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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. More time = more fixed bugs, more polished features, more portraits - stuff like that Actually quite literally crossing my fingers in the hope that there is not a release date announcement at Pax, but there probably will be.
  2. Watched the Fighter video You shoulda gone the Weapon Specialization and Mastery with the weapon you were using I would have also gone Weapon Focus over one of the other talents that you picked that you probably didn't need to - like Rapid Recovery. It also sucks that you can't initiate combat with Clear Out, I'll make a note of that and complain about it to the devs.
  3. Bug with Unbroken Level 12 Fighter ability as demonstrated in RPGShack video here: when the Fighter is sent to 1HP and is the last party member alive and gets back up, Party Has Died menu still comes up.
  4. That's understandable, but I was asking if they are going to, not why they haven't yet.
  5. I've seen most of the maps in a small file, and the Dyrford Crossing is easily the worst designed wilderness map in the game (also their first). The others are much like Stormwall Gorge - way more open. Most of the Dungeons are probably more like Lle A Rhemen in dimensions of pathing space and stuff like that than the Dyrford Ruins.
  6. Still can't believe they actually fixed my half-joke bug report about the marquee select missing a pixel in the corner
  7. Wrong person, but there's likely more than one that didn't understand DR/DT.
  8. That's a bug with the base game, not the mod @Ashen Rohk I reported it myself on the very first day the beta v392 was out http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/69751-392-party-manager-breaks-loadingtransitions/ Try killing the BB Characters as a workaround. Doesn't always work (sometimes you get a black screen after hiring adventurers) but sometimes it does.
  9. I definitely do not think QA was confused by DT and DR. They knew about it before we did. I am not sure where they got that info from, it could have possibly been from youtube. edit: I know that one person who is on these forums names their PE vids in a fashion that they show up near the top of the Pillars of Eternity youtube search when they go up, and that person did not understand how armor works and repeated it every video, so ...
  10. Someone could always ask Carrie Patel on twitter about it.
  11. Yeah I'd take what Josh Sawyer said about BG2 with a grain of salt. I'd like to know how many times he's actually played it actually.
  12. I will be doing either that or an RPGCodex article about it, but after the game comes out of course.
  13. Well both inXile and Larian have been very good about this. inXile have some sh1tty systems (armor, imbalanced gun skills etc) and Larian have serious balance issues with the second half of the game, and the companions are slapdash/poorly implemented, among other things. I really do hope Obsidian follow suit post-release, especially with gameplay-related stuff. I'm also trying my best to find any big issues that I can, and report them. Today I think I found a big problem with damage calculation, but I need to confirm it with the devs.
  14. What does this one do? I think I use about half to 3/4 of those BG2 mods. I don't use NPC/Banter stuff because I don't really care about that anymore.
  15. Cheers for the reply Kaz. I'd recommend having a temporary tooltip with at least the name of the icon (eg. mouse over Deflection icon, and it says "Deflection", for newer players. Then it can always be expanded with the breakdowns later edit: oh you just said that. Cool. Are you still doing portraits? I've been enjoying Lindsey's work on the new ones. edit 2: and yeah the mockup was just like 2 second mspaint job, just to demonstrate that those values would be useful. Fitting things in can be a pain, as I discovered in previous mockups xD Tetris game for sure.
  16. No idea, but NCarver is a bro for replying to my bug reports I also think they're pretty much feature locked now. Aside from the odd talent or ability, nothing new will be added to the game from now on. It's just a general project management thing. I'd probably start working on your "what I want to see in a patch or expansion" wishlists.
  17. Those are my thoughts too. That's what happened when I complained about Dexterity being useless. They just said that QA likes it. Funny thing is that it was actually bugged and the Action Speed bonus wasn't applying properly so ...
  18. Check your PM Box, I can even paste you the source code as proof.
  19. Heh I like the "I have written academic journals before" font, page linings and everything" Your ranges for attack resolution are wrong its 01-05: Miss 06-50: Graze 51-95: Hit 96+: Crit and those values are actually incorrect in the source code at the moment as well (bug reported, and acknowledged by the devs).
  20. Yeah it is fun isn't it. Feels like a Rogue with priest spells. So far I haven't seen many Fighter talents either. I've seen one for Constant Recovery and Defender, but that's it so far.
  21. Well if you don't pay too much attention to the actual mechanics/way things work etc you might not notice most of them. It won't be as bad as you think but even games that have been out for a while and still have post-release support (ie DotA 2) have hundreds to thousands of bugs still in the game.
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