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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. I have to ask Josh how damage calculation is supposed to work (which I just did on SA). If I'm right, how he thinks it works and how it's actually coded are two different things.
  2. Yeah I can tell you, there will be like 1000 bugs in the game when it is shipped, maybe more. Especially with the content not tested by beta backers (which is 95% of the game's content and many of the class levels/items etc).
  3. Hormalakh is right, it's because you saved your game with a debuff, and that debuff has persisted/multiplied because of a persistence issue. I have recorded a video for Hormalakh's thread.
  4. We might find out at Pax later this month *shrug*, I hope it's as far away as they can afford, tbh.
  5. Think I found the problem guys, I need to ask the devs some questions and then you'll probably hear something about this.
  6. Not sorry to see alignment go. Their reputation and disposition system is incline in my books. One thing it does encourage though which could be unfortunate is a bunch of cosmetic replies that do nothing except alter reputation.
  7. If you want stuff, you should probably post it in my other thread for visibility. I don't think the devs read this section very much.
  8. Just a sneak attack crit from her fine hatchet with the Reckless Assault modal. Crit - x1.5 Reckless Assault - x1.2 Sneak Attack - x2.0 ? and possibly Crippling Strike - x1.25 Rogue damage multiplier stacking is pretty nuts man.
  9. Can't change "Next Tab" control - recognized by QA
  10. In this video, you will see that unbinding the "Next Tab" function in the controls does nothing, and that TAB still cycles through characters in the inventory and character record. I should have also bound a different key to it and shown that it does nothing and TAB still cycles through characters in that situation too. This is because this function is hard coded to the TAB key in the source code, which was probably temporarily implemented before these controls were set up, but forgotten to be changed. You can see in this screenshot, the instance where it is used in the UICharacterSheetManager class You can also tell this is the code because of the use of if (GameInput.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.Tab)) - which probably is a typo, and should have been GetKeyDown; If you hold the TAB button while in the inventory or character record ... nothing happens ... until you release the key, and THEN it changes characters. Expected Result: Unbinding this function should stop the TAB key from cycling through characters in both the character record and the inventory, and binding a new key to it should work.
  11. This started happening the moment my PC was KO'd in combat by the Cowled Dwarf after a Divine Mark spell and a couple of auto-attacks. I have seen this happen in previous builds as well and I think I may have reported it in a previous video/thread but I can't find it. For reference the PC I created was a Meadow Human Rogue. Unfortunately I didn't save the game, and I didn't keep the output_log.txt either.
  12. Nah different scenario, the TAB button is hard coded to "Select Next" in the inventory and character record. It shouldn't be that way and is probably temporary (well hopefully anyway). Formation Rotate shouldn't have this select and drag stuff on it at all IMO. But yeah you are right, I bound Formation Rotate to Mouse2 (mousewheel click), and that moved the select stuff to it.
  13. The only thing bound to Mouse1 (RMB) in my game is Formation Rotate, so I assume it's built into either the function, or hard coded into the mouse button. There ARE functions hard coded to buttons in this game.
  14. bumping this, the damage results are still very much off in v392 as well.
  15. Party Stats Overlap Bug BB Wizard Implement attacks launch from PC's body
  16. In this image, the Party Stats overlaps the panel/element it's supposed to be contained in and onto the wooden border Expected Result: All text should be contained inside the panel.
  17. Nah what I meant was that a lot of people see Paladins in D&D as like that because of the Lawful Good alignment. That was why I mentioned it.
  18. You wouldn't be able to do that in Icewind Dale 2 either, pretty sure you have to act very bluntly as a Paladin in IWD2, you can't accept certain rewards and you have to say certain dialogue options to certain people IIRC.
  19. No it's not the game. There is no strict rule that all quests in all games should be able to completed and reward XP for all available outcomes. The fact of the matter is, if you do not murder Rayic Gethras or tell Edwin to - you cannot complete the Mae'Var questline. Rayic Gethras attacks you anyway because he's a Cowled Wizard, he has scrying abilities. He knows that you've been hired to assassinate him (even if you didn't intend to) and is unreasonable about it. I think that's fair enough. There are several moments like that in other games I can think of too, it's just that because they're presented in 3D usually 1st/3rd person, you don't think about the gameplay and choices the same way that you might in the Infinity Engine games. Sure, it would be nice if there were more options - but you could say that about literally any quest in any game. Both the Icewind Dale and Baldur's Gate games have dialogue options that are the best/winning option - that's just how they did it back then. Yes, I agree that it's nice that we've now moved on from those days in regards to how quests are structured, but we often do not get the sprawling multi-part/multi-map quests that BG2 gave us and we certainly don't get anywhere near as good gameplay in anything.
  20. You will get one when something worth reporting happens. The most likely thing that the next update will be about is the Linux Backer Beta build, which they are working on now. I would probably expect one at the end of the month or something.
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