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Everything posted by sparklecat

  1. When they're confused, sometimes their circles briefly go red and they're counted as enemies; party members who switch targets due to the death of their previous one during this will sometimes attack them.
  2. By any chance do you have the game on Steam? If so, try putting it into offline mode first.
  3. I'm going to have to call you out on that one - So by your logic nothing is allowed, anywhere? Because I'll bet you that we can find plenty of examples of harmless jokes aimed at any culture, sexual preference and even race in the world. Now and then. Personally I'm not a big fan of kicking people who are already down, particularly when it's a group that has a near 50% lifetime suicide rate. Ten times the US average. Stuff like this, the "it's just a joke, stop being so easily offended, man up," it matters because it contributes to that. It's not harmless because it is a part of the larger societal treatment that is ultimately a major factor in driving people to kill themselves. And with that, I'm bowing out of this discussion because I'm getting too upset myself, now.
  4. There's a difference between the in-universe stuff that fits with the general themes and that I trust Obsidian to handle sensitively, because they've done so thus far in my experience and because that is part of their job, and some out of universe backer message like this. I agree that any change should go with the backer in question being offered their money back, and I'm sure if Obsidian decides to do so, they'll make such an offer.
  5. YES Censorship is always evil. You never should censor the thought of an artist no matter how offending it is. That is how classic literature was established. It was always something very taboo back then., It dealt not only with heavy topics but also was very political at its times. It was approved by the team because they thought its totally fine and therefore it should stay in there. Again if you do not like it. There is a mod on twitter which will remove this joke. Use that . I think calling some random backer an artist is pushing it here, buddy.
  6. You know what else would be censorship? If they told a backer "no, you can't put that racial slur in your message." Censorship is not inherently evil; context matters.
  7. Depends on the harder fight, I think; against one or two tough enemies, sure, there are more useful classes. But I'm finding most of my tough fights have a half-dozen plus, and spamming that mind blade spell is tearing most of them to pieces.
  8. I do think this particular message should be changed, because it is quite offensive to suggest that sleeping with someone who turns out to be a trans woman is so horrific that you would kill yourself afterwards. If the joke here was that the dude slept with someone who turned out to be black come the next day and killed himself out of shame over doing so, I think the offensiveness would be much more clear. Regarding PoE's mature storylines, I think the difference is that torture, rape, etc., are being treated as serious subjects and not made light of; there's no suggestion that the behaviour is agreed with by Obsidian/condoned, you know? Which letting this message be in a game they published could certainly be taken as.
  9. You have just the rogue selected, and it's not in the bar above the portraits?
  10. Cipher definitely feels overpowered to me; I'm seriously considering dropping the companion cipher from my party right now because her damage output is just insane and I was enjoying the more precarious feel to the fights.
  11. The way you brought it up is fine, and I think you're right; they should have turned down this one. Two comments, though: 1. I'm not sure how much they actually went through this backer content at all, given that it was just going to all be collected together in groups on the various memorials. You might have better luck emailing Obsidian directly about the fact that running into this was upsetting for you, instead of simply posting here, in terms of getting your concerns heard. 2. If you can, I'd urge you not to give up on the game because of something they let slip through; overall, I've seen the game itself touch a couple times on issues where you could draw some parallels to trans people, and none of it struck me as likely to be offensive or upsetting.
  12. Incidentally, for anyone who doesn't mind going about it this way, I talked to someone who successfully recruited Pallegina by telling Verzano he was on his own before the warehouse fight.
  13. I had a small bug for the same quest; after reporting back and completing it successfully, talking to Kaenra again leads to her dialogue option that shows during the quest where she asks me if I've delivered the ring, to which I can only reply no.
  14. There should be a little gold glowing plus sign on the portrait. Click that.
  15. Uh. My party members are switching to a new target when theirs dies just fine? Someone firing off a spell needs to be told to start auto-attacking after, and if the melee combatants can't see anyone to go after, they won't, but other than that I haven't had any trouble beyond some occasional pathing stuff.
  16. Isn't that pretty much the definition of meaningful roleplay, staying true to your character even if leads to a suboptimal outcome in the game? Sorry, I wasn't very clear - what I'm saying is it's too suboptimal. For the most part I'm roleplaying my character quite happily and not worrying about negative consequences, but I feel like losing access to many special/unique items takes it too far.
  17. Oh, true, I do have one shield with a bashing attack. It's nice! You don't like unique items? It would also be nice if there was some sort of system to transfer enchantments to similar items, but I suspect it'd be quite a lot of work to implement. I wouldn't say I don't like it, I just find it frustrating some times--especially when I see a really cool spell effect that I can't duplicate on a weapon type that I'm not going to be using. Seems like the sort of thing that will be less annoying the more times you play, at least, and know what to expect when you're planning out a character.
  18. With chanters, you can also build their chants to only have one phrase; they'll accumulate faster that way.
  19. I am getting the distinct impression too that if I continue on as I have been, she's going to stop selling to me. While on the one hand I like real consequences to my decisions, I'm not sure that access to a major shop should be one of them, because it's making me act in ways that'll benefit me most mechanically rather than rping, holding off on doing some things my character should've done days ago so I can buy anything I want from people first.
  20. Oh, true, I do have one shield with a bashing attack. It's nice! You don't like unique items? It would also be nice if there was some sort of system to transfer enchantments to similar items, but I suspect it'd be quite a lot of work to implement.
  21. How many hours in are you? I'm finding combat taking longer as I go along.
  22. My one real complaint thus far is that the items feel kinda bland to me, like there's no armour/weapons I couldn't get by enchanting instead. But that's quite possibly something that will improve as I go along.
  23. I'm thinking chanters, assuming summons' stats aren't derived from yours in any way. Who cares about fatigue penalties if you're not the one fighting? Chanters also have the benefit that they won't run out of spells if you just keep going.
  24. Heh. So I've seen people saying you want heavy armour all the time, people saying you want no armour on everything but your tanks, and I've been playing happily with medium armours on at least half my party because I like a balance of survivability and speed. Seems to me that the system is meeting its goal; letting people choose what fits their playstyle.
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