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Everything posted by Karkarov

  1. I agree, I feel like people are overlooking some big things too. It isn't like "you get to decide this and nothing else!!!" we could do a vote for the actual pirate crew name. A vote for the flag icon. Vote on the "theme" of it all if we want silly or serious, flag colors, type of ship, blah blah blah. It is about a lot more than just "who is on the crew".
  2. Well I mentioned this to Fluffle in a side IM but I will throw it out here. I could just upgrade my tier to the ship and pay it, I am not rich or anything but I can "afford it". Then if we want people can just buy in from there and toss money in to "buy votes" or however we want to do it. The bonus to something like this is that it allows us to collect funds past the actual kickstarter campaign. Meaning you don't actually have to "buy in" in the next 20 whatever days if you want to contribute to it, but can't afford to right now. That said I don't feel super hot about that much money on the line either unless we can be sure we can get at least a majority of the 5k over time. Anyway, just a potential option for peoples consideration.
  3. Eumaios, not sure about all the devil of Caroc, Eder getting on with not Aloth and all.... .... .... (GET OUT OF MY BRAIN) but the "PC and best friends wife" actually sounds like a pretty sweet romance subplot to be honest. I think something like this Obsidian probably could pull off, especially if there is no way for it to end happily for the PC.
  4. I, as a non Obsidian Employee will address your points one by one. Please bear in mind I am actually pretty knowledgeable about this stuff, and I did stay at a holiday inn express last night. 1: Pretty sure they are already doing this one, it also falls into the realm of common sense. Of course everyone wants better companions. 2: I suspect this is part of why they are changing the mechanics a lot. They are doing that you know. 3: Uh too late? *Hands the people who posted this a tissue* 4: Okay this one is legit, piss them off enough they turn on you. Kind of falls into #1 though. 5: They are already doing this one. 6: It is unity, so by default it supports mods. It just might not be "easy" to mod it. 7: Fair enough, not sure how I feel about it personally. 8: They have already said you get a pirate ship. 9: Get a better pc.... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, seriously load times were always fine. Also seriously, no one wants their game to run bad, I am sure they will do all they can. 10: Another common sense, of course everyone wants this thing. 11: Common sense rules the day at the Friendly Arm. 12: Yeah, as much as we like to make light of it on these forums, Obsidian also knows a large RPG demographic likes Romance in games. 13: Even though this is another common sense thing I guess it is fair, it is specific enough most people might not think of it. Bear in mind when I say "common sense thing", I mean "This is so damn obvious a thing people will want, people could not post about it, and Obsidian would still know people want this". Obsidian doesn't need this sort of feedback as it is patently obvious doing those things would be good based on "common sense" or feedback from Eternity 1. Everyone wants more cool weapons, everyone wants better companions, everyone wants a cool stronghold, everyone wishes defiance bay was better, etc etc. What people need to post are things like your second set of suggestions. Things that are very specific and not normally thought about. Those details are what will help them make a better game and give a general quality of life upgrade for the players. So kudpos on set two, very good stuff. Please note I am not really bashing the OP, this was good work. I just want to throw it out there that there is such a thing as pointless or bad feedback. The best way to get the best game possible is to focus on giving the best feedback you can. Example "Mur uneeq weap ons lol" is crap feedback. "Let's add Whips to the game and give them these unique mechanics....." = not crap feedback.
  5. It would, and I bet you between a few of us we would be there. For example, just you and me Osvir would put us around 10% of the way there already. Catch 22, you don't get what you actually backed for anymore. Not sure how many people would be willing to give up their cool collectors stuff in exchange for 1 vote about a pirate ship/crew, and 1 digital key. While this is a neat idea it requires one of two things. Obsidian either has to "good faith" take a ship off of fig. Or agree to allow a special 3rd crew as a one time thing not available through kickstarter.
  6. I think going for a ship would be cool, just have to see if we can get the support. Maybe ask Obsidian to reserve one for us until we can see what we can do? I am sure they could easily create a special paypal account for donation collections. Of course this relies on Obsidian working with us poor forumites.
  7. Well if you guys want a forum badge I would be happy to throw my hand at designing one. I think I proved I don't totally suck at designing stuff with the last game That said the idea of going in as a group and funding a pirate ship sounds like a really cool idea, I would definitely throw down extra scratch for it. EDIT to reply to fluffy. How you collect it is easy. You just have to elect a trustworthy chairperson, everyone paypal them their donation, that person makes a special email and Fig account specifically for that one thing, and backs with that account using the exact amount of donations. Now how you decide who gets what of the additional goodies is a great question.
  8. Mother of god, that guys hat is huge!
  9. True, but he does kind of make a good point. They really don't explain why it works that way in the first game either .
  10. *gets out the popcorn* Here we go!!! I am pulling for you promancers, I really am! Lol in all seriousness you could fit romance subplots in this game just fine, it is a draw for a lot of players. I don't mind them myself really, I just don't feel like they "have" to be there. The real issue is that Obsidian simply doesn't enjoy writing them, and they feel like they suck at it to boot. That said I will give you a like OP, because you are right. La La Land is a great freaking movie.
