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Everything posted by Nonek

  1. I've decided not to use the stash anymore in Poe, the loot hoovering was just a tiresome chore, i'm considerably poorer I assume but as yet i'm not making any large purchases or finding any large expenses as I don't use camp supplies excessively either. I'm wondering whether i'll be able to afford the stronghold, though any homebase will suffice really. Edit: I'd personally like Survival to eliminate supplies in appropriate areas.
  2. I still think that an unaugmented protagonist, or even better making augmentation a choice, could work extremely well in a Deus Ex game. There's obviously going to be a difference in playstyles, but I don't think it would be as large as people assume. High tech gadgets, skills, weapons and armours could work to mimic JC's or Jensen's abilities. Instead of being the Terminator, one is the Batman. You could play a young Sam Carter, the quartermaster from the original game.
  3. Pretty sure the current correct usage would be to say "she". Ah so use the gender they're aiming for and not the one they were born with, makes sense, thank you for the clarification. Edit: Well I know what i'm making for dinner now, this thread has one purpose.
  4. The individual looks nothing like the picture inserted, s/he (i'm not sure of the correct term to use for someone moving between gender as we no longer have the neutral term in English) is an obese, bosseyed, lank blond haired, pudding faced individual whom bares a passing resemblance to Karl Malden. No offense intended of course, Mr Malden was a very fine actor. I've got to say that while living in Bremen and Dusseldorf I consumed an inordinately vast amount of Wurst, luckily I was working it off at that age, but one still enjoys visits to the family over there for Black Bread and various other delicacies. German food is extremely pleasing to my English palette.
  5. @Hypocrite: I would never agree anything with an abuser of women. I like the talk of sausages. Edit: Has anybody ever found any Vegan or Vegetarian sausages that were not utterly disgusting, i've tried several varieties and never found a satisfactory one.
  6. Why do you feel the need to insult my intelligence? Disregarding that you know far too little about me to judge this, its rude and most importantly it derails the conversation. I am not spewing hate-speech, I have been the one name-called and threatened in the thread to this point. I will not go in to you with how no transgendered person was involved or accentuating that it was the man who got hurt (And you do not know if he was white or not), becuase that is also derailing and I think you know whats up. I find it strange how so much anger can stem from a group of people, who are evidently already suppressed, expressing feelings of hurt. 1. Because your opening statement was moronic and racist. 2. You are spewing hate speech and aligning with genocide advocates and Neo Nazi's, and no transgendered person was mentioned or even hinted at in that poem, that's objective fact, no lies will change that. 3. You are being ridiculed because you're stating ridiculous things. @Bruce: The hypocrite abuser of women argues for honesty, try some yourself. More importantly we call it Black Pudding not Blood Pudding in England. Personally I prefer a nice Toad in the Hole, Lincolnshire or Cumberland sausage, cooked into a nice big Yorkshire Pudding with a rich, thick onion gravy.
  7. Oh I thought you were making a rather clever play on words Hurlshot, Weiss Wurst = Whites worst, in mockery of the OP's opening racist plea to stifle discussion on this discussion board.
  8. I think Hurlshot's correct, the OP is neither intelligent enough nor possessing of a good enough argument to warrant a response really, it's just the usual pro censorship and anti free speech tripe we see parroted by the genocide advocates intent on being offended about a poem where only a white heterosexual man was harmed and a transexual was never even mentioned. There's really no point responding to him or her, they're pathetic and supportive of an evil and immoral cause that misrepresented facts and strove to change a paying backers content, that we naturally defended as an immoral thing to do. Let him or her continue with their hate speech and genocide advocacy.
  9. The usual, people standing up against genocide advcoates and Neo Nazi's, voicing a contrary opinion and championing free speech against censorship by the professionally outraged, simpletons and morally repugnant.
