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Everything posted by Nonek

  1. I still find myself a little discombobulated when it comes to Aerondight's diminishment, how utterly silly to be attached to a virtual weapon, still that quest arc was enormously well implemented. There was nothing in the second game to match it.
  2. Hmmm you may have a point, but isn't the more popular armour amongst other games usually the big spiky pauldrons and other impractical harness, surely they'd go for that rather than the quite realistic mail and gambeson that Geralt is utilising in the above?
  3. Geralt seems to be favouring heavier armours in almost every screenshots i've seen, at least compared to the books where he seldom wears more than a leather jack and spiked bracers, I wonder what brought this on: A design change perhaps, an emphasis on more realistic attire for a professional swordsman or maybe an in game response to the warlike circumstances that he is currently embroiled in?
  4. Currently playing through Fallout 2 with Mr Killap's Restoration Project, this really is a masterpiece and improves the base game in so many ways, and the added content really does flow naturally into the base game. Really highly recommended, I think I may finish the game before moving on to Poe, as i'm a little obsessed.
  5. Well I do actually live in an Ivory Tower, so i'm naturally biased. Edit: For what it's worth I do apologise if I dragged the thread down with my little argument.
  6. Okay then, if this thread is not the nice face of gamergate (which people here have repeatedly asserted, and I foolishly thought I should listen to them, with them being more familiar with the movement and all that), then please do show me what magical unicorn gamergater fairy land has those open-minded and tolerant folks who are completely cool with all manners of feminists and not at all spend a huge amount of their time on mocking them? Because, you know, otherwise we'll have to go by the charming and nice folks of 8chan, housing pretty much the biggest community of pedophiles well, that too, but that's orthogonal to the point gamergaters I know of? I mean, you're pretty keen on wailing about "generalization! EBUL!!4!", but fail to engage with what my original argument actually was about, which is "SJW-leaning places with strong moderation policies, in my experience, are generally more successful in creating communities where genuine respect prevails than gamergate-adjacents with their more laissez-faire guidelines of etiquette". This gets better and better, now all Gamergaters are child molestors because the few people with varying opinions on this board are not representative of everybody? And now i'm wailing (or arguing logically and calmly in truth) against generalisations, but you're saying that only tightly moderated SJW havens are successful in creating communities where genuine respect prevails*? I disagree, I think what creates a genuinely respectful community is individuals having respect for others, not generalising, or painting them in derisory terms for calmly arguing counterpoints or holding different views. Enforced moderation of fashionable viewpoints, and not allowing any dissenting opinion, will of course create a good echo chamber for those whom wish to hear their own words and beliefs parroted back at them, but true discourse is created when varying opinions are held and respected. This relies heavily of course on the arguing parties not resorting to accusing others of wailing, or child molestation, or in any other way making untrue outraged accusations and generalisations. Or in other words proving my point for me yet again. *Except of course for the diverse millions whom play games recreationally.
  7. Ah so it is this thread (not now Sargon of Akkad) which indicates how all Gamergaters think scientifically and statistically, and that in general they all have a problem with their fellow man and feminists? Please carry on, and I apologise for such a blatant generalisation and strawmanning as to think that single unconnected facts do not encompass all individuals. Point being proven sentence by sentence. Anyway off to walk the dog, ta ta.
  8. Ah so Sargon of Akkad speaks for all Gamergaters, none of whom have any free will and independent thought? This proves undisputably that their minds are unable to grasp scientific fact or statistics? So your statement that "gamergaters in general are pretty keen on looking down on their fellow human beings (not to mention a disturbing tendency to employ a horrifyingly bad understanding of statistics and science in general to justify doing so)." Is now scientifically proven. Glad you've sorted that out for us poor untermensch, it's so logical and simple really. Conversely Ian Miles Cheung and Geordie Tait speak for anti Gamergate, so presumably you're all Nazi monsters whom think that annihilating millions of untermensch is the only solution yes? Of course not that is a ridiculous argument unworthy of a childs reasoning, and just goes to prove my point with even more certainty.
  9. Read your own post Sir, and reflect a little on derisory blanket attitudes and assumptions, it should be fairly obvious.
  10. Interestingly enough, the only forum I know where "championing of derisory attitudes" is against the rules is a filthy SJW hideout, whereas gamergaters in general are pretty keen on looking down on their fellow human beings (not to mention a disturbing tendency to employ a horrifyingly bad understanding of statistics and science in general to justify doing so). What a conundrum, really. Point proven, statistically and scientifically Gamergaters generally look down on their fellow human beings. Most amusing.
