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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. Yeah inXile have been pretty br0 about the bad design decisions in their game. They fully admit to them and are working on fixing them. Larian have also been really good about theirs as well, with a full Enhanced Edition or whatever coming (free, too). Hopefully Obsidian follows the same route.
  2. It could have done better. They mucked up their Localization (or well, maybe mismanaged/picked some of the wrong outsourcing companies) and there were game breaking bugs in Act 2, due to backers not having access to test it. The RPGCodex has a WL2 forum that probably has the most info on it outside of the official forums. They also got knocked off the steam top seller list by Shadow of Mordor after less than a week, whereas there were no AAA titles released anywhere near Divinity: Original Sin. However it still sold pretty good IIRC.
  3. Mmm. I can't remember if it was here or somewhere else but someone said that they preferred newer games to the Infinity Engine games or something. I think the lot of us that prefer the Infinity Engine games to any other RTwP game are pretty unforgiving regarding gameplay elements in other games. The only Obsidian game I have actually completed is Knights of the Old Republic 2, I just can't stand the combat/gameplay in any of the others to warrant even trying again. Most of their games have been with someone else's combat gameplay engine (KotOR, NWN, F:NV). Have not played Stick of Truth, but I don't like South Park. This game still has several problems that make the combat gameplay a bit on the unenjoyable side for me, but I'm hoping that if they can fix a lot of the glaring pathfinding, AI and animation glitches - mods will take me the rest of the way. Through the Kickstarter it did. Wasteland 2's actual budget was like 6 Million. They got a lot of early access sales, sales from their other titles (Bard's Tale 4 or whatever) and Brian Fargo chipped in like $1M of his own money (yep).
  4. It's *definitely* the best position, because you can quickly flick your eyes down to read a line and then back up, in a very comfortable shift of focus. Moving your vision to the left or right of a 23-27" Widescreen monitor isn't the most 'comfortable' thing to do. The combat log was designed to be optional, and as much effort as possible was put into the UI so that people could play with as minimalistic UI as possible - at the cost of the functionality of the actual UI elements, which is a bit contrary to what they said they were going to do.
  5. Sure I understand that, I just wouldn't call that content density. You are probably right that spreading them around a bit more would have been a good idea - different parts of the city etc. Some of them however, do need to hassle you whenever, such as Valen / Brus.
  6. Different colored selection circles is definitely something they should/should have implemented for the base game. Looks heaps better.
  7. Yeah Armor Rating or something would have been more sensible, absolutely.
  8. Rest Anywhere mod and regulating your resting solves the resting problem (Mods for BG2 are awesome, I never play without them). He's definitely there. Pretty hard to miss. I find the Archer Gallachobhair usually does the most damage. The library isn't in the sewer, it's actually in the Bridge District, but the only way you can get to it is via the sewer. Of course, Wizards don't need doors, they just teleport around instead. It's not necessarily the content density when those people come up and hassle you, it's just that because you traveled to Nalia's Keep and back takes a lot of time (in in game hours/days), all of these people are going to show up the next time you enter the city. Some of them are scripted for certain areas, others just show up anywhere. It might be a bit much for some people, but there's no other game that does it, and I really enjoyed how BG2 felt so huge and endless because of it. It's like a really rich chocolate or something.
