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Everything posted by Nonek

  1. I'm afraid it may have got lost amongst the many others. Please do not question any half arsed criticism an SJF makes, please report to the nearest exorcist, why won't you die? Listen and Believe, leave Gamergate, we will, we will Doxx you, etcetera.
  2. Questioning the status quo like GG is? In that case I agree GG has for the most part been the only side using critical thinking rather than just recycling tropes, playing the victim professionally and self righteously accusing everybody but themselves of being immoral and evil.
  3. Upstanding and massively engorged members of the Patriarchy. Greetings. Society, the tool we men (manly men doing manly things) have crafted to oppress others and enforce our will upon the world. Women have had no part in shaping it, this is known, as mothers raising children, wives, sisters, daughters they have merely quietly and meekly gone about their business like the pretty little playthings we have designed them to be. Not once in history has there been a strong woman, indeed each and every member of the Patriarchy whom is married knows how weak and feebleminded their brood mares are. Lately however we have been troubled by accussations raised against the society we alone created, and manipulated for our own betterment, and we find them disturbing. Society is our tool, ours alone and we will not have it challenged. Women are powerless against it, they must obey because they are weak willed and weak minded as we rightfully prejudiced members of the Patriarchy know. Beauty and lifestyle magazines, which we created and write, because of...errr...our vast knowledge of women? Anyway the images they show are made by us, censored by us and designed to suppress. Many think we are ignorant of these magazines and womens issues in general, we are not, we control all society and everything in it, nothing is out of our control or made by anybody else. Some think that women should just not buy these things they find so objectionable, or write for them, or publish them. Hah, what fools, they cannot resist for they are weak and must acquire what we have designed. Remember this when you criticise society, it is a construct with a purpose, designed to be perfect in its suppression of women and everybody else. It is not an organic thing, that has grown without control over the years, and has largely been formed by women as much as anybody else. It is our dream made flesh, and it shall not be challenged. Yours despotically. Nonek.
  4. Are there any prominent let's players whom specialise in the IE games? That would seem to be a lot more of a pertinent personality to judge the game in comparison to its forebear. Mr Cox seemed more suited to capering in the vicinity of an Organ Grinder.
  5. I still can't understand this arbitrary grouping of the two entirely different damage groups, and i'm not particularly comfortable with only the strong having a whole Soul, it seems off and rather uncomfortable to me and i can't see the reason for the grouping. If it's just to simplify the attributes then I don't see any point, i'm more than capable of handling a little complexity, in truth i'm beginning to long for it as accessibility is rendering most games so dumbed down that there's no challenge anymore. Still it's probably too late to change anything now, so there you go.
  6. The Hangmans Tree, the protagonist (one asssumes) seems to be awakening the spirit of a hanged woman, is this a Cipher ability or perhaps a skill of the (mysterious and oft mentioned) Watcher?
  7. Personally I liked Amentep's alternative titles: A Fistful of Backers. For a Few Backers More. The Good, The Backer and the Ugly. Crouching Crowdfunder, Hidden Backer.
  8. Nice to see that Mr Wardell is finally getting an apology from the journalists who lied about the court case against him, which if I remember correctly was thrown out with prejudice by the court, and the accuser made to write an official apology to Mr Wardell and his family. Good to see these self righteous liars finally owning up to their slander, I hope Mr Wardell sues more who fraudulently accuse the gentleman of the same. Makes one hopeful that the justice system is still fit for purpose, unlike game journalism.
  9. Yes the vanilla Mount & Blade is still free, the expansions (Warband etc) are all 75% off.
  10. You may wish to peruse Mr Monahan's blog on this very matter, which seems to indictae that the game will be added nearer the release date, I assume like with DivOS us backers will recieve access before the standard consumer. http://forums.obsidian.net/blog/6/entry-174-how-do-i-select-steam-or-gog-tldr-you-dont-yet/
  11. Pillars of Eternity up for pre-order. Edit: The new trailer looks very impressive.
  12. A pity game journalists and SJF's can't abide by those rules.
  13. Personally I refuse to be told how to "be better" by hatemongering fascists, who demonise millions and wish to emulate the Nazi's. Especially not for a crime I had no part in. I play games recreationally, there is no culture to that, I simply use it as entertainment the same as television or books, I should certainly not be marginalised and condemned for that. What is disappointing is that instead of these supposedly educated adults blaming the guilty, they attempted to marginalise millions based upon an entertainment activity, thus revealing more about themselves and their vicious little nasty views of those whom they are supposed to serve and inform in an unbiased, ethical and objective manner.
