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Everything posted by Shades

  1. So they fall unconscious at 0? And then you have to try and distract any enemies around them before they kick the bucket completely. I can see how that could work. It would be interesting to see how the soul thing can influence souls and resurrection.
  2. I wouldn't mind seeing this, and having to sleep certainly makes sense (so my characters aren't super-insomniac-zombies running around without sleep for weeks). But augh, if they do this I just know I'm going to end up hoarding all the food I can because it looks so tasty. It's happened to me in any other games that have food as an item
  3. Hm, I guess it would be kinda interesting if you could buy backpacks/extra pouches and the like. And no, I don't mean Dragon Age style *shudder*. For one a simple bag shouldn't cost a huge amount of gold. What if you could see the backpack on your character (and it gives you say 20 inventory spaces, but you can only have one), and you could add some belt pouches which might only be able to take a certain number of small items each. Of course you'd want a weight limit on top of that, but it could be an alternative/work with the possibility of carrying bags inside your backpack. It probably wouldn't make much sense combat-wise however for your character to be covered in bags and pouches I don't really care if I see something like this in PE or not, I was mainly trying to think of something that I hadn't seen much that might work.
  4. I know exactly what you mean, I can't count the number of unfinished games I have where I go back to the saves years later and have no idea what I was doing or where I was up to (or in some cases, how to even play the game because I've forgotten the controls... Oops). I guess in a way the journal system would already do this? As in games they usually list quests you have lined up/active, those you've completed etc. It would be nice if the save games themselves had the area that you were in at the time (and possibly chapter of the game if we have chapters), the usual screenshot, and of course let you name the save yourself (and please, no limited number of saves. I save a lot and hate it when I have to start going over old saves because I only have a certain number of slots). I can see what you mean, but I'd worry that having such a reminder might get annoying (unless you could turn it on/off, though you did mentioned it only triggering if you'd been inactive for a month or so), depending on the amount of information it might also seem a bit big. Which is why I like things that are small and can fit into the save game information so you can scroll through saves and see where your character was area-wise and story-wise. Perhaps what you're suggesting would work as a journal tab though?
  5. I'd prefer the Baldur's Gate style, because even in other games like Dragon Age that just have your characters knocked out, I still reload if anyone goes down in battle. And since this is a game with one main character it makes more sense for it to be game over if your character dies than the whole party. Though I guess in a way the Baldur's Gate PC dies game over thing could be related to what the PC is in that (after all, despite what was said in ToB Sarevok turned into corn chips and the death scene implies that death is a one-off thing for your PC). Some sort of Raise Dead spells or someone you can go to for such a thing would certainly be very useful. And I don't mind plot deaths at all, though it would be a nice touch if there was a reason why you couldn't raise a companion who had been plot deathed (for example they were too horribly mutilated, body unable to be recovered because they fell into a huge chasm/the sea, dead for too long so their soul had moved on, disintegrated, dismembered, burned to a crisp, eaten, melted, etc).
  6. I'd guess like others that easy mode will probably be similar to the IE games. And if you still have trouble hopefully there will be a cheat/command console of some sort that you could use to help you out. Can't recall if BG had a god mode (can't get hurt/die), but I think you could switch on a bunch of keys that will do different things, one of them being healing your party members. So maybe PE will have something similar. And if not then eventually there will be mods. I think the most important thing is that you enjoy the game. To me if a game is making you pull your hair out with stress and bash your head through tables then you're obviously not enjoying it (unless you have a strange way of expressing it... ). I'd have to say that although I don't have any difficulty with the IE type games (though I don't go and play on the hardest difficulty either) I also play RPG games largely for the story. Yes I enjoy killing stuff and progressing, but I probably enjoy following the story, watching things unfold and developing my characters a lot more. I like most Obsidian games because they've provided such interesting and wonderful stories.
  7. Yes, I'm not terribly fond of LotR as a whole so I would love to see some inspirations from other sources such as Michael Moorc0ck. Something more like the Melniboneans would be great (as long as they didn't just turn into drow). To be honest what would interest me the most would be seeing societies that function differently along with the races. You might have a completely isolationist nation for example, or some nations may have kings or emperors while others might have something else entirely. I too likes the way the DA dwarves had a caste system in place, though I like that it seems the dwarves in PE won't all be stuck underground.
