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Everything posted by Nonek

  1. Well, this is kind of condescending and very similar to the arguement "its just games, who cares?" a lot of us care, we spend our hard earned money in our hobby, both hardware and software, and it's not just us, many developers are afraid to lose their job, are afraid to have their careers ruined because this agenda driven journalists will go after anyone that doesnt conform to their worldview, not only I have heard of a lot of cases, two of them have been personally messaging me. And this has been happening for a while because the majority of gamers were silent about it, either they didn't know or they did know and wanted to "stay neutral". Well if someone doesn't want to get involved they have all the right in the world, but don't paint the people that care about this as extremists. Do I condemn death threats? (weather they really happened or not) absolutely. But is not cool to be called extremists just because you want to discuss this. I do apologise if that's how you read that Mr Chaz, but i'm for discussion, for highlighting of the corrupt practises being revealed and for a better press who are held accountable. I'm simply against sinking to the level of death and rape threats, that the extremist elements on both sides are taking part in, i'd say that it's better to be moderate and judge objectively according to what has occured, not buy into the hate train that the extremists are riding. After all that just paints us all in a negative light. Wanting to discuss this does not make you an extremist, and at no point in my post did I say this, in fact my position was in direct opposition to that, I would say wanting to discuss this makes you a moderate. Edit: Once again if you found this preachy or condescending I do apologise, because that was not my aim. It's most certainly not my aim aim to stifle or censor discussion, as I believe in free speech and belive that those who try and oppose it are villainous and immoral.
  2. This is a vicious, inhuman and disgusting law, one needs a certain level of power to achieve...erm...cleanliness. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=40rKfJw4EVU
  3. Isn't this a part of the Riggsthula? The Thralls, Carls, Hersir and Jarls are all buried according to their status in that Saga poem. Even a woman who never went to war, or lifted a weapon would be given the armed burial of a daughter of Odin, because she was of the warrrior aristocracy. There were warrior women though such as Hairy Breeches commander Lagertha, and was it Aud the Red or the Deep Minded who fled to Iceland? They also seemed to have many rights that Christian women did not, freedom to divorce, to claim the home and all they put in it, to rule and command men in the absence of their husbands, and even attend the Thing (Assembly) so that they might have a say in governance. From the Sagas we certainly do not see many shrinking violets amongst them, and it was hardly a surprise to find out that Margaret Thatcher (Hammer of the Miners) was descended from Viking stock. Even now northern English women are a fiery breed, which I know all too well. Edit: That said there have been some very big and strong Viking male skeletons excavated, and one suspects that with manhood and its responsibilities beginning at the age of twelve (lest they be called a coal chewer,) that these lads grew strong and hard pulling an oar over the North sea, hauling goods and cargo, practising their warcraft and bearing their warriors panoply. Certainly the amount of pre death wear and tear on the skeletons found suggests that they were very adventurous and warlike, with some horrible wound sustained and yet survived.
  4. Finished New Vegas, Legion ending. Simply to halt the path to the old world atrocities that the new world is stumbling down, stave it off for a few more years. At least that's how I justified it to myself, still felt like a cad and a bounder as the ending slides were playing however. Fantastic game.
  5. Perhaps as a meeting in the middle ground one could recieve a quest upon first fighting an opponent, to fill up the details of that creature in the Lore screen, through successfully fighting against them? Have the quest track the number of these kind of opponents you defeat, (10/250) or whatever, and upon that number being met, and a full lore description being unlocked, XP is rewarded as well as perhaps a small combat bonus against that creature type. Thus we gain something from each combat, have a goal to aim for and a reward at the end of it, that uses mechanics already in the game. Just a thought. Edit: Would a low Lore skill mean you have to kill more to gain information? Seems a reasonable trade-off, but many may see it as degenerate and overpowered however. Similar complaints to those raised about Durability I imagine.
