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Everything posted by Nonek

  1. Rather disappointing, too much combat, a poor narrative, too much railroading, and an undeveloped theatre of conflict.
  2. I'd prefer we prosecuted the unscrupulous individuals whom use sex workers, pimp out the girls and propogate prostitution, rather than the young ladies themselves. They are often victims of circumstance, and of course their plight should not be swept under the carpet or censored, the same as any other victim of crime should not be.
  3. I can't speak for you other gentlemen and ladies but the idea of self driven cars makes my alcoholism flare, one could finally indulge as one wishes and I assume that there would be a lockout for the too inebriated. "I can't let you do that Dave!" Or some such. On second thoughts probably a bad idea.
  4. Finished Eye of the Beholder 2, am feeling like something a little more action oriented now, I was thinking of running through the Streets of Rage trilogy but to be honest i'm a little put off by the third installment, it was brutally hard even for my younger, more dextrous hands, to the point where I never completed it. I've heard that the Japanese original Bare Knuckle 3 is far more enjoyable, is this true? And does anybody have any experience of the remake of the series?
  5. Yes almost paradoxical isn't it? Raised in the lap of luxury, and then survive by begging, while genuine poor and homeless people cannot get a handful of copper. Very strange, seemingly no conception of the value of money.
  6. What still riles me to an unreasonable degree is how quick the SJFs are to demean, demonise and insult millions of people, they seem to have no hesitation in casting aspersions over vast swathes of people, even if they are spoiled white people themselves who survive off begging. They still feel they have a self righteous right to condemn millions of hard working decent people from diverse races and backgrounds, who happen to share a hobby. And yet we have seen from their moronic utterances that they are largely stupid and single minded, that they favour regressive non interactive games, that they are pro censorship and despise free speech, and they do want ethics to apply to a multi billion dollar industry instead favouring corruption, nepotism and their continued poor level of criticism and lack of purpose. I'd prefer to think that almost everyone is a good person, decent and moral, hard working and sensible. It may not be true, or it may be, but i'd prefer to give everyone the benefit of the doubt rather than arrogantly air my disdain for millions. I do not think that I have any right to do so, or am equipped to judge them. Just my opinion however.
  7. Getting thoroughly sozzled, Happy New Year everybody.
  8. Oh have I been sleep harassing again? It must be a terrible affliction that I have no memory of it at all, I wonder at my sleepwalking self having the ability to create twitter accounts and doxx people whom I don't know and have had no previous contact with, quite impressive really for the subconscious mind.
  9. With the location and date of the game one has to wonder whether Jan Hus, and his spreading of John Wycliffe's semi-heretical doctrine, may play a part in the narrative. It seems too juicy and momentous an opportunity to overlook, an in depth examination of how the Hussite wars came to be.
  10. In all seriousness OP I would visit your doctor and describe (what sound like the symptoms of borderline depression) that you are experiencing to him, however I wouldn't be fobbed off with anti depressants, I would ask for a more intensive course of action. Exercise as Woldan can tell you releases massive amounts of natural highs, hobbies can serve to involve the hands while the mind sorts its own problems out, perhaps a little therapy so that you can share your worries and anxieties, the daily routine and unbiased love of a faithful canine companion can serve to lend structure to your life, perhaps a little creative writing for your own pleasure, vent and express yourself. Prostitution I would condemn and advise against, I give to a London charity that supports young ladies caught up in this activity, and it is a vicious circle of suffering that one should not propogate through use of the unfortunate women involved in it. Forced drug use, rape, assault, slavery and long and short term mental health problems are not something to contribute to in my opinion. Hope you stay healthy in mind and body Sir.
  11. Probably has to do with the shallow nature of it. How do NPCs know what my conjuration or enchanting skill is? How do they know I am in the Dark Brotherhood when it's a super secret society that kills you if you reveal its secrets? Why are they telling me they don't like those clunky two handed weapons either while they're wearing an iron greatsword on their back? Imagine if people passed Frodo on the road to Mordor and said, "Hey, I heard that you're carrying that horrid weapon of the enemy to Mt. Doom to destroy it... Good man!" <- That's what the writing in Skyrim is like. Which is why I really do wonder if the writer(s) finished highschool, or have read any sort of literature at all. Probably my biggest pet peeve in the game is this little gem: What have you got for sale? Yes this is part of the problem, along with my Archmage/DoverSole/Grand High Poobah being sent on the same fetch quests, and treated exactly the same as at the beginning of the game. It's as shallow as possible, which is probably why I generally prefer the implementation of pre-defined protagonists, whom have a place and a position in the world.
  12. I can sell you my family if you wish, Lord knows i've had enough of them.
  13. One suspects that survival in any time period other than the modern one in the first world was a struggle, and worthy of concentrating upon obviously. I suspect that Eora will not be a land of frolicking peasants with full guts, happily working the fields in some manner of non existent rural paradise, because it's Obsidian. I'd rather have a world brimming with verisimilitude, internally consistent and logical, rather than a modern setting with a thin veneer of renaissance fayre flavour. Personally i'd rather have as many features and as much content as possible, we have enough games which have degraded into alternate combat and conversation simulators, usually in corridors. Personally i'd argue against more and more content being abstracted, I can certainly handle more elements than I am currently tasked with by most games. Personally i'd love an RPG one day to have a survival system similar to "This War of Mine."
