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Everything posted by Nonek

  1. I honestly thought that Fallout couldn't surprise me after half a dozen or so playthroughs, however upon bearding the Khan's in their lair I find the raiders screaming in horror as I approach, insisting I am the ghost of Death Hand returned. Upon talking with Garl the son of Death Hand and leader of the Khan's, I find that he is horrified by his murdered fathers return, and I take Tandi from them with hardly any argument. Upon research I find that this is simply an occurence triggered by high luck, such rarely seen reactivity, I find myself enormously impressed. This is the kind of content that speaks of a labour of love, a small chance detail that hardly anyone will see, and yet implemented anyway.
  2. Why not explore the earlier works of prose? A very significant and prominent anti hero would be Egil Skallagrimsson, read Egil's Saga which was arguably written by Snorri Sturlusson in the thirteenth century or so. Very raw and powerful stuff. Brennu Njal's Saga is also quite a nice work, full of doom and anti heroes. The various Norse mythologies are great symbolic roistering, Thor and Loki make a great team, until the latters Flyting. Perhaps explore some of Irelands myth and legends, such as Cuchulain, Finn and Lugh. Beowulf of course stands large over everything, I maintain that Tolkien's translation is the finest. Speaking of which the Silmarillion is chock full of anti heroes and doom laden fates, but after reading any Norse mythology one can see the inspiration far too clearly. Lord Dunsany's purple prose is outdated and very stylised but personally I would regard it as obligatory reading. From there i'd go further afield, explore Ancient Greek mythology and poetry, which is chock full of anti heroes and doom.
  3. Ah romances in rpg's, excuse me a moment... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U68s4JI22Zk
  4. All the more reason for a new paradigm in my opinion, one that focuses on an adversarial and critical examination of all the industry, from the lowest to the highest. Advocates for the consumer and challenges degenerate practises by developers and publishers. It has gotten to the point where this multi billion dollar industries best critic is a gentleman undergoing cancer treatment, it is absolutely shameful how unfit for purpose the industry is. Of course it is not helped by apologists whom argue that there shouldn't be any ethics or consumer focused content, who want lies and corruption to be the order of the day, and expect the industry to change and improve thanks to the current corrupt and regressive press working for their own advancement. Inspiring such media laughing stocks as the recent Law & Order episode that reflects poorly on all the medium, and will surely only serve to drive new markets of gamers away. But thankfully such an approach is easily discerned and ridiculed by anyone whom has an ounce of wit about them.
  5. Personally I hold that it's gone too far for that, they have damaged their integrity through years of corruption and publisher over consumer advocacy, and they remain commited to nepotism, regressive gaming and unethical behaviour. They have tainted their entire profession and alienated the average consumers whom they look down upon as untermensch, better now to have publishers and developers pull all advertising and pioneer a new more efficient and fit for purpose model, that is worthy of a multi billion dollar industry. If innocent writers are consumer focused rather than hatemongering and unethical, then they will have a place in the new model, free of the taint of their old profession. Who is "they"? They remain committed to nepotism? You keep generalizing. That's not helpful. That's what anti-#GamerGate does. Wasn't #GamerGate about personal accountability? Isn't this whole thing about how guilt by association isn't a thing? Anyone whom has conspired to preach at their mature audience, anyone whom has used disparaging language against any game player, anybody remotely involved in the twelve articles arguing that gamers are dead, those whom have misused their positions of authority to demonise rather than serve the consumer, etcetera. I assume the names of those whom have argued against ethical behaviour can soon be dug out and their offences brought to light, they make no effort to hide such actions, and one can easily hang them with their own words. There shouldn't be a future for such people, and their own words can serve to inform the industry why. Edit: What the devil happened to all our names, most erratic. Oh they're back now, never mind.
  6. Personally I hold that it's gone too far for that, they have damaged their integrity through years of corruption and publisher over consumer advocacy, and they remain commited to nepotism, regressive gaming and unethical behaviour. They have tainted their entire profession and alienated the average consumers whom they look down upon as untermensch, better now to have publishers and developers pull all advertising and pioneer a new more efficient and fit for purpose model, that is worthy of a multi billion dollar industry. If innocent writers are consumer focused rather than hatemongering and unethical, then they will have a place in the new model, free of the taint of their old profession.