  8. Well, if their dresses robes could be fastened at the bottom, say with a zip or buttons (perhaps as a large hem that folds down... I'm thinking too much about something that I'm suggesting as a joke), and came with a hood then they could easily convert it into a sleeping bag :D I agree with you, I want to see more magic users (male and female) wearing pants, or shorts, or something that isn't big and billowy. Even big billowy pants would be preferable. Would be nice to find climate appropriate gear for the region you're in, too.
  9. Ugh, please no or very few mini game type things, and adding so many skills just to do with lockpicking seems like it would just create a lot of clutter. Personally I'd just like it if any class could open locks, in their own way. Yes a thief can pick a lock, but why can't a mage melt/burn a lock or freeze it? (maybe the type or level of the spell can match up with the dificulty of the lock the same way a lock picking ability would for a thief) A warrior can bash a lock, but perhaps different weapons would be better or worse for it. I imagine blunt weapons and axes might work pretty well, but swords and daggers may not be as great.
  10. I have no problem with Chosen Ones, in fact I think they can add a lot to the storylines of games and I find it frustrating that so many are stubbornly against it these days like it's such a terrible thing. The thing is like anything a Chosen One storyline can be wonderful and create a story that is very personal to the player, if done well (and by personal I don't mean the DA2 style 'here have a family, now stuff will happen to them and since they're your family you must feel sad about it') . Baldur's Gate is a prime example of this, you're (or, you know, your character) the one being hunted because of what you happen to be. Same with NWN2: MotB, the plot is directly affecting your character with some affliction that drives you to try and do something about it. Actually when I think about it more it seems I like the stories to be things that directly affect the player character rather than being a Chosen One or not. But my point that a Chosen One story when done well can be great still stands. There can also be a bit of a blurry line between what is and isn't a Chosen One, where do you draw the line between Chosen One and victim of circumstance? Does there have to be a prophecy to make a character a Chosen One? The NWN2 character could be considered a chance thing, you just happened to be in a certain place and had this thing happen to you. Even in Baldur's Gate. Without the prophecy (and even with it as it really isn't specific to you until you make it) you're just one of many of your kind, who is to say that the prophecy couldn't have been instead pointing towards a certain companion of yours that gets dragged through both the games with you whether you like it or not. Basically I think Chosen One stories can be just as awesome as non-Chosen One stories. And quite frankly most of the time the player character (whether set or made by the PC) ends up being special or making themselves special in some way with games. The exceptions being those with no 'main character' like the IWD games or most MMOs (where again, there isn't really a main character).
  11. Ugh, the Mechanus Cannon, I hated that spell (when the enemy had it) and having to see it over and over again if I had to reload or was going through the maze a number of times. I'd say no for spell cut scenes, no matter how cool they might look it throws you out of your regularly scheduled combat and makes you watch a cinematic. Which is fine the first few times. But when you've seen it who knows how many times it gets really old really fast. Even if you can skip them it would still be a bit annoying.
  12. I'm going to be annoying and say I want to see half-breeds Of course I would love a category that had a variety of different ones (any equivalent or tieflings or aasimar could also fit under such a category as they are mixed too) but it seems like a waste. Rather than using one of the race slots for them though they could just be another subrace under each main race. Say if you chose Humans - Half-elf you'd have a half-elf that used a human model, or Elves - Half-elf would use an elven model (I think half-elves in BG always used the elf models). To save clutter each race could simply have something like a Mixed blood subrace option where you could then specify. I'm very interested in seeing how different and varied the subraces will be for each race and I'm hoping to see some equally intriguing new races taking up those two additional slots.
  13. The bread! I remember making so much bread, and hoarding as much food as I could in Ultima 7, just because it all looked so good! NPCs with schedules as they did in Ultima would be great. However I wouldn't be surprised if it ends up being more like the IE games where people will be in one place during the day, and another at night. I'd be perfectly happy with either of those options (and bread!).
  14. 27 And... Hmm. That's a tough one, but I think I'll go for NWN2: Mask of the Betrayer (PS:T, BG2, IWD2 and perhaps NWN: HotU would be next). Been gaming since the Amiga and Commodore 64 days so I'm also fond of a lot of the older series like Ultima, Might and Magic, Eye of the Beholder etc.
  15. I remember the Might and Magic games had portraits that reacted/made faces when different things happened, and... It looked a little silly/goofy I prefer the fixed portraits like those in the IE games.
