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Everything posted by sparklecat

  1. If the spell is something that replaces their weapon with a magical summoned one like the wizard's corroding staff, I believe they've said there'll be a fix in the first patch that also fixes saved games.
  2. With game breaking bugs you kinda have to put the team on overtime. Other games in the past with bugs breaking the game have had hotfixes in the range from a few hours to a day. They have been working. I had a QA guy message me on Sunday to ask about a bug I was experiencing, and a dev said they've got a fix done and being tested for the double-clicking items bug.
  3. I, uh... don't want to spoil anything for you, but is it really that important?
  4. It's because Obsidian hates you, buddy. You personally. Sorry to have to break it to you.
  5. Okay, people who did not have this bug - did any of you have the wichts appear for you? People who did have this bug, were the wichts not there for any of you?
  6. This does seem like something that could be fixed retroactively: they know what the default values should be for NPCs (and PCs?), and they can just force the game to re-run calculations for things like Deflection. In theory. It should be easy enough for NPCs, yeah, but I was thinking about how they'd fix it for PCs; they know the maximum stat points we can reach and obviously they can drop us back down to legal levels for each attribute, but depending on how it's fixed a) there's a potential problem if multiple stats have been affected with how much to decrease each, and b) that might make it impossible to cheat in higher stats later, not sure. Not that I really know anything about their code, of course.
  7. Ah, there's a quest you can get after you reach the part of the main quest involving Lady Webb (downstairs from her) which explains all this. Looks like it's possible to trigger it earlier without it making sense.
  8. Hmm. When you delete a game with Steam, it keeps some files; save games, settings, etc. Might be worth checking and making sure it's all gone before doing a reinstall.
  9. A patch is due this week, but we're not sure what all will be fixed in it and what'll still be in progress.
  10. Is it possible to force-kill a creature with console commands as you could in the IE games, perhaps? Maybe killing the companion thusly would help.
  11. It's a solution that lets you progress with your game without cheating until it's fixed, but you certainly don't have to use it if you'd rather not.
  12. Like I said, make the new companion you replace her with not a ranger.
  13. Kill her, cheat yourself in the money if you like (though I have over 30k at level 7, I'm not feeling strapped for cash), and buy a new level 4 something that's not a ranger.
  14. Worst comes to worst, you could just murder the ranger.
  15. That's... really odd. Got a second computer you could try it out with? Also, running dxdiag and attaching the file with your system info here for the developers might help them with trying to fix this.
  16. Well, Pallegina's outside in Defiance Bay, in Ondra's Gift; maybe that's the area they're referring to.
  17. Add don't equip the Drinking Horn of Moderation to that list. For a temporary stat boost it's fine, but not if your heath might be dropping under 50% while it's in.
  18. This pisses me off. How is him saving "properly" have ANYTHING TO DO WITH IT? It's not his fault. His game would be fine if it wasn't a buggy mess due to poor testing. I'm not saying it's his/her fault. I'm saying if you save at least semi-regularly, you don't end up losing 33 hours due to problems with your autosave and quicksave. All games tend to be buggy on release, and there are other things that can corrupt a file; you're best off saving every hour or so, just to be safe.
  19. Andre, I don't know much about monks, but is there anything similar to what I just said about what's causing my PC's intellect to increase? An ability or something giving you a temporary boost to your hp where it's being taken off again by some trigger and then putting it back up when the trigger no longer applies, so the bonus ends up stacking permanently over time?
  20. Just figured out one thing to avoid to keep your stats from increasing with that bug: If you have the Drinking Horn of Moderation equipped (which gives +2 Intellect when you're over 50% endurance) and your endurance drops under 50% in a fight, when it goes back up you'll be 2 more Intellect points over where you should be.
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