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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. I rendered the FPS into this video for demonstration. In this video you can see that clicking an option in dialogue creates a microstutter every time the player presses a dialogue option, and also when they mouse over a dialogue option, or repeatedly mouse over a dialogue option. There is also a delay between when the player clicks an option and when the dialogue window responds to the option and brings up the next dialogue node. Mousing away from the dialogue window turns the FPS back to normal. Probably has something to do with the observer & listener handling code.
  2. Whether the game is good or not has nothing to do with what ruleset they are using.
  3. I often use the term to punctuate the fact that if a game made in 1998 has better UI features than a game being made in 2014 then there's a problem. I cross-compare the IE games and Pillars of Eternity because I believe that when people make sequels or spiritual successors, or adaptions to things they often do things a lot worse than the source material. Almost always, in fact. If you do not care about certain things, that's your perogative. There were many things that the IE games didn't do well, but there were many things that they did really well especially for their time. Many of the suggestions I made in that video - such as a range finder for spells, combat log filter were not features of the IE games and stuff that were such as mousing over characters not breaking the targeting reticle all have practical reasons for being mentioned. I gave those in the video. In the recent twitch stream, Jesse Cox was unsure if his action had worked when he'd selected to attack an enemy, and the selection circle didn't change into a targeting reticle because he was still moused over the enemy (it only changes when you take your mouse away). You might hear that phrase a lot and you might find it annoying, but please pay attention to the words I say after using it. I usually phrase things like "this is how it was done in the Infinity Engine games, this is why I think they did it / why I think it is better than how it is implemented in Pillars of Eternity. The Infinity Engine games have relevance. Many people here seem to only sort of like them but never really payed attention to many of the features in the games, perhaps only used the default options / took things for granted and many people probably haven't played them in a long time. I have and I am here to remind people (including the developers) of the these things.
  4. You're probably right there, actually. Other party members will get critted to the high heavens. That's one of the things I don't like about the Attack Resolution system.
  5. I'm just saying it makes the system more extreme than before. I don't think that they think there is a problem with it. I don't think it's right but I haven't thought of a way to improve it.
  6. That's not the model itself that's a LOD issue - try it with a shield, if you turn the char on a certain angle, the shield will lose detail at a certain degrees
  7. No I am implying that a longer global recovery multiplier multiplies how much slower armor slows down recovery time.
  8. You'll need to upgrade to a Voodoo 5 and then solder on an extra 64mb of ram onto the mainboard of the vid card
  9. I saw some suppression rules on Josh's whiteboard in the twitch stream so it's possible that they intend to change it
  10. Halflings had a different model. It was Dwarves and Gnomes that looked the same. They had different models for Warriors, Thieves, Priests and Mages though. PE doesn't have that unfortunately.
  11. In this video you can see that the Wizard's wand attacks are coming from the dead body of the BB Fighter. This started happening when the Cowled Dwarf was casting Holy Power on the Cowled Man (Monk), my Rogue killed the Monk I think either just before or just after he was buffed by the spell which caused a VFX glitch, and then that's when the wizard's wand attacks started coming from the BB Fighter's body. Here is the combat log since the BB Dwarf cast Holy Power Output_log: http://www.upload.ee/files/4363555/output_log.zip.html
  12. Haha of all the commands I have used I didn't know that one
  13. Yep 1.2 Good way to make using armor at all except on the Fighter REALLY REALLY bad
  14. Following on from my v333 Version Review, here is my General UI Suggestions video for this month and this patch. It includes a few new things but also many things that I've mentioned from my previous version reviews. I did the legend in youtube for all of the different points as well, so you can click on them on the video details to jump to each bit. Hopefully some of these will make it onto Obsidian's feature list that gets unlocked soon. Let me know what you think and chip in if you agree with any of the requests Legend 00:00 Intro 00:53 Skippable Intros / Remove Intros 1:41 Change Movement Indicator to Targeting Reticle 3:05 Portrait Area 4:38 Decorative Health Bars 5:07 Status Effect Boxes - Revert to v257 style 6:55 Move party combat huds to portrait area 8:47 Split functions from the TAB key 9:27 Make holding TAB on the UI have no effect on the game world 10:37 Right mouse cancel move 12:03 Remove tooltip delay doesn't work on the Loot UI 12:48 Right click move doesn't behave properly 13:53 Can't control unselect all of your units 15:11 Make Shader Highlighting an option 16:17 Make Backer Icons an option 18:08 Selection Circle Granularity Slider 19:23 Combat Log 21:19 Change NPC selection circle color for Colorblind Mode Off 23:18 Active speaking characters should pulse white 24:20 Mousing over a targeted character breaks the targeting reticle 25:18 Range Finder for AoE spells 26:15 More Audio Sliders for different types of Audio sounds 27:32 Interrupt dialogue in busy state 27:48 Fix AoE Targeting Reticle Speed 28:34 Range Finder for AoE and Cone Spells 30:00 Critical Hit Screen Shake should be an option 30:22 Remove tooltip delay should work in the Inventory 31:08 Separate sliders for In-game Tooltips and HUD Tooltips 31:58 Make Color Picker more obvious 32:59 Fix Delay on 3D avatar in inventory - Unity issue? 33:51 Make Off-screen pointers like the IE games or make a slider to have that option 35:30 Inspect in Grimoire / Spellbooks 36:05 Remove Floating Quicksave etc text or allow us to disable it 36:44 Fix floating number position on the screen 38:08 Make combat log easier to read 39:34 Combat Log filter 40:53 Change Combat HUD pips to Health Bar 41:26 Area Map 43:06 Can't name save games 43:20 Bug with quitting the game in slow and double speed
  15. Here is a screencap of me watching the recent stream, none of these guys drop their equipped weapons or cloth outfits when looted. It seems that the loot tables are not connected with equipped items which is making WYSIWYG very difficult to replicate ?
  16. I see blast has been moved to a Talent in v351, is that the case with all of these?
  17. Also noticed during the Paradox Stream that the Wizard wasn't getting his blast AoE attacks.
  18. The five caster classes are all missing one of their level 1 abilities in v333 for all player made PCs and adventurer NPCs. The BB Characters still have them though, because they are 'companions'. Druid missing Wildstrike Priest missing Interdiction Chanter missing Ancient Memory Wizards missing Blast Cipher missing Psychic Backlash
  19. No there isn't because enemies will have probably the same or higher Accuracy as that. The Dragon in the trailer had over 100 accuracy for instance. That content is probably balanced at level 7-8 or so. There will be side content more challenging than that. The Moon Godlike character I created was level 12, that's the max level.
  20. For spellcasters though it was about the same because the cast range was fairly big. Those were usually the only chars you needed to issue new actions to, for others you needed to change targeting and positioning, and use items. PE removes most of the changing targeting and positioning though for melee characters.
  21. Okay I managed to get 138 Deflection with Moon Godlike Fighter 20 Intellect Defender Mode on [Modal, can only have one modal at a time] Wary Defender Talent Superior Deflection Talent Sword and Shield Style Talent Exceptional Large Shield equipped That's with no buffs, it could be higher with an item that granted bonus Intellect and an item that granted bonus Deflection.
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