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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. There was going to be different kinds of ammo but it was cut, don't know why. For instance an early example was Bodkin and Broadhead arrows. Although heh, after seeing the armor system ... Broadhead arrows would have been woefully bad since slashing damage ain't very good in the first place. Will miss the magic arrows and whatnot, as well.
  2. There's also micro and macro strategy. I believe PJ was talking more about macro strategy. Micro strategy is the strategy you employ for a specific combat scenario. Same as the strat you use for a round of counter-strike or cod competitive. Micro strategy involves pre-positioning (and also IMO immediate positioning), planned ability sequence, planned targeting sequence, any gear changes for that encounter, so on and so forth. In Pillars of Eternity, I have found that most encounters are won through micro-strategy and the opening round of tactics, before Engagement begins. After that, it's yours to screw up. Even though 'line of defense' is a tactic it is not more tactical than the Infinity Engine games. You can absolutely win encounters through use of smart positioning. I have several examples in my IWD Let's Play where I did that, it's just that there are so many more options than that. Pillars of Eternity limits your options. Not only in movement but also in the way in which you choose to deal with encounters. There is more ability choice, more character creation freedom and a lot more item builds are viable for more classes but in the actions that you actually take to win an encounter, IMO there is less flexibility and less tactical variety. On hard it's difficult to get fancy with Engagement. There's too many enemies in most encounters, at least until you start killing some. Moving however has an opportunity cost in and of itself, and in PE why move if you don't need to ? The map terrain, pathfinding and whatnot also don't tend to be very supportive of it.
  3. I am also forced to play very differently, and I hate it. I will not budge on the less tactical thing. It is less tactical.
  4. Well Wizards deal a fair amount of cumulative damage. That AoE damage definitely stacks up. They are however, super glass cannons. They're not as fun to fight without their instant protections/super quick insta mirror-images and stuff Party wizards are useful, but literally all I do is spam AoE damage - which is really boring compared to playing an IE wizard in mid-late IWD1/IWD2 or BG2.
  5. If you've got a handy potion of mirrored eyes or Protection from Petrification scroll/spell it's a free 1400 XP
  6. That's exactly the one I was talking about. You read it was, where abouts? Rock Paper Shotgun? At the moment the most glaring issues to me are Pathfinding AI/auto attack Save/Load/Persistence (which is apparently being fixed now) Performance Character Art Bugs UI Bugs Missing Strings Over the top VFX There's also problems with some of the graphics/visual systems and a stack of gameplay related bugs as well, but those are harder to notice at a glance, they require actually playing a fair bit of the game.
  7. Issue: Can't bind a hotkey to weapon sets Issue: Queued Action should show on the action bar when paused Inventory Portrait/slot placement is off Aefyllath Ues Mith Fyr Chant and Number of Hits also for NCarver I bumped about 1 and a half pages of my unreplied bug reports for you to look at if you haven't already.
  8. This image is after a single fight (Medreth's group). You can see that my Chanter has a total of 49 hits, when she probably achieved maybe four attacks for the whole fight (using a shield, armor and got disabled). I believe this is because of the "Aefyllath Ues Mith Fyr Chant", I think that maybe each hit from any party member that gets the bonus from the chant is counted as a hit for the Chanter as well.
  9. This has been noticeable for a while, but the sixth party member's portrait is cut off in the inventory portrait panel, and the very farthest item slots to the right are cut off as well. To fix this, you can probably move the orientation up and left a bit Deliberately left the whitespace so you can see how far I moved it
  10. Apparently some people played the Infinity Engine games like that too ... and to that I say - no wonder you didn't enjoy the combat.
  11. To be fair, some of those were because of the media - not because Obsidian's games were overly buggier than anyone else's. RockPaperSh1tgun jumped on that bandwagon pretty hard.
  12. I don't recall Basilisk random encounters, but there may have been some from going between the Basilisk map.
  13. Yeah as I mentioned, Hard has more enemies so it restricts movement even further - and that's exactly right, it just turns into a pre-position and stand still and make actions. It's rote, banal and boring. Nothing like playing the Infinity Engine games.
  14. Wow this is actually worse than I thought. If you select a character towards the end of their attack animation, it cancels their animation backswing and causes them to not go into recovery. This may have already been fixed internally though because BMac said that when you select a character in v392, it loads their inventory/character sheet and causes a micro-stutter which may be causing the problem .. not sure.
  15. You actually don't have to cheat to win in any of the Infinity Engine encounters really. Recently a forum member who had played the IE games but not for a long time went back and played them, ran into some problems and was able to overcome them with solutions and lessons from forum members here. If you're interested - here are the relevant threads. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/69898-iwd-vs-pe-combat-likes-and-dislikes/ http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/69947-pe-mechanics-how-is-it-doing-compared-to-ie/ http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/69987-lets-play-baldurs-gate-2-and-reflect-on-pillars-of-eternity/ http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/70008-lets-play-baldurs-gate-2-and-reflect-on-pillars-of-eternity-2/ There is no encounter in the IE games that requires kiting, single pulling or cheesing combos. There are more fun ways to play. It's painful that they are not more obvious to most people than they were to me, because it means we get watered down gameplay in this game because of it. Here's my recent Icewind Dale Let's Play, you might find some tactics there that you might not have been originally aware of
  16. The RPGCodex has an openly fabulous moderator. Not once have I seen someone call him out for being gay, but I have seen people challenge his point of view on RPGs. The Codex doesn't give a flying f@@k who you are, or where you come from - but you better be prepared to discuss RPGs if you're going to post.
  17. In that specific instance, you will be able to use the Cipher companion for that dialogue option. I've read it in the dialogue files. Lore allows you to use scrolls (like Wizard scrolls and stuff). In dialogue it doesn't have anything to do with companions. The third one is best responded to by a dev, I would actually recommend asking that question here http://jesawyer.tumblr.com Last I checked they were planning to have VO for chants. There will be people that like Engagement because it (especially on easy and normal) allows you to control the battlefield and easily override AI targeting. on Harder difficulties with more enemies it really restricts how much you can move in encounters without being heavily penalized and just in general prevents us "IE-grogs" from playing the game anything like we played Infinity Engine games - which really sucks.
  18. I think having the queued/next action show on the action bar immediately after you've issued it when paused as well as unpaused would be handy feedback for the player - let's them know that their command actually worked.
  19. Expected Result: I would like a control to be added so that you can hotkey toggle weapon sets, as currently interacting with weapon sets requires more effort than the Infinity Engine games. The UI / Programming side of how they work may not endup being able to be updated before the release of the game, so allowing them to be hotkeyed would be a good compromise. For more than two weapon sets, the hotkey would just cycle from one through four, and then back to one.
  20. My 'innocence' regarding the game was broken a long time ago when I started browsing the game files, so much of the stuff I learned today I already knew about. Some of the stuff was new though.
  21. BAdler posted today and said they aren't going to start looking into another Beta build until at least next week. My prediction was end of Jan, but depending on how they go (there's usually a week delay) it could be late Jan/early Feb.
  22. So there's a ... place ... on the web where you can get some plot sploiters and stuff like that. I won't post a link, but if anyone is liker super keen like omg have to know detailZ, feel free to send me a PM and I'll point you in the right direction.
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