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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. I also prefer longer adventuring days. Classes that have replenishing resources in PE tend to perform a lot differently than classes with per-rest spells.
  2. When I trialed a high Deflection character with a shield, that's what I would use them for - keeping a few enemies off the party while the party mopped up the rest. I found that because that character was not built offensively, my other characters took more damage from combat (eg. against large beetle groups) because they were not able to take the group down as fast as when I had an offensive character. I think it might end up working better at higher levels, when you get access to Abilities like Confident Aim. I never run the same party like some others do, I try all sorts of different stuff. Unfortunately in this build, making custom parties doesn't always work so I've been using the BB party more. I also do a lot more isolated test cases than full runs because my PC has stuttering and performance issues in the dungeon areas (not sure why but it might be related to my CPU architecture), often when I get down to the Dyrford Ruins and start getting 20 FPS, I just don't want to play anymore. So I'll do fights like Medreth, Beetles, Spiders, Nyfre, Drake Egg guys, Lion groups, Druids a few times in a row with the same comp, and then make another character and do the same fight again. The game does need to be tested for all sorts of scenarios, currently if any party has a Druid or a Chanter in it (or both), everything becomes noticeably easier IMO. I try testing a lot without them.
  3. Responding to Sock's edits: Even though you may have a different opinion on the efficacy of using shields, do you think the accuracy penalty is a bit much ? As that is really the only thing outside of bug fixes that I recommended. The other two are problems not related to shields, but affect shields. Ideally, shields should be more beneficial for more classes IMO - I will give that build of yours a test another time and see how I go. Probably won't use the same stat array though, but INT is great on chanters because it increases AoE as well, one of two (Paladin is the other) classes that it is really good for.
  4. I don't think I've ever had a fight go long enough to get off three invocations. Usually it's just one, sometimes I will get a second one off, but by then combat is pretty much over anyway. Chanters make every fight a lot easier because of the DPS increase from the flaming weapons, and some of their invocations. Since they are not daily resources, you can use them every encounter. I would rank them the second best class at the moment behind Druids. If you took your Chanter build and used like a Pollaxe or Morningstar instead, you'd probably have a lot more total damage across a playthrough. I'm also pretty sure that Dex still isn't working properly, so I don't even bother touching it. I agree that melee ranger is actually better than ranged. I also don't always build to extremes, but I tend to have maximum Perception pretty much all the time. What do you mean by the exact opposite issue?
  5. https://www.facebook.com/LarianStudios/posts/850183165041883
  6. Here is that thread for visibility anyway: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/69992-mod-support-thread/
  7. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/webeharebrained/shadowrun-hong-kong?ref=users googoggo Backer #7
  8. Hahah I can just picture it now, wandering the post-apocalytic wasteland in a sleeping bag, dat slow move speed.
  9. Enemies usually have between 40-60 accuracy, I believe there are creatures with more. Again, Deflection varies but yeah 40-60-ish is fairly common. I know that Medreth has 41, and the Cowled Dwarf Priest in his group has 67 or something like that. DR means a lot vs one-handed attacks, currently ... without the multiplier stacking anyway. I think the way Josh described how it should work in his tumblr reply will be fine. Note: that your 116 Deflection will be reduced to 106 if you become flanked, which is going to happen pretty easily on Hard, and then there's lots of attacks that reduce it further - being Stunned, knocked Prone, Blinded, various other debuffs. That advantage can be taken away pretty quickly.
  10. I would prefer a game to be designed for pre-buffing than not, but I have a feeling I'm in the minority there.
  11. http://www.rpgcodex.net/content.php?id=9721 - Full article is a great read. Here are the awards, and the final spreadsheet #1 - Divinity: Original Sin The winner of our survey was chosen by the highest Bayesian average, but Divinity: Original Sin wasn't satisfied with just a partial victory. Larian's RPG holds not only the highest Bayesian average, but also the highest regular average, the highest number of votes AND the highest amount of 5/5 ratings, with an impressive 49% of voters giving it the maximum score. There is no doubt, Divinity: Original Sin is the RPG Codex's 2014 Game of the Year. #2 - Shadowrun: Dragonfall - Director's Cut If 2013's Shadowrun Returns didn't deliver all that people hoped for, Harebrained Schemes' decision to take its expansion, polish it, and release it as a stand-alone game was a slam dunk. Its rating and popularity are just a bit lower than D:OS', and way ahead of the other entries. #3 - NEO Scavenger The third place comes as a surprise. NEO Scavenger was released less than a month ago and was only played by 15% of the Codex, yet people were clearly impressed. About 42% of those who played it gave the game a 5/5 score, and 36% rated it 4/5. The game's average score was 4.12, the Bayesian average lowered it to 4.02 to compensate for the low number of votes, but it still managed to stay ahead of Wasteland 2 and grab the third place. #1 - Divinity: Original Sin Our Editor's Choice winner is the same as the Reader's Choice, so I think it's safe to declare Divinity: Original Sin as RPG Codex' Role-Playing Game of the Year. Having the most nonsensical name in years did not stop the game from sweeping a clear victory in both polls. We look forward to whatever Larian has in store for us in the years to come. #2 - Shadowrun: Dragonfall Well, so far it looks like our community and readers got it right. Our runner-up also shares the same spot on both polls. Shadowrun: Dragonfall solidified Harebrained's tactical turn-based design from the previous game and made it a very strong contestant in a very tough year. Hopefully Harebrained Schemes will continue to impress. #3 - Might & Magic X: Legacy An actual sequel in one the genre's oldest series finds its way onto our Editor's Choice list, and it's our only publisher-backed winner. With Legend of Grimrock 2 also scoring high, one could say it's been a good year for both top-down/isometric and first person RPGs. We hope Limbic returns to the series in the future.
  12. x10 edit: you can get around a lot of the suppression bugs by making sure you do things in the "correct" order. But some of them are unfixable. You can't take Weapon Focus at level 2 and then Reckless Assault at level 5 for the Rogue, as the Weapon Focus suppresses it (which is not intended).
  13. No I have only found 1 today, I just replied to a few bugs to add videos and bumped some of my old ones that I think might be priority fixes that haven't been replied to yet. I have a feeling that they've been read already, but just wanted to make sure. The devs have been replying mostly to bugs that they already know about/ones that they've fixed or non-bugs.
  14. Pollaxe doesn't have increased range, it's Pike and Quarterstaff. A disengagement attack will be scored if the target is not currently targeting the engager and is not pathing directly toward the engager ie. moving past them and yep they will get hit by a disengagement attack. It is the Knock Down range that is the problem in this instance. It's not a weapon-based attack.
  15. The question actually should be, are those setpieces designed for pre-buffing ? A lot of them aren't, tbh.
  16. Also positive this has already been seen and either added to the fix list or already fixed, but bumping for visibility.
  17. This has probably been noticed and fixed intenrally, but I thought I'd bump it anyway
  18. bumping a few priority bugs that haven't been answered
  19. bumping a few priority bugs that haven't been answered
  20. bumping a few priority bugs that haven't been answered
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