  6. Why buy into the hate train that the extremes of both sides are riding? They're clearly fanatics. One side over attached to the games they play and overreacting when it is threatened by lying extremists who wish to restrict gaming to their own personal flawed vision, so much so that they resort to threats of violence and rape. They are quite clearly upset by the threat to their style of living, which is admittedly unhealthy, no one should be that invested in an entertainment product. The other side equally upset that they have been caught out, that their corruption, lack of ethics and symbiotic relationship with those whom they are supposed to remain impartial about, has been highlighted. So they demean, dismiss and launch impassioned diatribes to defend the indefensible. They take the opposing extremist minoritys words and label everybody critical of them as the same, painting themselves as self righteous victims whom are truly doing good, and all others as subhumans. This was inevitable, for the longest time they hated and looked down upon their audience, so much so that they decided to no longer represent them and feel free to lecture and bully them like they are children instead. Pushing their own fashionable agendas, while their own actions deteriorated and their complicity in misleading the public became ever more entrenched. As a moderate I don't wish to buy into the polluted atmosphere of either side, i'd rather watch and judge impartially and hope that fellow moderates representing the vast majority of us subhumans, whom partake in games as a recreational distraction, finally stand up and call for some integrity, objectivity and fair representation of the public interest. As it stands game journalism frantically trying to dimiss the majority of moderate gamers as villains, while defending their own lack of ethics and objectivity is only harmful to themselves. They have become the villains they were fighting, and a laughing stock for anybody who is tired of being hamfistedly designated as subhuman. In the end the side whom made and still make this industry profitable will win, those subhumans (male or female) whom just want to play games, and do not wish to be lectured, portrayed as evil or ridiculed for simply having a few hours fun after work and before family commitments call. This is just my personal opinion however.
  7. Speaking objectively, they're simply not offering me enough in this "enhanced edition" to make a purchase viable. I would want more than they're offering to buy the game yet again, as it is I already have the collectors editions, the complete bundle and of course a copy on GOG, which on a recent playthrough was most enjoyable. If the developer wants my custom they'll have to offer more than I already have i'm afraid.
  8. Ah what a perfect example of symmetry, game journalists, white man hating feminists and corrupt developers riding the waves of this current controversy on one hand, all saying that anybody whom considers themselves a gamer (i.e. plays games recreationally) should die and not be catered to. While on the other hand we have an even smaller minority, making death and rape threats against the people who are trying to restrict and reshape the hobby that these people are too attached to. Sowing the seeds of hate, I wonder when those first seeds shall bud and reap a bitter harvest? Edit: Of course in the midst of this game journalists corruption and their symbiotic relationship with the developers whom they should be objectively criticising is forgotten, as they frantically try and divert the story into a different sphere, realising their corrupt perch is a tad unstable.
  9. Schoolyard name calling while prioritising gradations of victimhood, utterly pathetic, who the devil educated or employed these people?
