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Found 5 results

  1. Dear Obsidian, Being a huge fan of titles like Baldur's Gate I took Path of the Damned difficulty simply so this wonderful experience would last as long as possible. I wanted to be forced to eat consumables and search for items that help with certain enemies and experience the game in it's full potential rather than just run through the game on normal without any serious challenge. The game still seemed too easy... Boring... There is only one initial playthrough of the game and now that I am close towards the end I realised mine is ruined. I did a quick bug search and sure enough my Eder is overpowered due to stacking bug and the game is too easy. I also experienced other bugs like the Raedric Castle problem. They way I see it yet again I was sold a car without a wheel. It is that simple. Yet another product in the gaming industry that is unfinished, rushed, clearly broken. If this would be any other industry we would never hear the end of it. Just imagine calling help line of some company saying "You sold me a coffee machine that gives tea" and hearing "This is a known issue". Do you know who buys these game right after the release or even pre order ? Your most dedicated fans. The new normal is to poke us in the eyes with a stick and turn us into slave testers. I feel offended obsidian. The experience I bought from you is broken. You send a clear and loud message: "DO NOT PRE ORDER" & "DO NOT BUY RIGHT AFTER RELEASE" Regards, exFan
  2. I noticed something today that I found a little strange to me when it comes to backing the project on the website. I paid for the signed collector's edition, the audio cd, and playing cards. Everything worked completely as is, all is good. However, I noticed that if I were to later decided I also wanted the I don't know.. Digital Strategy Guide, I would have to buy the game an entire second time just to get that add-on that I wanted. I understand that add-ons are well.. add-ons they shouldn't be purchasable alone and that makes sense. It would be a wise idea though to have some kind of system where people who have already made a purchase though can still access and pay for add-ons at a later time (even if it is only digital items for shipping reasons) I say this because with the current system you're potentially throwing away money people may have been willing to give for things they would have gotten at a later date when they had the funds for it. If something like this isn't done though, I think it'd be wise at least to have the page explicitly state that there's no going back so you better have everything you want now. I searched around the forums about this, but the last time it was discussed was in January with a dev saying they were looking into maybe adding it, and since it's April now I wasn't sure if it was a shelved idea for whatever reason or what.
  3. I feel like I just got anal probed by Ubisoft! I just went and picked up my preorder on the PC and when I was in the EBgames store the employee calld their District Manager and was informed that even though all the advertising, paid for and created by Ubisoft, stated clearly that EBgames preorders get the Samurai pack, well its all a big fat lie. I was told it was only available for xbox360 and ps3 versions. This is total crap. It is Ubisoft that created the advertising, stating the bonus is for all the versions, and has lied to us about actually getting these extra outfits which is the only reason I preordered the game in first place. What are you going to do Ubisoft to appease your PC customers?
  4. Ultimate Fellowship Pack costumes, other space-suit/samuri buffs.... Are these something that will be used for the entire game, or likely useless after leveling up a few levels? ...any knowledge of these?
  5. I preordered the Stick of Truth back in February at Walmart, before there was any mention of the Grand Wizard Edition or the ultimate fellowship preorder bonus. However I don't hear about the Good Times with Weapons pack or the Mysterion pack anymore. Information is constantly changing about the game. Am I still getting the Good Times with Weapons pack and Mysterion Pack? Will I also be getting the Ultimate Fellowship pack with my preorder? Is there a way to change my preorder of the regular edition to the grand wizard edition, and if there is a way, will I lose the Good Times with Weapons and/or my Mysterion pack? I've been loyally waiting for the release of the game. :D But I don't want to get short ended in any way, OR lose out on being able to get the Grand Wizard Edition.
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