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Everything posted by sparklecat

  1. My favourite little thing - how when a cutscene starts with people walking up to the party, a ranger's animal companion will head right to their side.
  2. So long as they don't completely ignore the major decisions I made in my game to set up the sequel, I'll be happy. (You had Jaheira, Khalid, Minsc, Dynaheir and Imoen in your party at the end of BG1, right? No? TOO BAD, YOU DID NOW.)
  3. I kind of felt the same way playing a priest of Eothas when talking to Eder, but at least we had a special option in the Eothasian temple and with Raedric.
  4. I was amazed that Sagani came with no points in athletics. Really, game? The huntress is not athletic?
  5. There is heat shimmer above flames! It's great. I badg- er, talked a friend into getting the game and the first thing she said to me was "you were right, this is really pretty," after she'd been worrying about whether she could enjoy it, given that the graphics of BG1 put her off too much.
  6. This is not my experience; one bad character is easy enough to make up for with five at least decent others.
  7. Hadret House. You may need to progress the main quest some before they'll let you do it, though.
  8. Oh, I had a random consecrated ground appear after a character got hit with a high amount of damage once - one that moved with the characters - but wasn't paying much attention at the time. That would explain it.
  9. You can't get in from the catacombs side; it's related to another quest. Incidentally, finding traps and hidden things is governed by mechanics, not perception.
  10. Just leave more space when running around an enemy and flanking works fine; I've got a nice club that does x1.2 damage to flanked enemies that I've been making use of, and I don't generally run into trouble with positioning.
  11. When I was trying to reproduce the bug last night by using the chest, I thought part of the problem was that I hadn't opened it far earlier, before gaining access to the patient ward. Though it's still odd that this is triggering the bug for me every time, but not for other players. Yeah, it's definitely helpful information, even if it's not the only factor.
  12. To start, perhaps if you don't want it to autopause when you hit a target, you should turn off the option leading it to do that?
  13. So your argument for why it should be this way is "because I like it?" Well, it's got the benefit of simplicity, at least.
  14. Official confirmation that the expansion will be available in a format that works with our DRM-free discs would be nice, too. eta: our theoretical DRM-free discs which we will hopefully have by that point
  15. Um. Okay, but you haven't actually justified why this limitation should exist, you've just spoken up in favour of limitations in general, which I don't think anyone's arguing against.
  16. Try going to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\downloading and deleting anything in there before trying to get the update again. Possibly without the x86 part.
  17. Ichthyic - I'd rather they added story mode as something separate than make easy easier; I've got a buddy who had to put the game on easy to survive the encounters until she got to grips with the combat system, and turned it up to normal somewhere around Dyrwood Village. Using it as a training wheels type mode is rather different than only playing for the story.
  18. In GOG's stream of PoE by TotalBiscuit, he had Adam Brennecke on, who I believe mentioned that they're looking at this summer for the expansion.
  19. Hover your mouse over the spell/ability and hit the key you want to bind it to.
  20. They pretty much said "the cruicible Knights won't like it". That's it. So no, it's NOT clear. Not in the least. Why am I, a neutral mercenray, suiddenly personana non-grata? Why the hell id it an insourmantable obstacle, when I have a excellent relations with the Knights? A fetch/exploration job is treated as a decelaration of utter loyalty. How can one expect loyalty out of me when I was never invited to be part of the group to bein with? there never was a "Do you want to join us?" with the knights. And the Dozen seem like a loose group. They organize contracts and expeditions, so how is "Hey, do you need a extra hand on one of the expeditions?" the same as "I'm loyal to you and only to you!" Okay, so maybe dialogue needs to at least be edited to say something like "if you do this, the Knights/Doemenels won't be willing to work with you anymore?" I do not much like either that all it takes is accepting the quest to be locked in; sometimes people change their minds based on what they encounter in games! I locked myself into going with the Knights by accepting their quest because neither revolutionary types nor criminals felt acceptable for my lawful character, but after more experiences with animancy and the harm it could cause I found myself thinking that really, she'd go return the research to the Knights, tell them to find someone else, and jump ship to the Dozens. But alas, it was not allowed.
  21. Was wandering around Elm's Reach earlier and I just stopped to admire the scenery for a good few minutes. Nothing major, just the autumn leaves, patches of sunlight on the grass, and a perfect ambient twittering birds background to complete the mood. And I usually am not too fond of any nature-y druid filled areas, but this was just beautiful and peaceful. I also got stuck watching the water in Anslog's Compass for a rather excessive period of time; what areas have struck the rest of you in this respect? Not talking about the gameplay, just the look and feeling.
  22. Skyrim was a terribly boring game. It could be pretty sometimes, sure, but I find PoE more attractive, myself.
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