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Everything posted by sparklecat

  1. Well, I guess I have less to lose. I just got in Act II but man I want to play. I probably will and risk it, as the game is so good. But I must ask, what are some ways to avoid these bugs if you don't mind? I know that double-clicking to equip gear is a no-no, but that's about all I know. Okay: Don't double-click to equip. Don't save and load the game in a location where you recruited a companion. Save regularly and don't overwrite your saves, you want to be able to back up if you hit a problem. Probably not a terrible idea to occasionally copy the save folder over somewhere else. If you equip any items that boost stats, keep an eye on the person wearing them that the stat in question isn't having its base value increased beyond where it should be over time. Avoid the Drinking Horn of Moderation amulet. Maybe avoid rangers for the time being; their animal companions can disappear and apparently remain disappeared across all your saves, preventing you from moving between areas. Make sure you have a proper save before going to Raedric's Hold, as well as before entering the Sanitarium. If you are playing a goody two shoes benevolent type, don't do the quest that starts with a godlike woman called Pallegina saying something to you, it'll end up broken. Don't use the Chanter frost trap phrase.
  2. Well, given that a patch is estimated for this week, I'd say if you don't mind waiting, it's not a terrible idea. I went ahead and started playing on release day because I am impatient and willing to risk the likely early bugs rather than have to wait, and indeed, shelved my game 30-odd hours in. The deleting/corrupting saves one does not seem to be widespread going by the number of people posting about that as compared to other bugs, though, so if you familiarize yourself with how to avoid and watch for the other major bugs, you might be fine, yeah.
  3. Are those...red velvet cookies? This is a thing that exists?
  4. I encountered the cave before encountering the NPC. I did not go in.
  5. It's perfectly predictable. You are alone at level 2 and it is labelled "bear cave." The sensible thing to do is to walk away, just as any not very amazing person on their own would do when faced with the prospect of fighting a bear. The only reason it feels "unfair" is because we've become accustomed to games holding our hand and not presenting us with challenges we are not currently capable of overcoming. Which means it serves a purpose in PoE - to provide us with an abrupt introduction to the concept of having to go away and coming back later if something seems too difficult. In over 30 hours, only once have I been murdered horribly by something I wasn't yet capable of facing; the game provides hints that something coming up will be very hard, smaller encounters leading up to the big ones to let you gauge the difficulty of an area, etc. Which makes me happy; I don't want psychic knowledge of enemies' precise difficulties, I want to learn the game and the world more organically.
  6. Looks fine for me, yeah; went through, did the main quest with a few extra locations checked out inside the keep, then left by the main entrance with no trouble. Here's my copy of the file in question if anyone wants to try downloading it and replacing theirs: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bw56i-bKiIvXZ1IzRVdUbDVJYlE/view?usp=sharing eta: and I'd preloaded the game, Insolentius
  7. This would make solo Trial of Iron impossible.
  8. I've been avoiding Raedric's Hold for the time being, but I'll go run around there, see if I have any problems, and if not I'll put up a link to my copy of that file in case it's useful to people.
  9. I've got the file in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Pillars of Eternity\PillarsOfEternity_Data\assetbundles as well. 142 mb.
  10. No, the quest involved would make absolutely no sense. I'm not saying it'd be impossible to mod this game to make it child-friendly, but I think it would easily take re-writing half the game, at which point they may as well just play something else until they're grown up enough for this one.
  11. Just want to note that anyone who thinks modding out the swearing will make the game appropriate for their non-mature children may want to reconsider that.
  12. My last trip to sell off items I'd picked up, the tons of mundane items I tossed in the stash came to about 10% of the total value of what I sold, and the magical items would've easily fit in my standard inventory slots. I don't find the stash's effect on the economy a problem because I don't find a ~10% boost in my money a significant problem. I'm more concerned about the additional enemies added by hard when they start being equipped with magical items; that has the potential to represent a significant boost in how much money I get.
  13. I'll note here that if you've just rearranged a custom formation, you need to select another and then switch back to the custom one before they'll start placing themselves correctly.
  14. Not to mention that if the one person with their recent thread is correct and the problem is a corrupted file that doesn't get installed, the Raedric's Hold bug quite literally did not exist for the testers.
  15. I don't see why not; since there's no way to legitimately increase your base stats in the game, dropping them back down for companions and recalculating derived stats based on level shouldn't be a huge problem.
  16. They're aiming for one this week, and may be putting out a hotfix for the double-clicking items bug before the patch.
  17. Yes, using the console for that will probably stop you getting achievements. Do you have the Drinking Horn of Moderation equipped on him? That's the easiest way to trigger this happening, but any Intellect boosting items can do it as well, over time. Devs are aware of the problem.
  18. Were your people still making little movements, or did it look completely crashed?
  19. Talking to her after the quest is done for me leads to her asking me if I've delivered the ring yet, to which I can only say no or ask questions.
  20. I saw one person saying they only got this with Kana in their party; if you have him there, try removing him and see if that works?
  21. Yep; I'm a bit unhappy that I ended up affected by a bug that means I have to put the game down until it's fixed, but I'm not annoyed or blaming Obsidian. It's an immensely complex and reactive RPG that looks likely to be 100+ hours and was released on Thursday; I'd have been amazed if there weren't any major bugs, and the fact that we're getting reports on maybe a half-dozen at most that I'd consider makes it reasonable to stop playing is something I find pretty impressive at this point. I think they did a damn good job, both with the state the game was in on release and with their response, given that they're already in the testing stage for at least two of those bug fixes and I had a QA guy PM me Sunday evening to chase up my savegame for a bug I reported.
  22. Yeah, that fight in general is bugged and can prevent completing the quest in different ways; they're working on fixing it.
  23. Okay, so to summarise, it sounds like whether or not the wichts appear and where they are is a separate bug to whatever's turning people upstairs hostile, which may be related to that guard in the main room somehow, but it's not as simple as whether he dies or not. For my part, when I came out of the big fight to start killing the flesh constructs, the guard was already dead. Also Azo didn't have anything to say to me besides "What have you done?"
  24. Did you have wichts show up in the basement after the main fight?
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