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Everything posted by sparklecat

  1. YES. Got it. Drinking Horn of Moderation equipped, go into a fight with 34 Intellect, go under 50% endurance during the fight (at which point Intellect shows "properly" as 32), finish fight and regenerate endurance, Intellect now at 36. Looks like when you go back up over 50% it's both... taking off the penalty and applying the bonus again, in a sense. So that's one of the situations that causes this sort of thing tracked down, at least.
  2. Yep, the Drinking Horn of Moderation gives +2 Intellect when you're above 50% endurance... I wonder if perhaps my endurance dipped under that in the fight between the two saves and it ended up reapplying the Intellect bonus without actually taking it off first? brb testing
  3. There is likely a way to manually update the quest, but I don't know what it is. If you have a proper save that's not too far back, you might be better off reloading that and leaving this quest alone for the time being.
  4. Yep, but one of the devs was asking someone who was having this same thing to send them one of their later saves, which suggests they're not supposed to be growing this much/quickly.
  5. You've got the wrong door; north ward door is the one to the northeast of the map, not the one to the northwest. I had the same problem for a time
  6. But since this seems to be the same bug there must be some way to figure out when it happens to the PC as well. It is def not when saving in any area. And I've had Kana with his turban in my party since before I noticed my AoEs going crazy, but he's only 1 Intellect over where he should be. Maybe I'll go poke through my old saves, try to narrow down when this started. eta: okay, first thought, it might be tied to the Drinking Horn of Moderation which is also bugged in other ways for ciphers; she's wearing both that and a helmet that increases her perception and resolve, and I just found a save where her intellect is up 2 from where it should be, but her perception and resolve are fine eta2: and I've narrowed down when it first happened to between two saves 45 minutes apart... Devs and QA people, I'm going to PM one of you a link to a zip file with the relevant saves and such, since I can't upload files. eta3: see below, I managed to isolate what in particular was causing my PC's intellect to increase like this; it is the horn, whenever she goes under 50% endurance in a fight
  7. I think that it's not really the focus in a game of this type; I'm happy that they put their resources into, for example, developing the story and more quests and such instead of crafting. That said, I wouldn't be surprised if this was improved upon for the expansion, with new recipes at least.
  8. 1. Autosaves and quicksaves are separate save slots; your quicksave should be fine. 2. Have you not saved properly? Ever?
  9. Yeah, and my PC has 34 Intellect; pretty sure I didn't recruit her. Putting the game aside until this is fixed, and really really hoping it fixes current saves as well.
  10. People who are finding combat too easy might also want to check if they or their companions have been affected by the stat increase bug; just checked my PC and her Intellect is 34. I was wondering why her AoEs were so big :D
  11. I also have this, and the size of my save files is definitely growing over time; that's the quick and autosave at the top.
  12. Yeah, this is noticeable on my game 30 hours in.
  13. Don't save and reload your game in a location you picked up a companion; duck into a building first. Don't equip any items by double-clicking. Avoid Raedric's Hold unless you don't mind doing a little save file editing to fix getting stuck there. Save your game before going into the Sanitarium; if people on the main floor end up going hostile and it's not your fault, try again. Don't do the quest that leads up to recruiting Pallegina if you're playing a generally benevolent character, it'll probably end up breaking. Those are the ones I'm currently aware of.
  14. Had a QA person contact me last night, so they're definitely working on fixing this. Anyone else who runs into it, might be a good idea to roll back to before the fight in the warehouse/before the quest start if possible and continue on with other stuff from there until it's fixed.
  15. Yeah, same. There were also no wichts in the closed off room to the NW.
  16. I think they're trying to get a hotfix out for the double-clicking items bug first, but I'd be surprised if this wasn't next.
  17. They're working on them (including over the weekend, which is pretty nice), a patch is expected this week, and for at least some problems they've mentioned they're trying to make the fixes retroactive.
  18. In my experience so far, dispositions are less used as requirements to unlock dialogue choices and more reacted to by characters; someone will say something like "everyone says you're really nice, but I never thought you'd help me with my problem!" if you're benevolent, or some such.
  19. By "doing fine," what I meant was that I am, if anything, finding it a bit too easy myself. eta: Maybe I'm just naturally amazing at this game!
  20. I don't think so; my high Perception and Resolve priest who hangs out on the back lines (i.e., not that optimally built) has been doing fine on hard with the nigh-useless meatshields, really.
  21. Well, if you count this as good news, even if this has affected you, a developer's said he's working on making the fix apply to games already in progress rather than just new ones.
  22. I went with a spear for the increased accuracy for my knockdowns, but I may well end up switching if I find any hatchets I like.
  23. Nope! I am a benevolent priest. Unless they attack me first in which case their stuff becomes forfeit.
  24. In combat, the selected character should have their hp and recovery bar show up over their head.
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