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Everything posted by sparklecat

  1. The one downside of this is that you may well end up finding yourself getting a quest involving someone with the same name. My character is named Aufra
  2. Obsidian, you can afford to push back the release of the game for months on end to find a few more bugs, not counting the ones that simply would never show up in your testing process, right? Cool. Jojobobo, the patch will fix saves affected by that bug.
  3. Honestly, at this point I don't think we've really tracked down when this does and doesn't trigger; saving before entering the Sanitarium and simply trying again if you run into trouble may be the best current option.
  4. Why are the developers so lazy?! I demand they go without sleep until the game is fixed for me! Get over yourself, go demand your refund for your non-working product, and learn to not expect games to be bug-free on release.
  5. Turn on fast mode and go make a sandwich?
  6. If you are having technical problems with a GOG game, they will work with you to get it running and give you a refund if that proves impossible.
  7. I disagree, judging by the volume of people still asking when it will be released (I believe there was another post just this morning). You can stubbornly post it in one place and say, "that's good enough, just ignore all the other posts or chastise them for not finding it". Or you can say "If I have to keep telling people where to find it, perhaps I'm not communicating as well as I could." The goal posts have never moved, my point was always centered on communication as a tool to mitigate frustration. Previous examples would include such titles as Inquistion, Assassins Creed Unity, Watch Dogs, each of these titles I purchased and had launch issues. I didn't have to touch their forums to know what was going on. They know lots of people are experiencing issues, instead of waiting for customers to find the information, being proactive and releasing a public statement can mitigate a lot of the negative feelings. That's all I'm saying. Unless I have overlooked a valid reason why it's better to only use the support forum? That they do not bother to look does not make it any less in a logical, easily accessible place, as well as being reported on in at least one news article I saw. And I have never seen a single game where the developer posted some sort of front page update on the patch status. Could Obsidian, in general, improve their communication? Definitely. But I don't think it's fair to act like they're communicating insufficiently in this case.
  8. Personally, I'm planning on my next playthrough to build a character to maximize stealth and mechanics and just use them to explore. Still have to kill some things to get by, but it won't be as bad.
  9. I like that when I fight something I have an actual in-game reason to do so now, rather than feeling like I have to seek out more creatures to kill to level up.
  10. They have! It'll be this week, which a pinned thread right at the top of the forum says! Yes, you are right, there is a pinned post describing the bugs reported so far. But it makes no mention of when a patch is expected, and doesn't solve the issue that a pinned support forum post shouldn't be the sole method of a major update to your customers for a product. I would expect them to post it on their front page, or contact Polygon/Kotaku etc with a follow up response to the articles those media outlets have run about the game's issues. More communication is always better than less, especially when dealing with launch issues. The FAQ thread says "week of March 30." A pinned support forum post shouldn't be the sole method of a major update to your customers for a product. Stop moving the goalposts; the information is there, in a perfectly logical place, for anyone who takes a couple minutes to go looking.
  11. I've got automatic updates turned off for Steam and it's not prompting me to download anything.
  12. They have! It'll be this week, which a pinned thread right at the top of the forum says! Yes, you are right, there is a pinned post describing the bugs reported so far. But it makes no mention of when a patch is expected, and doesn't solve the issue that a pinned support forum post shouldn't be the sole method of a major update to your customers for a product. I would expect them to post it on their front page, or contact Polygon/Kotaku etc with a follow up response to the articles those media outlets have run about the game's issues. More communication is always better than less, especially when dealing with launch issues. The FAQ thread says "week of March 30."
  13. Have you even tried reading anything in this thread, or you just came in to throw a tantrum? I have and i came in to vent my frustration because i can't play the game as every saves my character became godlier. It's more than a week already. At least they make an official statement or update about the status of patching. They did. Go check the FAQ thread pinned right at the top of this forum.
  14. They have! It'll be this week, which a pinned thread right at the top of the forum says!
  15. If your first playthrough is very important to you, it is best to wait a couple months and play the game after it's been patched.
  16. Yeah, I'm really wishing for this as well.
  17. sorry to disappoint you but double clicking an item does nothing unexpected for me. Just tested it. I double click a breastarmor to equip it, i get the stats, i double click it again to unequip it i lose the stats. Er. Did you have any passive abilities on your character prior to testing this? Racial ones, say? Not sure, I just made a quick test before going to work. But shouldnt you have racial passives all the time? Those are what the double-click bug removes. Should be fine if you didn't save your game afterwards, though.
  18. Buddy. No amount of bumping this thread is going to make you able to install the game without Steam if El Zoido's suggestion didn't work.
  19. Also it's not there on Mac, I think. And in at least some cases is only a display issue, with the abilities still functioning behind the scenes.
  20. funny, it worked for me a few days ago, so the bug seems to not always hit (or i did not meet the "requirements")
  21. sorry to disappoint you but double clicking an item does nothing unexpected for me. Just tested it. I double click a breastarmor to equip it, i get the stats, i double click it again to unequip it i lose the stats. Er. Did you have any passive abilities on your character prior to testing this? Racial ones, say?
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