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Everything posted by Nonek

  1. "Why do we not yet have a jetpack for every man, woman and child?" Watching Tomorrows World as a little chap I was quite sure we were promised this.
  2. Is that Siegfried in the middle with the coffee?
  3. Join the patriarchy, we have stolen the baked goods of other minority groups.
  4. Hair spiked with lime water for Glenfathan Barbarians perhaps? A little tribute to the practise by the Ancient Britons.
  5. After reading the Fallout comic and getting Chance's Knife early on in my recent playthrough of New Vegas, I felt enormously satisfied to survive the Cazador's and such, glad this is not scaled. I must admit that Victor was my saviour on that little scouting trip however.
  6. Personally i'd like three modes of ambulation, walking as used mainly in towns and for roleplaying purposes, admiring the view and whatnot. Running/jogging for covering distance and reaching a location with the minimum of tarry. And thirdly a guard mode, where one has ones shield readied, weapons hefted, guns crooked and grimoires erm...opened to an appropriate page. The latter would be my standard mode when exploring dangerous areas (wilderness or dungeons,) that necessitate such precautions. That was one of the few things I found wrong with the Origins system you are speaking of, drawing ones weapons after seeing ones foes, unrealistic and simply unwise to wait so long when one is aware of danger all around. As a GM I would punish any party running about in dungeons, with no weapons drawn or precautions taken, as such stupidity simply calls for an ambush, a trap or a similar measures. I'd also be fine if one entered the latter mode in more highly civilised areas that it is noted, like in Divinity, and perhaps the watch is even called like in the last Witcher game.
  7. Not really Mr Walsingham, more of a satire on the currently fashionable trend of stating that developers should avoid any contentious subject matter, just in case someone, somewhere is offended. I was hoping through ridicule that I could point out that it is not the developers intent to offend, that the situation is only virtual and that if we censor any troubling subject matter then we will have no content whatsoever, because somebody, somewhere will find something offensive. Satire is perhaps not best achieved through text, or perhaps I need to be a little more transparent.
  8. Gentleman. It has come to our attention that we are not doing enough to offend people. All over the world there are minorities, creeds, races and religions that we are mot actively targeting to offend and dehumanise. Zoroastrians have for instance been overlooked since Severance: Blade of Darkness, and there are many more whose outrage and offense we should be harvesting. We are being lazy and inefficient at the moment. It is time we put our hearts, minds, talents and evil patriarchal shadow network to use in demeaning and demonising more of the forgotten and overlooked aspects of this world. Now I can hear you cry out: Nonek, some people are just not being offended by slavery, racism, sexism or any real world subjects we have placed into games as part of our nefarious plot to warp precious, innocent young minds. I understand this, and I understand that some players know how to keep reality and a simulated world apart, indeed it is a basic function of the human brain. We must try harder to offend. It does not matter that there has been morally offensive material in fantasy since the dawn of time, whether Hercules slaying his family, Medea slaying hers or Oedipus lying with his own mother and slaying his father. We can do better, we know much more of the world now and we can use that to maximise our attack on everybody who is not of the patriarchy. Gentleman I have a dream, that the products we are making (through our evil manipulations of poor weak minded developers) can make somebody, somewhere in the world uncomfortable and offended at all times of the day. Gentleman together I believe we can do this, we can offend a whole world and everyone on it, from Arctic to Antarctic. And when we have done this, when we have conquered Earth then let us step forth into the heavens, cast off the surly mantles of our mother and offend all of the Milky Way. This is my dream. Yours offensively. Nonek.
  9. Video gamers stop your dreaming, can't you hear their outraged squealing. See their fascist agenda streaming, to this battlefield. From the threads resounding, let the call be sounding. Summon all at Sommer's call, the SJF's surrounding. Video gamers on to glory, this shall be your passtimes story. Keep these burning words before ye, you are all dead. Sorry, watched Zulu today. "Scrawny bespectacled pencil necks with weird hair, thousands of 'em."
  10. I'm always intrigued by these threads, it must seem very strange to have a collection of strangers congratulating one on a birthday, if you look at it objectively I mean. Personally I haven't celebrated one of mine in quite a few decades now, as father weaned me off such indulgences* as a youngster, and thus i've always thought of them as a touch too frivolous. Nevertheless congratulations Mr Avellone, i've very much enjoyed you and your colleagues work over many years, and I hope I haven't brought the threads mood down too drastically. *My first celebrated birthday was at the age of seven, and that day I was not beaten by the servants, a very rare luxury. At eight I recieved only a single beating, still a very pleasant vacation. At nine I recieved only two, a nice break all told. At ten I was back to three good solid beatings a day, my father took me aside and explained that he now judged me to be a man, and so I was to make my own way in the world and earn my room and board. He leased me shortly thereafter to a coal mine in Yorkshire. Heady days.
  11. Some of the custom mods and skins for Freedom Force are very good, extremely high quality and dedicated work by the modders. Adds a whole new aspect to the base game.
  12. Opponents? I wasn't aware I had any, barring me good lady wife of course. I still don't buy into the binary mentality. I only call fascist the social justice people who are acting in a fascist manner, preaching, demonising, hate mongering, and censoring. Typical fascist behaviour. It's not a blanket term like gamer, but a specific condemnation of a band of extremists who have outplayed the original few trolls, and unlike them are actually acting rather than just threatening. There are still some respectable moderate critics out there, who are not pursuing a fascist agenda, Eric Kain, John Bain etcetera. I do not condemn these gentlemen for the actions of the sjf's.