  14. Successful non damaging attack to disengage? A kick, slam or somesuch to break engagement? Just spitballing.
  15. The gentleman posts some nice artwork however, which I for one appreciate. Even though Petra and various other sites are well known, the posting is a nice reminder (to me at least) of cultural diversity and our shared past as a single species. We are capable of great things, even if they are born of quite horrible circumstances.
  16. I do apologise if I lost my temper earlier, and I remain an advocate of free speech even for Mr Tait, but I also still think he is an amoral scumbag and a sickening waste of life.
  17. It may just be because I was born nearer to the war, and heard stories from my family, but what the hell do these idiots think happened at Auschwitz? Do they think gassing men, women and children is cool and sexy? Do they think that six million screaming souls being wiped off the face of the Earth is good fun, when even the most entrenched Nazi guard hated Concentration Camp duty, and felt dehumanised by it? I can't concieve of how stupid and morally devoid this individual can be. Edit: This is what our families fought and died for, pampered children advocating inhumanity?
  18. This is absolutely disgusting, I really hope this is false and there is nobody so stupid as to flippantly advocate Death Camps, especially not when they're white men advocating the death of diverse millions from every race, sex and creed.
  19. The Adam's Apple seems quite prominent for a lady, but personally I don't think her chosen gender is any of my business. Then again I don't particularly care about her at all.
  20. Trigger? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xVwyij-0sOw
  21. How much does a good introductory sequence contribute to this sense of anticipation?
  22. Personally there are very few games that have sparked such a giddy feeling of excitement in my cold, dead heart, unsurprisingly: Ultima V&VI, from their brilliant introductions and throughout evoked that feeling. Diablo, surprisingly enough possessed that instant enchantment and atmosphere. Torment and Icewind Dale also made me smile in anticipation as they began, fingers waggling over the keyboard in excitement at the experience to come. Fallout of course, brimming with originality, style and innovation pleased me inordinately. Severance: Blade of Darkness possessed a lonely, magnificent atmosphere that I believe the Souls games have preserved. King of Dragon Pass, one of the areas that this game excels at, possibility and adventure to come. For me no Obsidian game has yet captured this atmosphere of thrilling at the adventures to come, and the possibilities that await, except New Vegas. That opening introduction and intriguing narrative, it enthralled me, and followed by the Couriers supposed death left me even more intrigued. It presented a setting and situation that I wanted to explore and immerse myself in. However I think Obsidian games have usually some early point in the narrative that grabs my attention, whether that is Alan Parker conspiring to steal secrets from Alpha Protocol, the Exile facing down Atris, finding the last resting place of the Tenth legion in the Mournweald, the finding of the first Silver Shard awakening a vague suspicion or what have you. Edit: The fourth chapter of the Witcher also qualifies I think, the real heart and soul of the game.
  23. I can't really take Ms Lianna K seriously after her stating the female characters of the Witcher 2 are never shown to be hurt, despite Triss screaming in torment as she is transformed, Philippa's eyes being torn out, Loredo's mother being decapitated, the Trollwife being slaughtered, Sile exploding into gobbets of flesh, Moril being raped and abused for years etcetera, etcetera. The young lady just seems to cherry pick content to fit her own agenda, and discard everything that does not in almost exactly the same manner as Ms Sarkeesian. It's a rather pervasive form of judgement that's becoming more and more fashionable it seems. Her racist rhetoric towards eastern Europeans I find quite irritating as well, it's very popular to indulge in such demonisation, but I personally find it cheap, nasty and lazy. Edit: I have to admit I also think she's guilty of piggybacking on GG just as much as those she is accusing.
  24. Finished Lords of the Fallen, there were surprisingly quite a few choices throughout the game, and they are shown to you in a Fallout-esque sequence at the end. All told I would say that the game is worth the investment, though the story disappoints simply because of its failure to seize on its own potential, I was personally never surprised at all by the narrative. The combat is however satisfying, and the progression is quite well balanced, though there are some enemies whom are rather cheap and irritating I feel that may have been down to the tactics I used not being suitable. Good loot, samey dull environments, good character advancement, maybe slightly overpowered rune socketing system, art design very stylised and down to subjective opinion. Pick it up at a moderate discount and I think you should be happy with the purchase. Might be best to wait a while for the insect life to be dealt with first however, they're rather prolific at the moment.
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