  7. There are a few that stand out, but the majority are simply unfit for purpose, best to start again with new guidelines and an oversight body in my opinion. The lies that have been used against all gamers are just that, while the uselessness of the gaming press is by and large true.
  8. Exactly the gaming press as well as being corrupt, unethical and poor writers are simply unfit for the purposes of their role, so I agree no one should base anything upon their inane ramblings, they hold no weight and are regressive and harmful to the medium. Hopefully developers and publishers will soon stop dealing with them, and their advocation of harassment and demonisation of the innocent paying customers whom have made this industry will soon be forgotten.
  9. Is this really any surprise? The regressive gaming press are not moderates, they are not interested in the good of the industry, they are only interested in themselves, their own advancement and what they view to be politically fashionable at the moment. Leigh Alexander outright admits this, she is fame hungry and desperately wants attention, and is not interested in fulfilling the purpose of her role. Indeed representing the people and their role is judged to be unfashionable, striving to be objectionable is judged to be futile, ethics are laughed at and censorship is judged to be a desirable thing. Worst of all the regressive game journalists judge their audience to be untermensch, and they wholly embrace this, describing millions of diverse gamers from all races and both genders as dead, for no reason whatsoever, other than hatred and bigotry. They are basically unfit for purpose and need to be replaced and monitored by an impartial third party, that fulfills its role. This reaching out by Mr Kern and Mr Levine is pointless, developers would be better served by simply stopping using these corrupt and entitled institutions and working together to build a new gaming press and an independent overseeing body. This would be good for the industry, good for ethical practises, good for the consumer and good for journalism. RPS, Kotaku and Gamasutra etcetera are laughable, they are tainted beyond recovery and simply need to be left alone to wither and die in the pit of their own hatred and entitlement. They have all proven themselves to be hateful, sexist, racist, opposed to diversity, harmful to the industry and intent on demonising an innocent fanbase through lies and ideology. They have revealed their lack of integrity, and true feelings about the moderate and average consumer, and it is ugly and fascist. Obviously only my own opinion however.
  10. The Nameless One has not been chosen by anyone, the whole point of his story and incarnations is that he is a man whom has championed self determinism, sometimes very much to his and the multiverses detriment. He is entirely responsible for his own fate, and no prophecy or choosing by any higher power has compelled him at all, other than the deals he made and the decisions he chose. This is one of the main themes of the game, and is reinforced throughout, with the nature of the antagonist, the shadows and his past incarnations from the heavenly to the diabolic. He is an anti Chosen One, this is intentional and extremely obvious, a reverse of the trope that examines what can occur when a man is the master of his own fate.
  11. Thank you gents, a perfect fit for my needs, much appreciated.
  12. A good span and a very fine career.
  13. As the evenings lengthen and warmth creeps back into the world one feels the urge for a little Isometric Fallout, can anyone recommend appropriate mods for the first two games? What i'm mainly looking for is bugfixes, restored content (such as the children) and the core experience if there is such a thing. Google fu seems to suggest something called Fallout Fixed for the first game, but I can't seem to find a similar mod for the second game, let me suck deep on the teat of your bounteous knowledge. Edit: This probably should have been posted in the Playing Now thread, ah well many apologies.
  14. Companion quests and requests. You could still complete most quests but the companions would leave, sometimes permanently.
  15. Yet no one seems to have minded all of the countdown timers in BG2, indeed many did not even notice them.
  16. In my own humble opinion it's truly a pity that camping sites were not implemented, but I undertsand that no developer has unlimited funds or the option to implement every wish, hopefully however we will have an option to enable such a feature in future products or expansions. To avoid rest spamming personally i'd only allow resting when tired, say one eight hour period every twenty four hours of game time, and have limited usability at each camping site, whether that be through supplies of water, firewood, rations or discovery of the spot by opposing forces. Edit: To avoid rest spamming at centres of civilisation or strongholds and then returning to a dungeon i'd simply have such places be single instance affairs, so that after entering if one does not complete the dungeon on the first attempt the faction or enemies inside maybe retreat, set up traps and call reinforcements, invade ones stronghold or simply slip away into hiding. Thus we have no time limits, a failure state and perhaps a returning enemy whom is now stalking the players. Far more reactive than the enemies simply waiting to be slaughtered.
