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Everything posted by Nonek

  1. No i'd be against any kind of moderation, free speech is one of the attractive parts of gamergate, and bears a marked contrast to the social justice fascists efforts to censor and stop any free speech that does not attune with their dogma. On the whole gamergate has denounced and asked for any threats or disruptive behaviour to end, unlike the opposition whom are still comfortable criticisng millions and dehumanising any opposition. Free speech is an important pillar of gamergate to my mind, and to society in general, one that the SJF's obviously despise because of their hatred of truth. Edit: Zoe Quinn holds that gamergate is a conspiracy specifically against her because of open, public discussion on 4chan, gamejournopro's coordinated publishing of ten articles on the same theme on the same day, organised on a private chat room is of course purely innocent however. Simple Minds, a great band.
  2. Yes I largely agree and have thought fairly much the same, however as an investigative journalist he has done sterling work on this issue. Investigative work might also form a large part of such an organisation, but as you say previous bias may render him unsuitable.
  3. I'll tell how to #stopgamergate2014: - Adopt/Clarify/Reinstate an ethics policy. Do so loudly in clear, plain, straightforward manner without any unnecessary ramblings about politics or internet toxicity. Do not include in this section the 5 paragraphs about misogyny, save that itch for another time. Commit clearly to avoid or disclose any conflicts of interest. Commit to objectivity and impartiality as best you can, leave the ridiculous ramblings and snark about your strawman views of the real world application of objectivity out of it. - Cover the the harassment and doxxing of the side you aren't covering in a proper article. Condemn it in the same terms you condemn all other harassment. Admit that if you expect gamergaters to own up to their crap you have to own up to yours or if these people don't speak for you neither do random bigots speak for most gamers. Again, clearly, plainly, loudly. Admit that any double standards and hypocrisy on the matter are unacceptable. - Apologise, without reservation, without any between the lines jabs or the aforementioned 5 paragraphs about misogyny, in a plain and straightforward manner, to anyone who took any articles or social media statement by any of the site's staff made about the "gamer identity" as an insulting stereotype imposed on their hobby and themselves. Do so loudly in a manner befitting the scale of GG and not in some vague tweet. I don't care if you think you're misunderstood, include whatever "we didn't mean it like that statements" but swallow your snobbish pride and do it. Even if you aren't Gamasutra and the like still make a statement and clarify your stance with a healthy measure of respect for video game players. - Comment on/condemn the alleged blacklisting of developers based on the views the site's journalists/editors disagree with. Commit to covering what the public shows interest in with a measure of balance. - Now talk about misogyny as a toxic fringe that poisons discussion that while should not be ignored also should not be an excuse or shield held against the majority at large. Here you can run wild to your hearts content in the thesaurus and compete in the use of the most ferocious and melodramatic adjectives of condemnation like, horrendous, sickening, depraved. But mention again how it's an issue on both sides because man there is been hilariously plentiful of dismissing women and minorities as "straight white guys" and being made fools of on the anti-GG side. And if anything is 'problematic' that qualifies also. Whoever is still left in GG afterwards we can then talk about labelling as a misogynist mob. But this isn't going to be stopped by snorting acid at GG. Excellent points, and I mostly agree. Unlike others whom want gaming journalism to not be covered by ethical standards, I believe that it must be, as it involves advising consumers on investment in arguably one of the largest entertainment diivisions in existence. To be treated as a mature, responsible and respected artform it must have ethical journalistism, that is fit for purpose. That respects its customers and does not hold them in contempt, that would never think about insulting and condemning millions of them, and of course that would fire those like Mr Grayson and Ms Hernandez whom have been caught practising unethical behaviour. How to go about doing that, forming a press that is reliable and has integrity while getting rid of the social justice fascists whom are currently poisoning much of the current industry is a perplexing issue however. Perhaps those whom have proven themselves to have integrity and ethics in this current climate, Mr Kain, Mr Bain, maybe Mr Yiannopoulous if his former political leanings are not too apparent could form some manner of independent watchdog, somewhat like Metacritic (though i'm aware of Mr Bain's dislike of said service) but focused on consumer service and ethical standards in gaming sites rather than game quality. Funding for such a product would remain a problem however, how to remain viable, independent and most of all not beholden to any single body whom could possibly sway such an institution? Edit: Mr Decado used to post on here didn't he? Clever chap from what I remember.
  4. Oh for heavens sake, journalistic ethics are not optional if one wishes to call themselves a journalist, if you wish to be a blogger fine, I and I assume gamergate will not hold you to the higher ideals that journalistic integrity demands. Until such time as you declare you're a blogger, I will. As I said earlier this is the result, for me at least, of years of journalistic practises that are unfit for purpose, it is not just about this single incident, this was the spark for years of frustration with game journalism and its corruption. I really shouldn't have to be having to explain this so many times. I'm off to play with my little ones, goodnight.
