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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. It has been previously stated that Josh and Tim are going to go for Blue selection circles for Player controlled units in Project Eternity and Red for enemies due to the consideration of those that are color-blind (including themselves). This may be why ToEE had blue circles instead of the legacy green color. I don't have a problem with the fact that they are doing that, but for me, the lack of legacy selection circles will just not attain the same 'feeling' to the game as the older Infinity Engine games. It's something that annoyed the hell out of me from the get-go in Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition as well (a game which I regret purchasing). This might be a bit late to request seeming as though the selection circle code has already been written, but in the sake of keeping the nostalgic/familiar feel of the older isometric infinity engine games in Project Eternity, I was wondering whether it would be possible to allow players to have the choice of being able to revert back to the legacy selection circle colors. I also believe that there would be those who would love the option to be able to pick the color of selection circles for player-controlled characters and NPCs (I believe enemies should always be red, and I assume most think the same). Then there is the debate about whether selection circles should be always visible or only visible when the mouse cursor is hovering over the selectable area inside one. Is it possible to be able to customize how selection circles are displayed among the "Feedback" settings in the options menu ? It's obviously something that you won't want to be worrying about at the moment since you're designing the game, but it would be something to think about during post-production if it's easy to implement and you have the time to do it. So here is a poll, if it may be the most trivial poll ever.
  2. No finishing moves, that's gay and totally unnecessary for this kind of RPG. A few different death animations per model would be better.
  3. There's no need to overcomplicate things, the theory works fine as it is. If you're going to try and move past a fighter in close proximity, and he chooses to try and stop you, there's most likely gonna be repercussions. The only problem I can see is with the movement cancel and when that occurs. If the coding isn't right it could be a bit buggy or jerky. I *think* this is how it's going to work Let's say the Fighter in your way, you have 10 metres of in game space to move through a corridor. Fighter's engagement area is 5 metres of ingame space. You issue a move action to behind the fighter with a character. Some considerations: a) Pathfinding - if there is a gap between the moveable area and the fighter's engagement area - will your character automatically try and avoid the engagement area or will it just walk the most direct route through the corridor. b) The Fighter's AI: Whether he moves to attack the nearest character. If the AI fighter essentially "clicks on you" or engages the character that you issue the move command to, once the character enters the fighter's engagement area, that character's movement action is cancelled and as Sawyer said, there's some kind of connect between selection circles and an icon on the character portrait or something to signal that that character is now engaged in melee combat. If you issue another move command to exit the engagement area, the fighter get's an attack of opportunity with a bonus against that character, and if it hit's it stops the movement action of that character and some kind of animation is triggered. A question I can think of regarding that: If you issue another move command shortly after, once the animation has finished, and the fighter is still engaging you, does he get another free attack ? You could potentially use a rogue or a barbarian, who appear to be 'skilled' at breaking engagement with melee characters to bait a character away from a corridor so the rest of your party can move through, as long as you don't move another character nearby while doing so so that their target priority changes. Totally depends on encounter design though.
  4. Something like the PS:T models but not sprites would be good, but I have a feeling we'll get very ToEE influenced avatars at least.
  5. Pathfinding has come a long way since Baldur's Gate 1. Dota 2 is probably a good example, and to avoid your problem there are a few things you can do to avoid that, such as taking units out of the equation when figuring out the most optimal path.
  6. Nice update. I mentioned in a few posts on the forums elsewhere that asset re-use would be a good idea. BG2 made good reuse out of recoloring a sprite model to get a few different monsters from the same original model (Ghoul, Ghast, Lacedon etc). This takes it a step or two further. Good concept art (or portrait) as well, although those facial dimensions (dementions? ) are wacked haha. It's probably meant to be like that though. I think the Backer Site update would be better. Hopefully that's coming along nicely.
  7. Sorry but I've got places to go, monsters to kill. Haven't got the time for a useful post.
  8. A play through mode that requires near perfect performance in combat encounters?
  9. Pretty much everything Ray says is the death of gaming as I enjoy it. Dear me.
  10. looks frig'N good hey, better than I expected. Camera movement is a bit shoddy and mouse feel looks laggy (issues that can be remedied), other than that very nice.
  11. Just FYI, that is a good level of zoom/character model size ( I don't mean the size of the viewable square). That + 1920x1080 (or what have you) worth of background would look sweet
  12. Sensuki


    off to see Dead Can Dance in Melbourne on Wednesday
  13. Nice update. Cool portrait - background work in the portrait is impressive as well. The Strangler sounds a bit like The Stranger crossed with UnCat from ASOIAF
  14. No Minigames please. I payed for an IE style game, not a Bioware game.
  15. Josh said he's got another system in mind, so I wouldn't be surprised if they end up going with his new idea after he's done playing around with it for a little bit. At least for the time being.
  16. while I love dota just no. almost as bad as "social features".
  17. What color are you thinking of for non-hostile NPCs? Blue/Red is straight from ToEE I understand, I'll deal with it if that's the final decision. Customization of such a trivial thing is probably a low priority. If it ends up being not a hard thing to implement for the options menu it would be nice
  18. Please ignore the character size of Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition, that is using the original BG assets in their original size on a larger resolution because the source art was lost. Character models would be better if they were larger, like when you play the original BG in 640x480 at aspect ratio. I'm at work so I can't blow up this screenshot, but if you blew this up to a large 4x3 res and then just show more of the map to the side ... that would be about right IMO. I run BG1 at 640x480 on my 24" CRT monitor and perhaps slightly smaller than that would be good.
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