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Everything posted by Nonek

  1. Sewing. I find it immensely soothing, while the hands are busy ones mind can fly away on whatever flights of fancy one wishes. Good practice for listening to Mrs Nonek tell me about her day, soap operas and various celebrity shenanigans.
  2. Petty revolt or just having a giggle, breaking up the so serious with a little levity? Edit: This Burka seems very snug.
  3. Perhaps more restrained threads with modest content could be considered? Let's see: Ankles Anonymous - Tasteful displays of a ladies lower leg, though Lord forbid nothing as filthy and extravagant as the curve of the calf. Burka Beauties - An eye lovers dream, careful application of make up, iris' of varying colours from around the world. Hand Heaven - Begloved and bedecked well made digits and elegant hands, jewellery and embroidery of the finest manufacture to suit. Refreshing Readings - Young, modestly attired, well bred and elegant ladies read from classic fiction of suitably restrained content. Etcetera. Now if you'll excuse me i'm going to go home, beat my wife and children to within an inch of their lives, listen to selected sermons and then bugger one of my velociraptors. Good day.
  4. I think it's obvious what we must do. Become inebriated and make anti-Semitic remarks? Flush our careers down the toilet?
  5. Definitely not my bag, i'd prefer my escapism to be a little more thrilling and unattainable, Deus Ex or Alpha Protocol for example. In fantasy settings however i think that internal consistency and verisimilitude are very important, so that the fantastic elements are firstly fantastic and stand out all the more clearly against the background, and secondly have their own niche and laws within the gameworld. Thus the fantastic becomes a welcome break from mundanity, and the limits of the mundane, but is still approachable and makes sense in its own sphere of influence. Thereby we do not have any blatant and clumsy Deus Ex Machina events occuring, or our fourth wall breaking, because we have a vague understanding of the processes being used. We only need a slight logical tapestry painted for us, and we can theorise and extrapolate upon it, forming a solid foundation for the impossible. When such simple foundations are not laid, then the whole setting is in danger of being rendered unbelievable and illogical, ironic as that sounds for a fantasy setting. All in my opinion of course.
  6. You're a Taiwanese 22 year old boy?! Unfortunately not, merely a failed attempt at a witty nom de plume.
  7. I believe that I may have suffered permanent cerebral damage from the amount of times i've facepalmed while reading anti-GG comments, so please donate to my Patreon. That's @RobinYu, thank you. Edit: Can I claim that my hand is harassing me? Thinking about it there may be a possible sexual assault charge in there as well!
  8. Oops edited for clarification, mea culpa. Ctn2003: 1. No ambient or movie sound sliders. 2. Unable to drop items upon the ground. Archangel979: 3. Fleeing combat impossible (unrelated to engagement.) 4. Infinite stash available everywhere, and yet the character models do not have a backpack or even a bag in which to hold anything. 5. Unable to change weapons from inventory during combat, or trade with companions. 6. Lack of ammunition, and thus no unique and enchanted examples. 7. Position of combat log may be disliked. 8. Camera angle may be disliked. 9. No walking animation, only able to run. 10. Elder name does not necessarily denote potency. Luckmann: 11. Combat only abilities, preventing potent ambushing and initiation of combat. 12. No individual stealth options, stealth automatically dismissed at the initiation of combat. Archangel979: 13. Turning off UI helpers, you have no idea what your characters are doing. Gfted1: 14. No healing capabilities, other than minor ones such as Field Triage.
  9. Horses as a tool require a lot of upkeep and maintenance, and their range of movement is rather restricted if one wishes to keep them in fine condition. Ponies and Mules are a far better choice for rough and broken terrain, and the idea of a Dungeon Siege style Mule companion is far more appealing to me personally. Even here the limited movement capabilities of the Equine means that relying on foot is a far more reliable option, and one is able to go where only Goats and other such animals can. A sturdy backpack, climbing gear and warm clothing are probably what the exploring adventurer needs more than a Horse, which largely cannot or will not follow where he leads. That said I do not think that the burst of speed Horses provide should be discounted. Personally I would have stables on major roadways, and perhaps for purchase/upgrade at the Stronghold, and allow one to fast travel using these locations. A small illustrated sequence of the company riding forth, perhaps with a random encounter along the way, decided by skill or whatnot, and the fast travel becomes an interesting feature. Thus Horses are recognised in the world, implemented in a realistic manner, but do not really have to be animated beyond an inquisitive snout at a stable door, saving time and resources for the core features. Perhaps something similar for the expansion?