  11. Exactly my thoughts Keyrock, it's narrative which is said by many to be its strength is nonsensical, illogical and full of holes, the gameplay is subpar and the forced clumsy railroading is abhorrent in a game series that should be about choice and of course interactivity. Overall I was left feeling that I was playing a far different game to the journalists declaration of BEST GAME EVAH.
  12. I think i'm going to go with a Monk whom is completely unaware that he is a Monk. Formerly a head cracker in a backalley Aedyrean drinking hole, a hugely muscled and obese individual, a giant taller than even an OohMama, covered in scars with a set of broken teeth and one missing eye. He stinks and shuns bathing, is an alcoholic and proud of it, and is sullen and brooding when it comes to conversation, the first time you'll know that he has taken umbrage is when his fist cracks into your nose. He disdains shirts, opting for a pair of striped trews, a brightly coloured sash about his huge waist and and a sturdy belt over this. He sometimes wears a pair of iron gauntlets, for when times get testy, and a scarf over his scarred bald pate. I'm thinking his exile to the Reach is because of his breaking the neck of a young Aedyrean noble, or some other influential individual such as a priest or thief. He looks for the simple things in life, gold, food, ale, drugs, comfort and willing women. He is largely immoral, and will laugh at pleas to his better side, he has none and merely follows a loose code that he made himself. Of old I would have said he is Chaotic Neutral, fiercely individual and unbothered by societies rules, but in no way evil or twisted, just unconcerned with nuances. I'm unsure of a name, though I might have him not bearing anything but a nickname, being born of a dockside whore (his dear Mam) and an unknown client lineage will not be something he knows of. Perhaps something like Mr Hand might be appropriate, or Grippa for his past career as a thumper and tosser.
  13. Consumer, gamer, the walking dead, untermensch...interchangeable really. Vastly objectified and ridiculed diverse masses whom it is all too easy to villify, and talk down to, or to dismiss as sexist etcetera. In fact i'd say it goes beyond Gamergate, and extends to all media, one has seen a rise of mankind looking down upon mankind and the championing of derisory attitudes to others. A disturbing and uncomfortable trend in my opinion, and very widely propagated by those whom judge themselves to be betters and worthy of deciding what others do. Hiding behind feminism, ideology and asking for no one to exercise any criticism against this trend is also far too easy, but what would I know, i'm a dead untermensch.
  14. Yes master, but master...some morons say that ethics aren't important for a multi billion dollar industry, and that we diverse millions are all just sexist, misogynist, racist and homophobic (yadda, yadda) untermensch whom are trying to harass women despite all objective evidence saying that this would be the worst harassment campaign ever instigated. As an undeserving and simple member of the untermensch I am confused.
  15. Yes we untermensch should never question Mr McIntosh's sock puppet, nor raise any objections to our idiotic, degenerate championing betters, we should just listen and believe and not make any criticism or show any free will. After all consumers demanding ethics and better more diverse games is an utterly abhorrent thing in and of itself.
  16. After watching the posted video two things immediately sprang to mind, one was that I was bored nearly insensible by it, and the second was the pain of hearing those accents.
  17. So is this female Thor still married to Sif of the golden hair, and at what time in the Prose Edda does this occur, before Loki's Flyting? I assume when he dresses as a woman to retrieve Mjolnir from the Jotun of Utgard. Personally i'd have thought Loki would have been more apt to turn into a woman, due to his foaling Sleipnir and various other shapeshifting adventures.
  18. More Lucasarts titles released and on sale.
  19. I'm fine with the creators making any character they wish, and if people are upset about them being sexy or not, then all the better. Bayonetta exulting in her own sexuality and power is perfectly fine, and if it scares those whom wish women or men to only conform to what they expect and pay for, all the better. If somebody has a problem with that then they should look to their own insecurities.
  20. And these are the professional reviewers? Good Lord!
  21. So now a female game character, ridiculously powerful and stylised, designed by a woman and seen as a great character by many people has to dress down and not display or exult in her own virtual sexuality...because that is deemed problematic? She should conform, not display any flesh and get herself to a nunnery because abusers of women don't like to see their targets being strong, individual and independent. Unless paid to be so. Otherwise they're asking for it right? Unbelievable medieval mindset.
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