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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. You've been making snide remarks since the 8th of November.
  2. This is antagonistic. A perfect example from this patch is the recent change to the targeting reticles. The v333 version was fine apart from two bugs. They fixed one of them, but overlooked the one that confused Jesse Cox as to who his characters were targeting. The new version they have added in does not interact properly with the selection circle and creates more visual clutter on the screen. There are many more examples where this has been the case. You may like the look of them more, but they are functionally worse.
  3. Name the people you're referring to. Because I don't see any.
  4. Wrong again. Let Me Quote Myself ^ This is truth ^ This is truth ^ This is conjecture And unless told otherwise, I will point out anything that feels off in comparison to what the IE games had as basic functionality that is better than Pillars of Eternity. Two of my focuses are UI/Controls and overall combat feel. Two things that are very off in many places.
  5. HAHAHAH oh wow, Brilliant Radiance is hilarious with multiple Priests, hahahahah
  6. No it's not. You said mod/quest pack of the IE games. I was referring to basic functionality, not specific systems or content and you're starting to become quite a condescending prick towards me.
  7. In my latest run, my BB Fighter is stuck with a Persistent Flanked Affliction from combat with Medreth's Group. It persists across resting and save/load I have uploaded my savegames and my output_log.txt output_log.zip Pillars of Eternity.zip
  8. Any self-respecting Iron Maiden fan or WW2 buff would know that one. This is not true. There are many basic things the IE games did very well that Obsidian has changed 'just because' in PE and ended up with something inferior. One of the bulletpoints of Josh Sawyer's GDC Next 10 Presentation 2013 was "IE feels", and unfortunately this only seems to mean "selective IE feels".
  9. I was thinking of creating this thread today. Beat me to it. Yes this needs to be reverted back to how it was in v301. The system they had was fine, but the UI for it and the way points were assigned were not great. I have saved all of the dlls for every beta version, so if they do not change it back, we will mod it back in.
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2uwCMf71nOA
  11. There's only one problem with the pathfinding in that code and it's the fact that characters sometimes get logjammed in tight spaces and start going the opposite way, it's very easy to circumvent most of the time as well.
  12. The Priest's Brilliant Radiance Talent pwns hard.
  13. There are regular clothes however since loot is not WYSIWYG, people don't drop any.
  14. And ironically enough some of the problems they tried to correct are worse in this game. and that's right, the combat feels nothing like Icewind Dale.
  15. +1 I think it happens sometimes, but only after you manually activate it the first time.
  16. This is a successor to the Infinity Engine games not DA:O. The one good thing DA:O did was Choice and Consequence, everything else was pretty darn bad.
  17. Only the people that liked NWN2 combat are saying that, and since that's the case there's something horribly wrong here.
  18. Sounds more fun than this honestly, lol.
  19. Yeah in the IE games you could move around and reposition characters, it was enjoyable gameplay. PE unfortunately promotes standing still like the bad RTwP games - NWN2, DA:O etc.
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