  9. I'm sure we'll get one as soon as the Linux build is working.
  10. We'll see. Obsidian doesn't have inXile's budget.
  11. I thought I'd create a thread about Mod Support, because it's getting to that stage where it's about time we knew about what things will and will not be supported by Obsidian on the modding front. Here is the original promise from the Kickstarter Campaign And some statements made in the Dec 2013 PCWorld Interview While there was some uneasiness about the use of Unity making modding difficult, the actual fact is it's quite the opposite. The Language used for the PE source code - C#, it supports Reflection, and Partial Decompilation and thus modders are able to inject code into the Assembly. It is also theoretically possible to make some kind of patcher, hopefully something like WeiDU for the Infinity Engine games. But on the source code front, things are looking good. I do however, have some concerns about modding possibilities with the game assets. This is not because this is not supported by the Unity Engine, it's actually made quite easy through the use of Unity3D AssetBundles (*.unity3d). External AssetBundles can be streamed into the game, overriding the ones used in the SharedAssets. Obsidian has already externalized several types of these files, as stated by Josh Sawyer in the PCWorld interview. Items, Weapon Modifiers, Class and Racial Abilities, Spells, Creature Files (Natural Weapons, Spells, Abilities, Armor) and 2D Background Tiles are currently externalized in the Backer Beta. These files can be edited with Unity itself. However it does require Unity Pro (there is a trial version available), because AssetBundles are a Unity Pro feature, and it also requires a Custom Unity Editor Extension to be able to edit the files, and save them back as a Unity3D file. Bester has already developed a Unity Editor Extension that allows editing, removing and saving of elements within these files. While it doesn't have complete functionality as of yet, you can modify a weapon or spell, save the file and copy it over the default AssetBundle to use in the game. My concern lies with what is not currently externalized. Tables and Variables - such as Class Variables, Experience Tables and stuff like that. I have noticed that there is an empty override folder in the assetbundles folder, so it is possible that Obsidian mean to have some kind of functionality there that allows editing of that stuff like with .2DA files in the Infinity Engine games. It would be appreciated if an official word could be given about the use of that folder. Scene Files - these files contain the data for scenes, also known as areas. They contain GameObjects, which is a generic class that encompasses items, creatures, interractables, lootables, shops, etc... and contain all the information such as their their location, their stats, dialogue strings in case of NPCs, and all the other good stuff. These are not currently externalized to our knowledge. The 2D Art files have been made available, but not actually any scene data that I am aware of. Without the scenes being externalized, we cannot add custom NPCs, items or anything to current levels through Unity. We know it is possible to externalize these assets because inXile have done it for Wasteland 2, and they didn't even promise mod support. Here is a screenshot of externalized scenes for Wasteland 2 The PE BB has an external scenes folder ... but it's empty. There are these, which I believe is just the 2D art files But when unpacked it doesn't look like they contain any scene data. So I would also if possible, like to get some official word on externalizing scenes. These files could also easily be offered in a separate pack on GoG and probably via Steam as well, as "Free DLC" or maybe something in the Tools section, like when you go to download Source SDK if they were to also contain the 2D art files and cause the game size to inflate by too much. inXile have also externalized many other types of files for modders to play around with such as animation sets and things like that. Obsidian could also move to this file format completely, rather than using SharedAssets. I believe inXile ended up altering their file format somewhere towards the end of development (after the beta release) to provide Mod Support. Good Guy Brian Fargo et al. But yeah, it would be nice to get some official word on whether any more file types will be externalized for the full game, and how the override folder will end up working. Externalizing more files will only do good for the game franchise IMO. As we all know, the Infinity Engine games still have a vibrant modding community 15 years + after release. The larger the modding community is - the more your game will continue to create revenue long after it's release. Thanks in advance guys.
  12. I really do not mind a lot of the lines - Minsc can say "Cities always teem with evil and decay, let's give it a good shake and SEE WHAT FALLS OUT" as many times as he likes as far as I'm concerned. I didn't like the Noble Dwarf Origin storyline. Didn't like any of them, really. edit: BUT the Origin stories was a good concept, I just didn't think that any of them were very good, and they were all really short too.
  13. Oops. I meant I think It doesn't show posts from the bug forums. NCarver posted in there the other day.
  14. The changes to the inventory screen in v392 were definitely a step in the right direction, much better use of available space and the stat side panel is now quite a bit better. However to further improve it, I think tooltips are needed for the combat stats themselves that show the makeup of the value, this would also be handier for testing whether values actually work. An important one is an Accuracy tooltip. I'd like to see something like this when I mouse over my Accuracy and get a dump of all of the values that individually make up the score. Same again for Defenses (at least) And we really need to see Interrupt and Concentration in there as well, because there are things that directly affect those results and don't show up on the weapon value. Most players probably don't even know what their base concentration is or by how much Resolve affects it. I think I've mentioned this before somewhere, but I thought I'd bring it up again.
  15. Didn't have a potion of Mirrored Eyes. Nor anything else that counters Confusion. I checked. Easiest way would have been to rest and memorize Chaotic Commands, slap it on Iggy, and solo them (more or less), but I didn't want to. I don't even do that lol. I just send in one character and let them get confused. Half of the time they are confused they attack the Umber Hulks anyway. Then I come in a bit later with a few more, just have to watch the Umber Hulk aggro though because two characters confused in the same room can get ugly. Kind of strange that the Infinity Engine games have really emergent gameplay especially in the manner of which you can 'solve' encounters, but Josh Sawyer's design style won't really allow for that I don't think.
  16. They did make it seem like it was purely for that reason when they spoke about it ...
  17. I actually recall Josh stating there were actually a couple of thrown weapons. I'll double-check the game files tomorrow and if I find any, I'll let you know (but obv, not allowed to show them).
  18. I just man fight the Umber Hulks in there lol, it's not that hard. You can pull a few of them at a time as well. I think Potion of Mirrored Eyes works too, IIRC.
  19. Beyond balancing and bug fixing, not much is going to change leading up to release I don't think.
  20. There's one in the room they are in lol ... it's on one of those pedestals It's the Warhammer +1; +4 vs Giantkin
  21. I agree, I really like the IE inventory. That particular version is the BG2:EE one, which is 'better', but doesn't have a nice fullscreen UI
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