  10. Points 1 and 2 seem to be things that simply should be included. 3 Seems worrisome, this should be a legitimate tactic. 4 I've disliked this from the beginning, and said so repeatedly. 5 Seems counter intuitive to the games design principle, were we not supposed to change weapons during combat to take advantage of different weaknesses? 6 A small thing but a pity not to take advantage of it. 7 and 8 Seem purely down to personal preference. 9 Walking definitely should be included in the game in my opinion. 10 Personal preference again, language is malleable. 11 Very concerned about this, how do Wizards research spells and work in their laboratories, are they constantly attacked during research? 12 Seems to devalue scouts and a legitimate gameplay option. 13 I'm afraid I have no experience of this in effect. Edit: Obviously there is a limit to how much can be achieved for such a small budget, perhaps the developers might think of implementing a few of these changes in patches or the expansion, after sales have begun?
  11. Ctn2003: 1. No ambient or movie sound sliders. 2. Unable to drop items upon the ground. Archangel979: 3. Fleeing combat impossible. 4. Infinite stash available everywhere, and yet the character models do not have a backpack or even a bag in which to hold anything. 5. Unable to change weapons during combat. 6. Lack of ammunition, and thus unique and enchanted examples. 7. Position of combat log may be disliked. 8. Camera angle may be disliked. 9. No walking animation, only able to run. 10. Elder name does not necessarily denote potency. Luckmann: 11. Combat only abilities, preventing potent ambushing and initiation of combat. 12. No individual stealth options, stealth automatically dismissed at the initiation of combat. Archangel979: 13. Turning off UI helpers, you have no idea what your characters are doing. Edit: Thought it might be helpful to gather up the major points in a full list, perhaps someone could do so on every second page or so when new points are added?
  12. That Mark of Chaos trailer makes my blood boil, why would a column of combined armsmen charge the enemy surrounding them? Surely it would be far wiser to put the Arquebusiers to use behind a solid wall of polearms and shieldbearers, failure to do so gave the Kurgan that victory. I'm such a nerd.
  13. The games inspiration is worth mentioning: Larian's Divinity series is quite openly inspired by Ultima, which featured a living world with perhaps the best implementation of a city ever created in Britain. With NPC's who worked, played, prayed, slept and travelled in between these occupations, totally independent of the player character. It was easy to become lost in such a locale, as with Vizima in the first Witcher, a similarly huge and bustling city. Not to excuse Poe but it is based on the IE games, and these did not have such an in depth and living game world. There have been several threads asking for such features over the last few years but Obsidian have been honest, and openly stated that though nice to have this is not a priority for the game they are creating. Thus a little ambience and small amount of bustle as was present seems proper to me, I do not expect the clamour of Athkatla let alone Sigil. Defiance Bay is a pioneer city by the sounds of it, not a vast metropolis, nor a crossroads for all the planes of a multiverse.
  14. So it's a disturbing trend despite the fact that class weapon restrictions have existed in RPGs since the beginning? This "trend" existed for 30+ years now. I could use any weapon in Ultima for any character, or Fallout, or pen and paper D&D (though admittedly the characters would have to deal with proficiency penalties.) Not being able to even weild a weapon due to ones class, that I find ridiculous, and of course a disturbing trend that I see as best left behind. Let us build the characters we wish, whom may have to use a non optimal weapon in a pinch, or find that certain abilities of the weapon are useful. Edit: Ones personal opinion of course.
  15. I was really hoping people wouldn't notice the acronyms i've been including.
  16. Lords of the PC? Masters of Gaming? The Evolved? Proponents of Increased Graphical Superiority? Appreciated and Revered Sons of Extreme Sophistication? PC Eminences? Tyrants of the Mouse and Keyboard? Maestros of Modding? Steam Superiors? Titans of Increased Technological Superiority? Gods of Graphical Fidelity? Deities of the Desktop? Fanatics of the FPS?
  17. PC master species? PC Ubermensch? Advocates of the platform exhibiting superiority? Council of undisputable and noticable technological superiority? Kryptonians? Betters?
  18. Hmmm, not as fine as the second games trailers, a complaint I keep making unfortunately.
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