  5. No gg came into existence because of the lack of journalistic integrity, and years of frustration over this, nobody cares about Ms Quinn's adultery but you. I'll try and make it very simple Bruce, though I don't know if i'll be successful: As a journalist you have a duty to inform the public objectively, without bias and following ethical guidelines as society regards journalism as an important function, and those whom practise it to be held to a more exacting standard. Or used to due to Watergate and various other investigations. To be a journalist one must follow an ethical code, this is not mandated by me and I have no interest in it, to remain seperate from your subject, to diminish bias as much as possible, to report truthfully on your discoveries, and to neither make improper use of your position or give the appearance of such. By commiting adultery with a developer, his subject matter, Mr Grayson made an ethical mistake. This is not a problem until he failed to recuse himself from any professional dealings with her, or made sure that his editor knew that he had a significant conflict of interest between his private life and his duty to report objectively to his audience. He did neither and was caught out when this scandal aired, thus he is guilty of ethical misconduct, bringing his profession into disrepute and a blatant lack of ethics. This is not optional, it is the ethics covered when one achieves a journalism degree. He did not have to write anything about Ms Quinn or his adultery with her, the damage had allready been done. Read any paper on journalistic ethics or ask any professional, they'll agree with me, Mr Grayson gave not just the appearance of impropriety but the actuality. Sorry to the rest of the forum for having to repeat myself.
  6. Bruce please link something better than that "this is a valid post and I urge you all to read it" hogwash, or you're never going to get taken seriously. Grayson is guilty of ethical misconduct, he did not have to write anything to be guilty of that, he is a game journalist who slept with a developer and did not recuse himself or declare a conflict of interest, this is childishly simple. Nobody is focused on Ms Quinn's adulteries and rapes, she hardly gets mentioned anymore.
  7. Its not that you may be wrong Nonek, you are unquestionably wrong But on a serious note, I battle to take you seriously when you make suggestions like " there has been no harassment from the GG side " Almost everyone who has been following this debate knows there has been severe harassment on different levels from extremists from both sides. So please lets try to have this debate in the realm of relative accuracy ? Not that i've seen Bruce, but don't worry I don't take you seriously at all. Edit: Gamergate on the whole has striven to distance itself from harassment and threats, while the main speakers for the social justice fascists have mouthpieces such as Leigh Alexander whose insults and rhetoric have not been stopped or condemned by anybody on her "side." Why there were even idiots stating that any of the ridiculous insults made by the journalists should not be taken so seriously due to there assinine nature, a truly moronic viewpoint unworthy of anybody with a functioning cortex.
  8. I'm also somewhat coming to believe that the SJF's might simply be astounded at customers standing up for themselves. They have for so long tirelessly preached their fashionable yet inane arguments, campaigned for personal preferences and in general discounted the audience whom they should be representing, that it maybe came as somewhat of a shock to find that audience were older than them, more intelligent, more discerning and not particularly enamoured with their painfully weak prose. Thus their superiority turned to outright hostility, how dare these neckbearded, obese, basement dwelling, virgin, undead, geeks stand up for themselves! They should just accept the self righteous preaching of their betters and conform, like a good little oik. One can still see this when in debate with the SJF's, they tend to talk down to their audience, calling them boys or some other diminutive title, telling them that they need things explaining or engaging in casual mockery. To me it speaks of a particularly dislikable attitude, that looks down on ones fellow man or woman, and condemns them enmasse as the SJF's did with millions of recreational game players in their earlier orchestrated attack on the public whom they should be serving. Edit: If I am correct their rampant corruption going unchallenged for years at a time has not helped, from Kane and Lynch to the young lady from IGN appearing in ME3, the public should have made far more of an outcry earlier on. But presumably the outrage and dissatisfaction needed time to build and mature, to everything a season and whatnot.
  9. I haven't noticed gamergate being tainted, in fact it's the SJF's whom have acted to censor free speech, made liberal use of doxxing, lost people their careers, assumed a fundamentalist stance and acted in general as the fascists they are, as well as making threats exactly the same as the trolls they decry. I've seen people state that gg is tainted and their followers repeating the same message, that it is all about harassment, but i've yet to see gamergate orchestrating a campaign of harassment, being tainted or doing anything other than condemn harassment. One can of course blindly accept what is stated, and parrot it at length, but that is the action of a follower not a thinker. Gamergate seems to be far more about truth, consumer representation and accountability. As old fashioned and irrelevant as these are held to be now. It still seems fit for purpose to me, a moderate, however much its opposition want it to cease to exist. No I think its simply that consumers standing up for themselves is seen as a dangerous practise, after all if customers are united and coordinated, they remove much of the power and influence that the middle man enjoys. That and the gaming press still do not want to admit that they are corrupt, unethical and unfit for purpose. I may be wrong.