  11. Considering all the mechanics changes they are talking about it is a lot less forgot everything, and a lot more "I started a new job that was kind of like my old one but for a completely different company using completely different tools I am not familiar with yet." Remember, they said choices you made in the first game will be reflected. They even mentioned the Orlan baby . Also, I don't think starting a new character will do what you want. You would still be the watcher, you probably just get a "cannon" world state, or a Tyranny like intro where you pick and choose. Couple reasons. 1: The community here is a little too .... "passionate" if you get what I mean. It can get very very negative at times, and bogged down in some seriously heinous long winded debates about the most anal details. You know, like playing D&D or Warhammer with RPG nerds. 2: Something Awful is a far more "professional" site. You have to pay for membership for example. So it has a lot more people in the gaming (and other) industries in it. It is policed VERY heavily, and typical forum troll behavior will get you permanently banned in a New York minute. It is not your typical web forum basically, it really is a higher class of poster. All that said Sawyer will still post here sometimes if a particular topic gets his attention and he wants to clarify, or if he sees something really cool he wants to give a nod to. Just trust that Obsidian, and Sawyer by extension, are reading basically everything you post here about Deadfire.
  12. Well said. No one really cared that you started over at level 1 in Mass Effect 2, but yeah it had a good "explanation" for it. More interesting, I don't think I ever heard anyone seriously bitch about level and gear loss between Witcher 1-2 or 2-3. It is more interesting because there is literally no explanation as to why you are de leveled, or missing all your kit. You just are. As long as major decisions, maybe some minor ones, and the plots associated with your companions make it over 98% of players will just laugh at the story maguffin and dive in. I know I will.
  13. Can't say the official news surprised me. Personally I am fine with it. They are going to introduce real multi classing, new mechanics, and a new take on class kits? It only makes sense to start back at level 1. I wish they had just done a fresh story instead, but lots of people wanted closure on the Eothas plot so I can forgive it. Especially since it ends up in Deadfire Archipelago, one of the regions I thought sounded most interesting on paper.
  14. Jones hit the nail on the head a few posts up. That sixth slot hardly ever mattered anyway, it was always a "warm body" character. Hey he is sort of funny, guess I can bring him. I don't need a rogue but I guess it saves me from wasting points on those skills.... That is how character six almost always ended up. Personally I am good with five characters, like they said, it is enough to cover all the main bases without also having redundancy. Unless you choose to have redundancy and a gap somewhere else .
  15. Well I wouldn't be shocked if we were kicked back to level 1. Remember, Eora is about the power of souls. I watched that video and it looked like Eothas was eating up some souls to power his own revival. So it isn't crazy to assume you and your compatriots took some serious damage to your own souls in the process. A damaged soul would very much be a weaker soul, and could explain a lower leveled character.
  16. Nice work, those are some great voices. Though I would like to see something a little less on the zany/violent/evil loon side released too.
  17. dude even if it doesn't have the game I bet you that you could ebay it for way more than 10 dollars. There is going to be some nutty RPG fanatic out there who already has the game who will throw down a decent bit of scratch to get a box, much less one signed by the whole dev team.
  18. Should we continue story of Watcher? I would prefer not because they are sort of a faceless cypher with very little personality or real agency in their own game. That said I won't be upset if Obsidian goes this route. Should we play as some other character (companion)? No, the game should either be the same watcher character or someone totally new. This is a given, no idea why anyone thinks the main character being a Eternity 1 companion is a good idea, or even in the realm of possibility. Cameos? Of course there should be some cameo's, maybe even some recurring companions who can still be... companions. Save Export? Only if Obsidian thinks it is feasible without bloating the budget or dev time. If we really really really have to do this I would vastly prefer if they do it Tyranny style and just give you lead in questions to decide important things about the first game.
  19. I am pretty sure he did. I was actually really let down, he was one of my favorite BG1 characters despite his crappy build.
  20. Let me sum up my feelings on this in one word. No. Okay, two words. HELL no. This is not an isometric view action game with light story, like the game you played that is probably inspiring you to make this post. The script for this stuff is always too heavy handed, cheesy, and over the top. It is also gets really old, really fast.
  21. Xan and Branwen had a cameo in the tutorial of BG2. I think Alora showed up in short sidequest/cameo where she didn't even have a portrait, and did not necessarily act like she knew you. I also think she dies like 5 minutes after showing up . So it was easy to miss it.
  22. Extra hookers and blow can't possibly do anything but great things for the development cycle.
  23. Incorrect. Some of the items were in fact stupid and useless crap, and I did in fact say "Naw. Don't put that crap in." Right, and like I said to the last person who said this, for every one of you there is 2+ people who will do the exact opposite. Survey's that don't force a choice will always return skewed data.
  24. Oh don't worry my reply was serious but I laughed when I read it
  25. You should know by now that there is always someone. On the survey there were several things I said I wouldn't want. A survey is about gaining metrics to determine future actions. Yes, there are people like yourself and me who might say one item is poop don't bother. But for every 1 of us there is probably 2 people who will say everything is must have, or "really exciting".
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