin is correct. Sidekicks offer to join you after you do "something" that helps them out in some way. Does that mean you do a quest for them? Rescue them from a dungeon, which you went into for some other reason? Pay them a big fat contract fee? Don't know! Companion wise they haven't been 100% clear on it, but pretty sure you are going to start with Eder, Aloth, and Pallegina already in your party from the get go. Which means you will only be one person shy of a full party. As for the standing around waiting for you stuff, yes that is how it should be. Remember Companions are with you because they are personally invested in your mission for whatever reason. They have their own motivations for going with you, so of course they don't need you to jump through a ton of hoops. It is in THEIR best interest to team up. Sidekicks aren't going with you because they care about your mission, they are going with you because they owe you. That is quite possibly the most important story difference between the companions and sidekicks.
  11. Sidekicks are full on party members. They just don't have as much story/lore in them as the companions, and don't work within the companion reputation system. Think of them like Yeslick, Branwen, or Xan from Baldur's Gate 1.
  12. Given the lack of a "vanilla" option for Priests and Paladins I suspect you're right. My guess would be that each Deity and Order will have a little more distinction than they did in PoE (more unique talents and perhaps some unique abilities too) but ultimately they won't be fundamentally different in the way that other subclasses are. They'll all have the basic things that make their class their class. They have already confirmed in a stream that different priests have different spells. Like I said, a Priest of Magran will have different spells than a Priest of Wael. I doubt they will have different talents. I expect it works pretty similarly for Paladin Orders.
  13. I don't think it works like that. I think the subclasses are more specific, and your order or faith just as an overall effect on your character. Like Priest of Magran may get some spells that a Priest of Wael doesn't, but the same is true in reverse. However, there is nothing mechanically different about them outside some differences in spell selection. They are both still just "priests". A blackjacket fighter literally functions differently on a mechanics level than a normal fighter. They get more weapon slots, they have lower weapon swap times, reduced or possibly no weapon swap penalties, etc etc.
  14. Yeah this is a load of crap. There is no such thing as sweeping groups you are talking about, everyone has individual trials and troubles. Yes some more than others, but I have never met a person whose life is without some tragedy. A white guy who grew up in a rich family most certainly can come to understand, and relate to, a black guy who grew up in the ghetto. And vice versa. A person who actually experiences a trauma will obviously be better able to articulate what that trauma was like. That doesn't mean a person who has not experienced it can not also understand it, and articulate that though. Maybe they will not be as qualified to do so, but they can still do it in a reasonable and respectable way. Or do you really think rich people don't know what being poor is like? My former boss at work is a multi millionaire. He makes nearing a half mill a year. He spent his childhood growing up in a dirt poor town, in a dirt poor family, in the midwest USA where his entire household income was less than the average single American median salary. He very much so understands what it is like to be poor, why do you think he works so hard at being rich?
  15. That poor sod probably is the most incompetent person on the entire Eora. Don't you mean "was" the most incompetent? I am pretty sure you found his corpse in Eternity 1.
  16. There are a lot of reasons to guesstimate this campaign will play out differently than a traditional backer funded game. 1: A large chunk of funds seems to be investments, not traditional backers. It is safe to assume some traditional backers may have gone the investment route instead of the basic backer path. 2: It is on Fig, not Kickstarter. There is always a group of people who will simply resist a change in service. 3: No paypal option, this can effect tons of people. 4: This is a sequel, so people who felt they were burned by Eternity 1 may not come back for 2. 5: The fact that this game got it's funding even faster than Eternity 1 is a big hint, most people who were "sure" got on board in the first few days. The fact that in the US at least people should start seeing their tax returns about now may help a little in these last few days though. Let's hope so anyway.
  17. Personally I am fine with 5, I would be fine with 4. I don't judge how a game plays based on how many party members I can have. Tyranny worked fine in my opinion for example. All that said, Sawyer specifically choose a "will you change your mind and go back to a 6 person party" question in one of his streams. His response was to smirk (rightfully so), and then say no. After a pause he went into the explanation that has already been offered dozens of times. Point is, this is not going to happen, period, outside of mods.
  18. I don't know. How do mutes in real life get by? You can't understand him, doesn't mean he can't understand you. There is nothing immersion breaking about the character. You don't even know when his "problem" started, it could be a fairly new thing.
  19. Yeap, I did mention Gaun is just an aspect of Eothas, making her an Eothas worshiper. Also it will not say priest of Gaun in game for a few reasons. 1: Gaun is just an avatar. 2: The player can't be a priest of Gaun, but can be a priest of Eothas. 3: She can also be a straight monk , so no priest of anything. Also, don't talk about Wakka, you are giving me nightmares.
  20. I think the sidekicks might be replacing the mercenary hires. Many people didn't like the whole "hire a guy/gal" concept because they had no personality, and were just murder bots really. With "sidekicks" you get to have a character who is not as involved as a "companion", but still has some personality. So it makes hiring extra characters much more interesting, and also gives the people who want more party options their flexibility without completely losing all character. Also I like to think they all went through special companion training, and this is who greeted the side kicks at the end.
  21. That's really nice work actually. If you are using an editor that has layers (assume you are), and the character is on a separate layer, all you need to do is lower the layer opacity a little. After that go over the highest brightness parts of the your portrait with an eraser to lower their opacity further so they are especially transparent. Once those two things are done, it will be fairly spot on.
  22. Now that you mention it... that is concerning. Perhaps they'll have a "watercolor vintage filter" to convert custom portraits? Xoti is cuter than expected. Any decent image editor already has filters that will accomplish that, Obsidian doesn't need to develop one. I think they all look fine, remember, this is a very low res image. In game they will look better.
  23. The wiki is wrong, official interviews/info dumps on various sites state she is an eothas worshiper. As I recall Gaun is just an aspect of Eothas, like the Pallid Knight is just an aspect of Berath. Also pretty sure she is savannah folk, not meadow. Look at the skin tone/hair color, not to mention the name, also didn't they flat state that when she was announced? Either way I find the funniest part is that Eder and Xoti apparently don't get along. Makes me think she will probably be a little on the zealot side of things.
  24. The blue guy really doesn't strike me as a moon godlike, he has fins on his arm. Also it was let slip in today's stream they are a chanter. So anyone who guessed that, good game! For me.... Watcher is a Cipher, might give them rogue levels too Eder, probably as a straight fighter. Pallegina as a straight paladin Xoti as a monk/priest Aloth as a straight wizard.
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