  10. #AskBruceCampbell? Edit: Are we dead, and are we evil, are we human, or are we dancer?
  11. I do agree that there is something to the argument for increased greenery and space in our cities, along with a little less uniformity and more artistic expression. The dour concrete jungles can be a little daunting, and even though at night they possess a certain neon lit beauty all of their own, they cannot compare to the green and growing splendour of say an idyllic English cottage, nestling in a bosom of organic splendour. To me at least.
  12. I wonder if Gamergate ought to consider standing up more for developers? Ms Wu stating that developers are sexist but too stupid to see that is rather uncomplimentary, and from what i've seen most developers are intelligent, well educated, liberal and customer focused. In point of fact I wouldn't be at all surprised if developers actively look to hire more female talent, but simply cannot find an abundant supply, as this is one of the jobs that men generally prefer. Just like women generally dominate dancing, nursing, domestic services etcetera. #Stopgamergate: Don't let the dead rise and stand up for themselves. Quite amusing.
  13. Raises a valid point, that as a journalistic entity Kotaku is factually unfit for purpose, as bloggers they're the same as many others. Thus they could hide behind a rebranding and not have to worry about professional conduct, or service to the public.
  14. Basic ethics and integrity are covered in a journalism degree, if in doubt hire a neutral third party, independent from the gaming industry of course such as Mr Greg Lisby. His video on acceptable ethical and professional behaviour is probably already uploaded on this thread somewhere.
  15. Mr Grayson didn't have to influence anybody, he is a game journalist who slept with a developer (his subject,) this is the core of the matter. He needs do nothing else to bring his publication and profession into disrepute. If he had informed his editor and recused himself from any further professional dealings with his sexual partner, that would be professional and the least he is obliged to do, he did not and therefore his actions were unethical. If Kotaku implemented an ethical code, then Mr Grayson and the other lady (Ms Hernandez?) would have to be fired or suffer a draconian punishment, few people are willing to admit guilt or raise their hands in the professional world. One of the reason for my continued respect for Mr Erik Kain, who has retracted and issued apologies before.
  16. Mr Grayson did not have to write any article concerning his adultery with Ms Whats her name, the mere fact that he did not disclose his relationship in any shape or form, already taints his publication, his commitment to informing the public and his impartiality. Whether he wrote anything or not is not the point, he behaved in a manner that broke the ethical code, and told nobody. He brought his publication and profession into disrepute. It is blatant impropriety and a conflict of interest, between his subject and his audience. Any editor worth his salt should have issued a public apology, and then fired the gentleman.
  17. New to me, most amusing. I'd like to think i'm a Philosopher, in reality I fear that I may simply be a Toxic Granny however.
  18. Gamergate benefits in that it was founded on an actual legitimate case of violating journalistic ethics, Mr Grayson sleeping with a developer and neither recusing himself, informing his editor or the audience of this conduct that brings his industry and publication into disrepute. However much this conflict of interest is denied, swept aside or the goalposts shifted this remains a constant. One cannot say that they have ethics or integrity when they are flagrantly abused in such a manner, and to deny this or ask that ethics and integrity not apply to Kotaku or any other publication renders them simply unfit for purpose. Though moderate and neutral, this is why I err on Gamergates and (more importantly of course) the consumers side.
  19. I have a few problems with the systems of Poe, which I won't go into again as they're common, but the limited development time is not something i'm worried about. In DA2 with their own engine Bioware's design degenerated, removing many features, much content, reusing assets and propping this up with the endless waves of cooldown popping combat, not to mention the narratives incoherence and the idiocy of the cast. In contrast over the same time period, a year and a half, Obsidian took Bethesda's engine and created New Vegas, which is in my view a masterpiece that somewhat shames its predecessor. Indeed as well as being known for ambitious projects that shoot far too high (for their own good at times,) Obsidian must by now have a reputation for grinding out their products at a breakneck pace.
  20. When criticising madmen I believe Mr Sterling is referring to the scientific research communities of Norway and Japan. Just a guess.
  21. Can't have the mob standing up for themselves. Consumers should just consume whatever scraps they're offered from their betters table, difference of opinion and freedom of speech, they only exist for the right people in society. Certainly not appropriate for gross, neckbearded, basement dwelling, misogynistic, dead virgins, they should wear sackcloth, sound a little bell and shout to all and sundry, "Gamer, unclean." I'm in a most strangely jocular mood today.
  22. It's about time we had a series about what is arguably one of the more influential Emperor's, Little Boot's and Nero always hog the limelight, along with Caesar and Augustus, but the later Emperor's are worth studying in my opinion. Bravo.
  23. Ah only a jape, i'm sure he has a thick hide. Well he has to because of the harpoons. Sorry last one.
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