  13. As i've said before, i'm watching and judging. So far I don't believe it's fair to cite Gamersgate as radicals, they're just gamers whom seemingly are sick of years of preaching, condemnation, corruption and unethical behaviour, from an industry that's basically not fit for purpose. They're making a stand because of years of frustration, as well as the mass condemnation of millions as sexists, racists and homophobes by a self righteous group of fascists. Of course some right wingers have hopped on the cause, but I don't think anybody is naive enough to not realise their agenda. The social justice fascists have proved their mettle to me with their censorship, dictatorial pronouncements, outright hatred and contempt for anybody not of their clique, and of course their self righteous belief that they know how to make better games than industry veterans such as Obsidian. Their contempt for the audience is astounding, and their threats have actually been acted upon. I shudder to think of gamings futures if it is dictated by these single minded, hateful and unethical fascists, cliched plots, blatant moralising and preaching, no real life issues ever raised, and subtlety and nuance utterly abandoned. The trolls whom have been allegedly abusing some people, well i've yet to see them actually do anything other than talk. The abuse is obviously very hurtful for some whom are very internet heavy users, but most moderates like us ladies and gentlemen have roundly condemned such practises, and we are not our brothers keepers or interested in that adulterous woman whom sparked this debate (can't remember her name,) or any other sort of abuse.
  14. Playing Freedom Force versus the Third Reich, fun, colourful and packed full of interesting features...but something about it simply refuses to click. I wonder if I should have played the original title, can you ladies and gentlemen recommend it at all?
  15. Perhaps Obsidian is a large company of individuals (like gamers) whom have many different views on the subject of gamersgate, the anarchists making threats against various people and the social justice fascists, who are censoring, slandering and threatening people. There's probably a large amount of moderates like us looking on and judging the respective sides by their actions, who do not identify with either group of extremists.
  16. Dear Lord, that's just turgid cliche'd crap, positively insulting. Next they'll be saying we're the kind of desperate saddos whom inhabit strip joints, and throw their hard earned money at young ladies who detest them.
  17. Indeed it's this portrayal of people as stupid, easily manipulated and weak willed that irritates me as well. I'm standing back watching and seeing both sides, and so far the fascists actions are damning them. Thus I judge them. While gamergate has sought discourse, transparency and a call to the middle ground, while condemning any hostile threats, eminently reasonable. It's damning that the SJF's have such a low opinion of people, one of them I know read Twilight and saw nothing wrong with its portrayal of women. Only when he was pointed to a detailed thesis on the matter did he realise the detestable subtext of submissiveness in the book, and then he immediately changed his tune. He had no opinion because he was simply not clever enough to form one, and yet he was preaching to others constantly. Hypocrisy in action.
  18. I'm short of envelopes lately, much obliged. It's my job to harass my family however.
  19. Electronic media is a fantastic method of gathering facts, checking what people have said and disseminating their views, that is why private investigators love it. It should not be discounted because the fascists have been caught spouting their toxic hate mongering on private chat rooms, and it is far more durable and hard to eradicate than pen and ink. Also we all know that the social justice fascists like to preach and sermonise, so they are all too easily caught in their own webs of lies and doublespeak. With the traditional press mainly representing the biased views of the social justice fascists, electronic media as used in the Arab spring is a fantastic way to spread truth and the message they are desperately censoring. When free speech is threatened by censorhip, as these people are attempting, any weapon is useful in the fight against such detestable practises. Edit: 4chan are foisting a conspiracy upon the world by discussing gamergate in a public chat room, but game journalists coordinating strategy in a private chat room is of course utterly innocent. The IQ's and two facedness of the SJF's and their patsys really cannot be underestimated.
  20. Then they should stop acting like fascists Bruce, the term is very fitting considering what they are preaching and their censorship of any dissenting opinion. I realise they're young self righteous people, who want to fit in with a fashionable demographic, but that doesn't make their actions any less repulsive to anybody with ethical values. See what we see, say what we say, think as we think and do as we command was an absolutely evil mantra, and should not be excused by anyone with an interest in not seeing such horrors occur again. And I for one am against the steady deconstruction of free speech that the social justice fascists are championing.
  21. The only problem I had with Torment was Nameless and company running into combat, if one wishes to stay alive, one does not run into a melee. It makes very nice brainless Hollywood action scenes, where the disciplined maniples of Rome resort to individual skimishing, but absolutely no sense. I always thought that there should be a seperate combat stance, with careful advances with implements/spells readied, shields raised and caution the order of the day. The only exception I could think of to this would be the Barbarian, tribal warriors who rely on the charge to break their enemies line, such as the famous Highland clansmen whom broke the English/Lowlanders line at Prestonpans. The Wild Sprint ability? Edit: Oh you mean Numenera, now I feel utterly dunderheaded, pardon me while I slap myself.
  22. Yes looking at this from a moderate stance it's utterly damning, if anything the social justice fascists have shown themselves to be far worse than the anarchists making threats, as they haven't actually done anything. The fascists however are complicit in corruption, censorships, threats and conspiracy, they have proven themselves to be immoral, unethical and childish fanatics. Colluding to halt any discussions or opposing viewpoints, which have been largely well behaved and reasoned. They seem to positively despise logic and detail, such as Thunderfoot or Ms Sommers display in there entirely reasonable videos.
  23. Ebay or Amazon, maybe a local game store if one is in Blighty, though at their age the old White Dwarf's are getting rarer.
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