  17. probably means a person who will have sex with everything that can be defined as a living being regardles of age, gender or species Or, it could involve kitchen ware... well i ve seen porn where they use the handle of a pan as a ****, but i dont think it's as simple as that I thought it meant that one preferred mating with a Pan Dimensional Zlaarg beast
  18. Durlag's Tower, really one of the finest dungeons ever created in my humble opinion. Superior even to Demigorgon's prison if I may be so bold.
  19. Introduced my boy to the Disney of my youth, first Tron and then Dragonslayer. Throughout Tron he was amazed and excited, and jumping around like a jackrabbit at the end, With Dragonslayer he was quiet and intent, I think Vermithrax Perjorative scared the living daylights out of him. He was amazed by these films and couldn't stop babbling about them, especially the Dragonscale shield scene, where McNichol survives the Dragonfire. I think that twelve is the right age for these, and it certainly seems like he enjoyed them.
  20. I wonder what the state of the arts are in the Reach? Music, theatre, sculpture, painting etcetera. How does the Chanter's recital of sagas figure into this, are performances of Animancy in vogue among the intelligentsia, such as Mary Shelley experienced where a current was passed through a corpse making it seem alive? Why does the Watcher have insomnia? Ha.
  21. Tolerable, I know that sounds like harsh criticism but it's praise really, as I find myself switching off from the inane drivel that most Youtubers produce. You've got a good strong voice that's not irritating or overly excited, and you don't fall pray to the squeeing humour that far too many emulate. If I may suggest a queue card, not with a script but with topic buzzwords laid out before you, one for every subject you deal with. So it's not stilted or stiff as scripts always sound, but sounds more like improvisation on a theme. Public speaking was exceptionally difficult for me at work, and what I did to try and break my own reticence was perform readings, play them back and try to improve as practice truly does work. Good luck.
  22. Now that subject matter, the old Greek plays and myths, they truly are timeless.
  23. Stop motion animation still has a certain odd unsettling quality that fits perfectly with some of the subject matter, one of the reasons that I found the modern remake of Clash of the Titans to be deeply uninspiring compared to Harryhausen's epic. His Gorgon still haunts my memories. Edit: Or Kubrick's paranoid, sparse cinematography for the Shining, arguably making one of the most effective psychological horrors without all of the jump scares or gore that modern directors think will terrorise, but in truth only shock.
  24. I think the problem to my mind is that if we're talking a historical position, words like "outdated" and "timeless" are ultimately useless in understanding the context of the game. Its trying to play the game as if it was a modern game which is always going to be outdated (unless you played the game and have fond memories of it back in the day, in which case it is timeless). In a larger context, though, what is being lost is the...er...larger context. It bugs me to no end to see someone talking about fantasy/sci-fi film history who starts talking about unbelievable rubber masks, blue screen halos etc. Yes we all know that there are actors who couldn't turn the wheel to match the backscreen projection to save their lives - that's why it was mocked in Airplane! But ultimately that has nothing to do with the history. Yes, you could argue that Jack Pierce's makeup effects in FRANKENSTEIN is subpar to what's been done today, or that Kenneth Strickfadden's machines don't make any sense. But it fails to understand the context of the time. If you're going to talk about a game in a historical context it needs to be compared to other games in its historical context. Read an eviscerating review of Sega's ETERNAL CHAMPIONS - a really fun game at the time IMO [Timeless! ] that was a knock off of Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter II in the Genesis era. The review was hung up on how poorly the game looked against the arcade versions of MK and SFII (instead of their Sega ports). The context of the game was lost - so it was understandable why the reviewer was mystified about the game's popularity at the time of its release. Oh yes I agree that detail in reviews should be paramount and thus I reiterate that if someone is going to criticise a game then they should have first hand experience of it, and not simply parrot (as you say) a useless term. Though I'd argue that certain games such as Tetris are timeless, along with a good few fighting games of the period such as the original Streets of Rage.
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