  16. Eh, I don't know. With Dragon Age to me it seemed more like a cheap way of getting rid of half-elves so they didn't have to try and put in yet another race choice for the player (which in Origins may have meant a new starting point too which would be a bit of work). That's the way I've always seen it anyway, I would have been fine if they'd said half-breeds were infertile, thus there weren't a lot of them and that was why the player couldn't be one. Actually for me it's more 'I like some parts of elves and some parts of humans, so I'd like to make a character that has a bit of both.' On the subject of half-breeds being looked down upon though I think it would make a lot of sense, it would be very interesting to see in the game, perhaps even some companions could be less than impressed with a half-breed (depending on whether we have half-breeds or not of course).
  17. I like having half-breeds in, I remember being a bit incredulous at the way Dragon Age did them: A human and elf breed and create... A human (it doesn't seem to make sense). I don't mind half-breeds being able to breed, but half-breeds being infertile certainly makes sense too. Don't you get that infertility with things like lion-tiger half-breeds in the real world? With the number of races I was actually wondering if a) There would be half-breeds, and b) If there are, what would they go under? It would be nice if you could have Humans, Elves, Dwarves, and Half-breeds as an actual category itself, with subraces for it being the type of half-breed be they half-elf or half-dwarf or half elf-dwarf or whatever.
  18. You need an option for both in the poll there, having one does not mean you cannot have the other. I love companions with personalities who chat with each other and comment on things etc. But I also liked that in the BG games you could make extra companions by going with a multiplayer game (and by multiplayer I mean being able to play alone with characters you created or playing co-op, not the way a lot of multiplayer things seem to work these days). Especially in a game where you have a smaller number of companions, it means if you don't want to take one that covers a certain class, you could make one of your own to skip around with your main character. You could do games with a mix of the game NPCs and your own, or you could do a whole game with your own characters. I think it adds at least a little bit of replayability to the game and also means you can explore some different class and race combinations too.
  19. Same here, I don't want to know about the plot. I would like to know about the world, setting, races etc so I can start getting a clearer picture of everything in my head. I wouldn't mind seeing portraits and short descriptions of each of the companions either (it might inspire fanart, which in turn may draw more people to the game). But again nothing too detailed or plottish about them.
  20. If you're having that much trouble, lower the difficulty level. That's why it's there, so you don't get stressed out just trying to keep your characters alive. And generally if a party member dies, reload (and save often). That way you won't have to waste time and gold trying to raise them. Also perhaps since goblins seems to mean IWD, consider the classes you have in your party and their stats. It's usually a good idea to have a tank that goes first (like in any modern game), it can also be a good idea to have ranged weapons on everyone if you can manage it. And as mentioned, pause often (there should be a part of the menu where you can set when the game automatically pauses so you don't have to kill your spacebar key), tell people what to do, unpause to let them do it, then pause again to give them new things to do. I seem to recall Torment being less combat-focused (depending on how you play) so perhaps that's why you're having a bit of difficulty too. I'm hoping that PE will be around the same difficulty level as the IE games, challenging but fun.
  21. I like the BG method with random rolls that you can adjust. And that doesn't mean I sit there for ages waiting until I get all 18s, I just reroll until I get a decent total that I'm happy with (18 for one or two and the rest spread out, but usually nothing below 10). I do agree with classes not relying on a single stat though. It would be great if say a fighter with intelligence could be better at planning something tactical, or dealing with an ambush etc (as impractical examples), maybe each class could have different pros and cons relating to each stat. Might get a bit confusing/complicated though.
  22. I agree, something like ToEE probably wouldn't be too difficult to implement depending on what ends up being used. Just a system where you can make your character taller/shorter and wider/thinner and the character and items scale to match that so you don't need to make a range of specific body builds and items to match them.
  23. I never have a problem with games being delayed (unless it's a really really long delay of 10 years or something, but as long as I know the game is going to be completed... ), because it means in the end I'll be getting a better product because of it. I'm not sure if their current release date will be enough time for the type of game that a lot of us seem to be expecting, so I certainly wouldn't mind and may even be happy if they decided to delay it by 6 months or even a year regardless of what funding goals they're able to reach.
  24. It's also nice when NPCs have their own schedules, so say they say to meet the player at this area at a certain time. Sure it means you have to wait around a little, but I find that much better than instantly going to that area and having something happen. It gives you a feeling that the world around you is functioning by itself and not just catering to the player. And yes, I'd like to see weather effects if possible too. I liked running around in the IE games and suddenly noticing that it had started raining or something. Gives variety to the environment (especially if you're going through an area more than once).
  25. Mod tools would be great, or at least making the game mod friendly and having a debugging console accessible like NWN and BG.
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