  14. I have mainly one problem with Skyrim specifically, and it's not the streamlining and dumbing down that increase with each new ES release, it's simply the lack of interactivity, which is the true strength of this medium. True you can create any character you wish, forge them a backstory, decide how they will react according to their imaginary personality, what they favoured in terms of weapons and style etcetera, you can do all this and the game will not acknowldege any of it. So the question arises, do I need the game to do all this character building, no I don't. Unless my choices are acknowledged in game at some point, then really they're a little worthless, especially in an RPG. This lack of interactivity bothers me, I know that the regressive gaming press despise interactivity as it's catering to us disgusting consumers, but really it is the strength of the medium and to my mind should be prioritised. We don't want to be told, preached at or watch a graphical picture book, we wish to interact, this is key to me. Such interactivity seems fairly simple to implement in some titles: Torment gives us a different story and approaches based on stats, conversations and accomplishments. Alpha Protocol and New Vegas also both transform and adapt to ones playstyle and choices, giving us consequences, acknowledgements and little nods. When Omen Deng commented on my choice of attire in Taipei, that was appreciated and a nice moment of interactivity, or when Marburg complimented me and seemed honestly impressed. Personally until Skyrim offers me more than an unreactive hiking simulation, I will not be that enchanted with it i'm afraid. Edit: Personal opinion and whatnot.
  15. There are a few Conan short stories set in the Cimmerians twilight years when he sat upon the throne of Aquilonia, I believe some of them were adapted from King Kull short stories, Howard's earlier Atlantean hero king. I too share your doubts however, it could be interesting if they focus on a strong theme, such as Conan's iron will sustaining his faltering, failing body as he is beset on all sides. His shoulders bowed under regrets, losses, old injuries and too many duplicitous enemies vying for his crown. I don't think that it will take such risks however, or plumb the depths of Howards frantic imaginings and dark mythos. Sadly I also think that it would take a better actor than Arnold to pull that off as well, unless the directors knows how to take advantage of the characters silence, like Mr Milius did in the original and Mr Cameron did in the Terminator. They certainly have enough material to borrow from however.
  16. A string quartet plays to a black screen, a solemn, stately piece, echoing with sadness and majesty. The screen irises out and pans in revealing Sir Harcourt Smythe reclining in a comfortable armchair before a blazing fire, his study is crafted of dark polished hardwoods and deep rich brocades and velvets, in one hand he holds a meerschaum pipe upon which he ocassionally puffs contentedly, in the other he swirls a snifter of finest brandy. His gaze is held by the flickering firelight, that dances in the reflection cast by his monocle, and long, magnificent mustaches twitch as he ponders and mulls upon deep matters. All around him are mounted the heads of strange, fierce creatures, exotic treasures and amazing relics from an alien world. "Good evening." He intones, his voice a deep, rich, smooth and pleasant baritone, a voice suited to commands on the battlefield or in the boudoir. "I noticed you were admiring my knick knacks, a most impressive collection what?" "Hard won my dear ladies and gentlemen." He admits, a note of stern warning darkening his tone. "But for those of a stiff constitution and a stiffer stomach, great renown and reward can be won." He leans forward, the firelight dancing in his monocle, his brows beetling and his mustaches quivering with passion. The string quartets music swells to a crescendo, and the study seems to recede while great pillars of stone rise from the shadows to frame the gentleman. "Come, this spring seek the Pillars of Eternity, adventure and glory await. Steel your soul, load your rifle, sharpen your sword and your wits, for you will require all of these in the Reach." "But remember, there is no rest for the Watcher!" Sweeping music arises, the Pillars of Eternity logo rises to prominence and Sir Harcourt Smythe sits back in his armchair as he diminishes, staring into the flickering flames of his past until disappearing into the dozens of images that play throughout the great pillars of Adra. Iris out, and let the music repeat a soft, sad rhythm that hints of the ticking away of Eternity.
  17. Commiserations on losing a friend sir, and of course deepest sympathies are extended to Mr Beckett's family.
  18. Ignorant and stupid, could almost be a rallying cry for the SJFs. Ideally they shouldn't be allowed out of care institutions if they're that lacking in basic common sense, and yet these simpletons have the nerve to criticise gamers. Most amusing. Hope the poor animal is taken from her by the RSPCA or similar institution for its own good, and she's not allowed to own any other animals.
  19. Warmest of the seasons greetings ladies and gentlemen, may all your presents have receipts, your families acknowledge hints and your stomachs maintain a cast iron constitution.
  20. Non interactive, single mechanic game preaching about feelings are now progressive, Oby have you taken everybody to Soviet Russia? Edit: Nice to see Gamespot proclaim Divinity: Original Sin as its game of the year, a definite incline.
  21. About time they increased the height, they used to be around five feet in AD&D, if I remember correctly.
  22. Alpha Protocols simple mechanic of "Orphans Created" in the after mission summary was quite effective at undermining ones violence and self righteousness, yes you may have some good reason for your murdering, but you are still taking away fathers and mothers.
  23. That's the explanation I've heard espoused many times, myself. I've never researched it but it wouldn't surprise me at all. Tolkien influenced a lot of things.... Well the Lios Alfar were born of Ymir, and were described as tall, fair and playful in the sagas. While the Svart/Dokk Alfar were described as maggot pale, hideous and deformed. But both had strange powers and knew many secrets, Tolkiens Elves and Dwarves were probably born from these descriptions. The Dwarves however recieved far more attention in the Sagas, from the making of the treasures of Asgard to the Sigurdsaga. There's a little bit of Celtic Sidhe in most Elven descriptions as well. I don't know why Elves in D&D have become midgets, or where this came from.
  24. I agree that in an ideal world people would not support Neo Nazis, such as Mr Tait and Mr Cheung, but fortunately the Polish developers of Hatred are not Neo Nazis. It's encouraging to see the game back on Steam, and that free speech and individuals rights have triumphed in this instance, rather than the censorship and denial of artistic expression that SJFs encourage. A very satisfying and moral victory.
  25. Or perhaps Mussorgsky, influenced by the Russian folk tale of Baba Yaga: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tO5p-gNyVlo Or Mendelssohn's Hebrides Overture: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zcogD-hHEYs
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