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Everything posted by sparklecat

  1. This was many hours back for me; I remember being confused about what I was supposed to do next, but heading out of the Sanitarium gave me the next step soon enough.
  2. I don't recall, I'm afraid; I fought the group of patients, killed all the constructs, left Azo alive, then went up and talked to the statue, who asked me how much things were really Azo's fault.
  3. I love it when my party marches through some door in a cutscene in completely the wrong formation, too. My lightly armoured priest is in the back for a reason!
  4. They could also tie amount of xp given to difficulty, as I've seen suggested; let people playing on easy for just the main story continue getting tons of xp, without requiring those playing on hard to have to choose between, y'know, doing the sidequests and still having combat be a challenge. Presumably getting overlevelled so that combat becomes easier is not a large concern for you if you are already playing on the easiest setting.
  5. I did not get this bug, and I went around and killed every flesh construct before going up, however.
  6. Solution 2 might be easier, but solution 1 lets them leave the critical path balance alone.
  7. Such a pity I'll never take him along since I want to shoot him in the face, then.
  8. It's weird though, when I originally stole the item I was stealthed and no one noticed or seemed to care, now they're attacking me on sight as soon as I enter. Is that how stealing work or...? In general, no, and it's something the game at least needs to telegraph more clearly as a possible consequence if it's intended behaviour.
  9. I think you're overreacting a bit, buddy. XP and enemy AI problems are things that can be fixed by mods.
  10. Given how troublesome the upstairs going hostile can be, I'd suggest that anyone who wants to do that to fight the wichts right now should make their save after the fight, then leave it alone until they've gone back upstairs and talked to the statue without problems, then make a second backup save there before reloading their first one. Just in case.
  11. c) try it out at a friend's house, or through Steam family sharing if possible d) read reviews or talk to people whose taste you trust
  12. There's a world of difference between "have to do absolutely everything to hit the level cap" and "noooo, don't worry, we're not going to penalize you by making the game significantly harder if you want to skip 90% of it, it's fine!"
  13. As opposed to avoiding those quests because otherwise there's no challenge to the game? I really do not care if people whose chosen playstyle is to skip half the game find it hard to complete as a result. It should be that way.
  14. Yeah I understand that, I just require a controller to play because of my physical disability and would love to play this game. Huh. Do you mind if I ask what it is that makes a controller acceptable for you but not a mouse?
  15. Hah! Getting the bestiary XP as a half-measure toward combat XP was the fanbase's big victory during the backer beta. Now we're complaining it's too much. Hey, I was arguing against it then.
  16. I won't swear to it, but I think I did see a post by Justin Bell saying not every single track was in there, yeah; what the missing ones might be, no idea.
  17. Tell him people like him are the reason a good studio like Obsidian nearly went under. I doubt it's true, but it might make him feel bad.
  18. Your "friend" should not run into such, I expect.
  19. They should certainly be assuming that people will be doing the majority of the sidequests, even if they skip, say, the bounties.
  20. Ironman right now is not a great idea; maybe give them time to work out more of the bugs first. Why don't you start on Normal and turn it down if it's too difficult?
  21. Oh ye you are right.... and also, yes I stole from the locked room but no one saw me.. at least not at the time I stole the things... didn't get any warnings in the combat/chat log or any of them turned hostile.... You think they went hostile retroactively??? Seems far fetched imo. See this thread: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/73464-quest-the-parable-of-wael-bug/ People who stole things from that room being the ones who later have the place turn hostile seems to be an emerging pattern.
  22. I haven't been to the duc's palace after the mess in Sanitarium.... --EDIT-- Thank god.. it seems the Duc's palace is unaffected! Only the sanitarium and archives are hostile it seems. You can do Eder's quest, then; it's not in the Hall of Revealed Mysteries in Copperlane. Incidentally, did you steal from the locked room in the Hall?
  23. If you complete the Parable of Wael, the woman in charge tells you that you're welcome to take what you want from that room, so perhaps it's just set up to detect if anything goes missing and have them all turn hostile if you return later. If so, it should definitely be more clearly communicated; have them yelling "Thief!" or something at the very least when you return. Also, it probably shouldn't be this way if that's what's going on, since it's inconsistent with the rest of the game wrt undetected at the time thievery; it's not something the player can reasonably predict.
  24. They do feel rather small, yes. I'd like the wilderness maps a bit larger with the same population density to make it easier to sneak around enemies you want to avoid. I'd like Defiance Bay districts to feel more like proper districts in some cases, rather than simply a street or two; Ondra's Gift was good, Copperlane wasn't terrible, First Fires and Brackenbury were disappointingly small and empty of things going on, and Heritage Hill, while a special case, was also a bit small with so much of it devoted to cemetaries. Gilded Vale was a good size. Raedric's Keep, too. Some of the dungeons can actually get a bit on the large side, to the point of tedium, like the underground Skaen temple.
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