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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. Yeah well, I kind of expected he'd act like that after I targeted a video at some of his ridiculous opinions, but whatever. Had to be done. Well they won't design abilities like that. There'll be abilities that do something against Disengagement attacks, and abilities that give Deflection. The Deflection bonus will probably be smaller, but it will be relevant on every Deflection attack which will be like 80% of attacks in the game. Abilities/Talents/Spells that give you bonuses against disengagement attacks only do something if you provoke them. I could simply just play a bit more regimented and not provoke disengagement attacks and put my character advancement points into things that give me relevant bonuses more often. Even when something gives you a bonus against a disengagement attack you still had to invest in something specifically for it, and you lose health after moving. In my book - that's a worthless investment. To me that's boring gameplay though, so I'll be modding it out of the game. Will probably release my Engagement removal mod soonish for others to try as well, see if they also think it feels more Infinity Engine.
  2. Aw man, shucks, don't leave. Every time you reply it bumps the thread to the top which means more youtube views. No such thing as bad publicity.
  3. You're the one who feels the necessity to keep posting in the thread, even when not part of the discussion. 90% of your forum replies since I posted that video reply have been butthurt replies to me No they won't be. You tell me what's better - something that gives you something against a disengagement attack, or something that gives you a Deflection bonus ?
  4. "Nothing could be further from the truth" Feel free to pick them, I won't be. I'll be picking stuff that is actually useful in combat. Why pick abilities that might let you have a lessening effect on a disengagement attack (or several) when you can just stand still and win anyway ? I find that boring though, so I'm removing it on release. Didn't pay for Neverwinter Nights 2/DA:O combat brought to you by Unity.
  5. None of those abilities are worth the investment and don't offer any mobility at all (other than Rogue escape). Most of the similar types of abilities that are offered here are pulled from turn-based RPGs. This is not a turn-based game, and I will not be restricted by draconian turn-based style rules. Still mad Shevek? He's still qqing over the fact that I called him out in a youtube video. Was more butthurt than I thought he would be actually. Even posted on the codex about it.
  6. I don't think the concept itself is going to work, especially based on what the developers want Melee Engagement to be, not what you want it to be. It could be made less lethal, but as long as I have to spend character advancement points on abilities that *might* let me move in combat without further spending strategical resources (Health), then nope, I'm not going to. I'm going to ignore those abilities and play optimally (not moving in melee) and on release I'm going to mod out Engagement and change the abilities that are related to it. I am going to fight for things that make this easier to play with - better AI targeting so that the AI isn't dumb as a doorknob like they are now, and they actually change targets after acquiring one, and maybe better attack animation interaction with moving targets. That would require instantly blending into attack animation as soon as destination reached, currently there's a 'stop' animation which slows attacking down.
  7. Wait, actually no, I decided not to. Nothing anyone says, and nothing I say will change anything for the people that have already made up their minds. I am not playing with Engagement, I will test the game with it on, but I am removing it and changing the abilities, spells and whatnot related to it. I will fight for things that make this better to play with - such as better AI targeting clauses and better attack animation interaction with moving targets. Obsidian probably won't change it but that's on them, there are many people here that want a combat experience closer to the IE games. I know you don't and I know Shevek doesn't either. But don't expect me to stop arguing about it You won't find many people on this forum more persistent than I am.
  8. What you're talking about is not relevant to what you quoted, and thanks for your insightful assessment there bro, I'll make sure I take that into consideration before I post again.
  9. I've posted many times that it's a turn-based mechanic. Although most of those threads are now old. This argument has strewn across probably 5-6 threads now.
  10. I'm not an AI Programmer (or a good programmer in general, i suck) but there's no way to prevent kiting. Kiters gonna kite, know what I'm sayin?
  11. I have no intention of buying or playing it, but I thought I'd just chime in
  12. Even though I hated DA:O and hated the combat in the games you described, I wouldn't be too surprised, really.
  13. Pretty sure I keep most of my comments gameplay related. You and others get way more personal I named you in a youtube video to denounce your ideas about gameplay. Can quote mine if I have to. Hah, yo're just mad because I had a go at some of your opinions on youtube, and that's where it got personal for you. You repetitively attack my character instead of my gameplay opinions, because that's about all you can do.
  14. Yeah I reported the same bug in an earlier patch although I said I couldn't bind cancel with Rotate. Probably the same thing.
  15. You're right - Formation Rotate does not work with other commands. That's why I couldn't bind it with cancel.
  16. Forget what I was saying then, you're right - Formation Rotate does not work with other commands. That's why I couldn't bind it with cancel.
  17. No, I want a cancel move. Not a cancel. You can bind your own **** to middle mouse and leave the LMB and RMB alone too you know? That wasn't the case in v278 or v301. If that's the case now then they changed it this patch.
  18. Or you could read what I've been saying instead - the LMB already has two functions - move/select and marquee select. RMB has two functions - move/no select and Formation Rotate. Currently the move commands are built into the buttons, you can't unbind them. You used to be able to bind multiple functions to the same command but they removed it, because they don't interact properly. I bound cancel to RMB and it broke formation rotate. You can unbind formation rotate from RMB, but the move is still there. How it's been implemented is no matter what you bind to LMB or RMB, both buttons will have their inbuilt move/select and move/no select. I don't think they're going to change it from that.
  19. What I am saying is that the move command is built into RMB, when you bind something else to it, it still performs the move command. I think it's the same with left-click. The only programming option I see is to allow you to swap the button functions over from LMB to RMB as you can't really bind move+formation rotate and move+marquee select to anything else.
  20. There are several ways to break engagement, however most of the time those ways include investing in a character advancement ability or talent to do it specifically. This makes it totally not worth doing, because you can simply just not move and play around that instead (it removes moving as a tactically viable option), and furthermore - most of those abilities are laughably bad and have no real other tactical value. The Barbarian Wild Sprint gives you -20 to Deflection - that is asking for a Critical Hit on Disengagement . The other thing is that you can kite enemies with Melee Engagement, the same as without it, you just do it before being engaged / avoid being engaged. I have videos of this. The only difference is that with it you shouldn't move after you've entered combat, and without it, it plays like the IE games. This is with Melee Engagement ^, see look, I'm kiting - exactly the same as without it. Since Melee Engagement overrides all other AI targeting clauses for melee enemies, it removes the need for smarter AI. They will probably just add a very simple target reacquisition system to the closest nearby enemy like the BG games and call it a day, unfortunately.
  21. You're wrong. I have messed with the controls because I tried to bind cancel to RMB. In v278 it broke Formation Rotate and right click move. In v301 it broke Formation Rotate, and this build it won't let me bind both keys to RMB. If you unbind Formation Rotate from RMB, the RMB move is still there.
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