  10. Relevant. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=257887508 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uOoXwxqeVzg
  11. Putting the languages you named together makes sense, since they are all found together in a relatively small area and have certain common characteristics. My problem with throwing languages together which aren't related at all, only makes sense when the games' world is extremely large. In a sense, you portray an "international" community if you mix latin, english, norse, and all kinds of other ancient languages such as mayan tongue with "itxl" affixes. In Baldurs Gate, for example, you had a feeling for how much time it takes to travel by foot from one city to the other. In an environment like that, a multicultural melting pot doesn't appear convincing to me. Many different races, make sense, yes, but here the problem is that every race has a different place on the fictive planet on which PoE is staged from where they come. Why would they all come together? Why would they have travelled half around the world to hang out in the places the player appears? Maybe I'm overly critical here, but most fantasy universes offer better explanations and background than what I've seen so far. I don't believe that every species and race of humanity has come together in the Dyrwood Mr Bu, one assumes that there has been an inrush of peoples to a thriving newly born colony, but there certainly seem to be a few missing from what we know of the world. Compare it with the new born colonies of America, where folk from all the races of humanity came to try and make their fortune, certainly with Vaillia to the south, Aedyr to the north and the Dyrwood mainly being formed by Aedyrean settlers that seems a more than logical comparison. However apart from the protagonist and his party, whom by their very nature will be exotic and out of the ordinary, I doubt we will see many representatives of far off races and species. Old Vaillian's, Boreal Dwarves, Oohmama's of Rootytooty, the Itchyscratchy's ecetera will probably be foreign faces, exotic adventurers and roisterers come to see if the streets of Defiance Bay really are paved with gold. Most likely we will see mainly Aedyrean's using their Old English/Norse tongue in the Dyrwood, Glenfathan's using their Celtic/Gaelic tongue when we venture into Eir Glenfath and of course Vaillians using their Latin-ish language from the neighbouring republics, come to trade and what have you. In the cities there will be far more exotics and travellers, in the villages and countryside a far more dominant racial grouping if this is anything like our cultures at all. However this is all supposition, and I have not played the game nor do I seek to defend it from criticism, so I may well be wrong. This is what i'd like to see personally however.
  12. I asked the wife, yes i'm a disgusting subhuman apparently, but i'm her disgusting subhuman. It feels quite nice to have ones identity embraced by the comforting anonymity of a group, I wonder if there's a subhuman gentlemans club I can join? I really thought my opinion of game journalists and SJW's couldn't get any lower, I was wrong. Edit: The funny thing is for the life of me I can't remember doing or saying anything wrong, strange it's almost as if someones condemned me for the actions of a minority, whom are not representative of the majority. Wonder what that is called?
  13. Damn and blast the wife quite enjoyed Assassins of Kings, have to tell her she wasn't supposed to. Much obliged for the information Ms Qistina, I just hope we haven't voided the EULA.
  14. Yes, rather unfortunate what.
  15. Celtic/Gaelic, Old English/Norse and Latin are fairly much the industry standard, usually mixed together without thought or care. Poe seems to be taking a more in depth look at these languages and their heritage, personally I find that refreshing. Obviously it's not on par with professor Tolkien as Mr Ding points out, but he was a world respected authority on the subject. Edit: Still not sure how to pronounce the Ooh Mama species however.
  16. Mrs Nonek was always a little depressed at how few men there were in her chosen fields of work, dancing and then nursing, as she said that men had quite a different physical style and were on the whole very efficient and fastidious nurses. Personally i'm glad that most of the few she met were gay, as i'm an ugly chap and remain extremely lucky to have bagged her, don't think i'd have fared well against stiff competition. I suppose men generally just didn't want to work in those professions, though of course I don't know the ratio now.
  17. Not snarky (I think this means sarcastic, like the English sarky, not sure) or mean as far as I can percieve Mr Crashed, I would disagree on voice acting because I don't see this as being an indispensible part of games at all. Destructible terrain I very rarely see in an rpg or most any other types of game, which leaves physics, particle effects and lighting which seem to be fairly much a necessary part of modern presentation I agree. But even so with the inflated budgets, massive teams and decades of previous experience it seems rather depressing to say that modern developers simply can't do what they did twenty years ago. And yet when we ask for games resembling past ones, we are told we are wearing nostalgia goggles, when instead we want a return of content, features and value. We are constantly told that modern games are far superior and innovative, yet they mostly pale in comparison. Ah maybe i'm just a bitter old grognard, but the comfortable lies of publishers and their game journalist toadies seem to be a little difficult to swallow of late.
  18. The main narrative of the Ultima games was fantastic and their living worlds far superior to the Elder Scrolls, all they missed was good combat and apart from that their gameplay was eminently playable and fun. I say why not have it all. I realise that games have degenerated a lot in the last twenty years, but surely what was possible two decades and more ago can and should be replicated easily on an everyday basis now. If not what exactly has gone wrong, and why is nobody talking about it? Just my personal opinion however.
