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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. Highest recorded damage does not match actual damage values
  2. Made a new character, fought Medreth. Randomly checked the Character record. Noticed that it said BB Rogue only dealt 31 damage as highest. That doesn't make sense because .... I saw at least three sneak attacks with higher than 60 damage. Perhaps highest recorded damage does not take into account Sneak attack multiplier or something?
  3. There's always a dot on the far right for some reason, been that way since v257 and has never been corrected.
  4. No floating text please, if you have to send messages to the player, use the combat log.
  5. No guarantees that changing them from what they were will make them better. v333 source code saved, ready to revert!
  6. Osvir thinks Wild Sprint is a good ability, case closed.
  7. Having done some testing in the new build, it appears that attack interaction with moving targets has been improved at least for certain weapons, and there is now target re-acquisition and it plays very very well removed from the game. Need to do more testing, but it's looking very promising.
  8. There are those people on every forum. Usually people who have some idea of how things work under the hood.
  9. While Wizardry and Ultima are not my thing, I don't believe there is a modern RPG that can stand up to older ones systematically or design wise. Newer RPGs are more about production values than anything else. I really enjoy some of the newer ones - The Witcher 1, Mass Effect 2 but they both suffer from severe dumbing down of gameplay elements. If you don't care about dumbing down of gameplay elements, then yeah, I can see how you would have that opinion.
  10. Since bumping old bug reports seems to get old reported issues that haven't been corrected noticed I'm going to post links to all of my reports in here, and that way I can just keep bumping the thread without having to bump heaps of issues to the front page. Bug reports: GENERAL Full Party Twerking (Animation Loop) - fixed in v392 Rogue Attack Animation Loop - fixed in v392 Persistent Flanked Affliction SFX Bug with Waterwheel and Animal Companion in Dyrford Village Bug with Accuracy and new stacking rules - fixed in v392 Occlusion not working properly BB Characters have insane health values sometimes AREAS Inaccurate Area Shadow Maps Poor Quality 3D Door Textures (recognized by QA) Dyrford Crossing Ogre Cave Entrance Navmesh Issue Minor Dyrford Village Tile Art Bug Animal Companions spawn outside of pathable terrain on some transitions Unreachable dropped loot from corpse Dyrford Crossing Character Shadow Issues Minor Stormwall Gorge Tile Art Bug Edge of Area Map in Stormwall Gorge not obscured by Fog of War (recognized by QA) Characters disappear at the top of areas Hendyna's Home and Blacksmith shop still have tile shaking issues Adventurers Spawn inside the PC in Dracogen Inn (recognized by QA) DIALOGUE Dengler Broken Dialogue Option Quest Issues by Rivmusique UI Poor performance in Dialogue UI Really bad UI / Font scaling since v333 - font fixed in v392, but others not fixed Portraits have a 1-2px gap around them in the UI - fixed in v392 Bugs with Inventory Accuracy Tooltip, Off-hand weapons and Shields (recognized by QA) Incorrect Area Map image showing after ALT-TAB Inventory Color Picker does not immediately update in game world Bouncing Text in Character Record fixed in v392 Text Cut off in Item Descriptions - fixed in v392 Game difficulty resets when you exit the game Mousing over friendly abilities causes strange interaction with targeting/selection Text overlap on Fine Estoc Item Description COMBAT AND ABILITIES Rogue Escape gets cut off by edge of navmesh Enemies are still teleporting on pause BB Fighter / Knockdown Persistence Issue BB Rogue has Carnage fixed in v392 WYSIWYG Loot issues Skaen Cultists drop no equipped gear Medreth's Group only drop one Hood fixed in v392 Medreth no longer drops his armor fixed in v392 Dudes that attack Aloth in Gilded Vale don't drop clothing or weapons ISSUES TAB Functions not uniform across UI screens Some characters have specific interaction locations Can't reset dialogue window size Right-click move should position formation the same as left click move by default fixed in v392 Unit fading into the fog of war doesn't look great Fix Cone and Ray spell interaction
  11. In v364 this has been changed so that last known formation rotate is remembered and used for right click move. I still prefer the BG version because right click move is meant for easy correction of the automatic formation, not as a 'custom formation location'. The current version v364 is better than previous, but still not optimal IMO.
  12. The selection circles are functionally worse. Incoming suggestion to improve them.
  13. Can it not be please, because it's annoying not being able to scroll forward to the beginning of a gender's selection without having to go through all of the other gender's selection. If you want to promote INCLUSIVNESS and allow people to select male or female portraits for either characters - that's fine, but can you split them up on the UI so that it's easier to scroll through either selection ?
  14. I don't really agree with this, it would just be annoying to me. I personally think inventory should be revamped to something like this
  15. Probably related to http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/69253-333-dyrford-crossing-character-shadow-issues/
  16. I would be against that. They added a blur effect for the part of the circle that goes behind the character in the latest version which makes them stand out even less. I'll be modding that out of they don't change it.
  17. I don't create polls. Opinions and reasons for those opinions are more informative than a simple yes or no.
  18. Some enemies are supposed to spawn with different weapons equipped. In one game a guy might have a Greatsword, in another he might have a Mace and Shield - that's what Josh Sawyer has said a few times in the past, although I've never seen that happen in the game so far. Not sure whether the feature was cut or not, but I think it's because the dropped loot and equipped item systems of non party members are not connected. It should be easy to connect them if they use the code they have for party members data.
  19. I agree that area transitions need a lot of work. Icon based is not great, and the way that you enter buildings is bad atm. You click on the icon from half a mile away and the screen fades and you're inside ... wat I would prefer no icons and open doors, although I think that requires tile flipping and they didn't plan for it, so that may not be possible. But they don't really need a fade to black, and the loading should commence only when you're right next to the transition. If we can't have open doors, make the cursor change to a transition cursor and the door highlightable in blue, because the icons are really popamole. They're not terrible for changing exterior maps, but not great, and I don't like how they show when I press TAB either.
  20. Not quite. It won't be as good as it could be without some changes to how attack animations interact with moving targets and AI tweaks. Changes to abilities would also be nice, but I suppose I can mod those on my own. I will be releasing the mod this patch most likely because it is now more playable with target re-acquisition. People can see for themselves how it plays.
  21. There's a difference between serviceable and good. Obsidian have never made a game with good combat IMO and this game is trending to be no different. There's a few things they could do to change that, but that's up to them - I am providing my perspective as a person who plays games pretty much solely for the combat. If you want to be a nay-sayer of that, you go ahead. If you're more of a role-player or a story gamer, you likely won't be too affected by changes to combat mechanics, but your opposition will be ruining it for people that are.
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