  19. Having been in charge of quite a few hirings and firings in my time I must state that I have never once considered anything other than the candidates qualifications, appearance and more importantly experience and demeanour. Well that and the length and texture of their facial hair, but that's a given.
  20. There were a few details that echoed throughout Sosaria's history though, exploring them in the Serpent Isle (especially Shamino's backstory) and the Triad of Evil in the Gargish culture (of VI) was very interesting. Personally I thought one of the most intriguing snippets of history came from the skeletal remains of Zod, an early sorcerer who sought power from the Wisps and then cast the Armageddon spell wiping out all life on the world, there were several early theories that this spell ripped open the Moongates, and that Zod was the Guardian himself, a wingless Gargoyle not a human. I suppose the main difference was that one had lived and played a part in most of these occurences, and felt the ripples of their actions echoing down through the centuries. I'm extremely hopeful for Numenera myself, turn based seems far more fitting for an rpg and a brave move by the developers, but I still doubt we will see any significant living world elements making a return. A pity as I see them from a pen and paper perspective as such a bountiful vessel of opportunities and potential. I'm also hopeful that Poe's illustrated interactions will use the simple power of good prose to bring the world to life, there is certainly limitless potential there.
  21. Yes Mr Chacal I was in the same boat when I first played Baldur's Gate, the world in comparison to Britannia felt so flat, lifeless and artificial, with nothing improved on other than combat and graphics, and hardly a hint of interactivity or any other passtimes to pursue other than slaughter. It was a clear and significant degeneration from my point of view, but a lot of people do not want more features, more interactivity or more pursuits, they just want a combat and conversation simulator. There are some groups whom want to drop one of these as well, making either a pure action game or a visual novel. I suppose for a developer trying to appeal to all these disparate groups is difficult, and trying to match the features and content of twenty plus years in the past seems almost impossible now, even Original Sin could not implement day/night or npc cycles, and that is fairly much a love letter to Ultima. So in the end we must settle for all games being arpg's, with fewer features and content. However it must be noted that the Ultima's were at the time of their making at the cutting edge of innovation and technology, they practically mandated buying a new rig or undertaking significant upgrades. So I suppose one must group them now alongside the Witcher 3, and whatever other games are pushing the visual and hardware limits of our computers, rather than a small Kickstarter with a very limited scope and budget. Also as others have said Poe is limited in being a spiritual successor to the IE games, and thus is affected by their scope, and apart from Torment they were all arpg's in truth.
  22. Elric of Melnibone was a pathetic weakling who needed drugs or stolen souls to even walk and talk properly, he was skinny, androgynous, with the most delicate of constitutions resulting from millenia of inbreeding. I certainly don't think the gentleman qualifies as having any sort of physical vitality. However he was the mightiest spellcaster of his age, with demons and elementals leashed to hid will and spells that could reshape reality on his lips. He would not have any physical might though he was skilled with weapons, but his supernatural potency would be unmatched. Moorc*ck designed him as an anti Conan. I think you might wish to take him out of this list.
  23. Amy Hennig? Her work on the Legacy of Kain games stands out for me, but i've heard that Uncharted was popular.
  24. The contribution women make towards gaming development? Erm they work on teams that make games, seems obvious really. Why should their gender come into it?
  25. Lord Soth arose from the ashes, his ancient armour creaking and wailing in complaint. Shadows played about his shoulders, forming a cloak of midnight dread that flared and writhed trembling the hardest heart. His burning molten eyes turned to the young Mage who had challenged him, and silence thick and stygian fell upon the battlefield, with the opressive weight of a terrible will brought to bare. The white robed youngster fell back, arcane syllables dying on his lips and decades of training forgotten. The Death Knight raised his gauntleted fist, extended his finger to point at the irritant and pronounced: "HURT A BIT, MMMKAY."
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