  10. So tl/dr agree with me or don't speak, yes that's not censorship.
  11. Two old scenarios spring to mind: The first was a plague outbreak in a small country village that the PC's are passing, it is being combated by a weary Paladin with sad, tired eyes who seems overwhelmed by all the death and disease that he is totally immune to. The Twist is that the Paladin's shining armour is cursed with spirits of plague and disease, a counterstroke by an old, cunning diabolical foe, and the Holy Warrior is the cause of all the suffering he seeks to end. The armour is not afflicted by evil in and of itself, because how can a plague be evil? However an aura of disease and suffering wafts out from the Paladin, but he is always ministering to the sick so it is largely subsumed in the background. Travelling, divination and investigation may eventually reveal the culprit of the plague, however the Paladin faced with survivors guilt and an increasing death toll is tested day by day. What becomes of him is in the GM's hands, but this is a severe test of faith. I suppose one could make him a player characters, if one has a Paladin, though this obviously requires some setting up. The second scenario is an old classic, a city is gripped by a terrible plague, the death toll is huge and draconian measures are implemented against the afflicted. Curative magic from the gods is too rare to squander and the powerful commandeer it all. At its height a wizened ancient appears and demands three children in return for a cessation of the plague, he will prove his mastery of the plague by seemingly curing or afflicting at will. If threatened he will simply teleport away without error, a trait of his species, and he emenates massive diabolical evil. I began with the plague being ambiguous in nature, whether it was natural and the Fiend was taking advantage of this to sow evil, or whether he had created it to punish the city. However upon the PC's investigations I changed this to him being summoned, and a line of investigation appearing, because they rightly enough stated that Fiends do not just appear, and there must be a summoner. If they had simply resisted the Fiends requests and spurned his offers then I might well have had a Heavenly power reward the city and wipe away the plague for this act of strength and righteousness, never deal with evil. Or if they had dealt with the Devil the gods would abandon the city and further hardships would strike the denizens, as they were judged and found wanting. As it was the children were given to the Fiend in the PC's absence, and he departed taking the plague with him, but the giver was revealed to be the desperate instigator of the disease. A beautiful, noble lady whom ran an orphanage in the heart of the slums, and was a complete sociopath trying to crawl her way up the ladder of power. Quite successfully until the end. She was saved/damned by her diabolical allies, dragged down to hell as a replacement when the childrens souls were snatched away by the Balance, that did not accept that she was allowed to offer up the innocent souls to her summoned ally.
  12. I want to know if the horses pressed Bestiality charges and are recieving sufficient counselling? Sequel: I said Neigh?
  13. Strangely enough I can no longer log in to the Witcher forums, ah well. First fifteen minutes of the game, link to IGN's Youtube page: Edit: It states that this is the "first" fifteen minutes of the game but it's speculated there's a tutorial segment with Ciri at Kaer Morhen before this.
  14. I think i'm satisfied with Poe as a purchase, it's a very high quality product with lots of attention to detail and good design, i'd say that it is so far about on par with BG2, in some aspects superior and in some aspects inferior. The combat is a bit of a let down, as it's becoming far too samey. Personally I think the Lore/XP confluence is a good move (but then I would,) but if I were to ask for my perfect RPG combat system it would definitely not be Poe, it would probably be Blackguards at least from the modern era. The soundtrack is definitely a high point, Mr Bell really did knock it out of the park here, not once have I felt the theme intruded on my playthrough, rather enhancing without at first noticing. Lastly a complaint, there are far too many illogical and abstracted away features in the game, harmfully streamlined and working against the internal consistency of the world. The stash and lack of any backpack, no walking, the combat/non combat divide, the illogical attribute bonuses, the artificial cost of camping supplies etcetera. Alltogether i'm more than satisfied, and can't wait to see which factions I can choose as my allies and enemies later in the game. Oh i'm absolutely loving Durance, and the pets are a nice addition, I assume somebody was playing Torchlight.
  15. Who would have thought that a country* that has spent thousands of years trying to advance itself has now reached a position where the majority of its people, men and women, are privileged? Obviously we are, we work hard, pay our taxes, serve our countries, fight for free speech and against censorship, and raise our children properly so that they have a better life. We have fought against outside influences and evils such as Nazi-ism and genocide to maintain our laws, comforts and social advancement, and then foppish, spoiled pseudo intellectual who speak of science and statistics while proving nothing except for their hatred of all humanity try to shape society into their own twisted and sickening image. Never mind the poor white families who have to subsist on hand outs from food banks, a growing problem in the UK. The beggars on the streets who are starving. The prostitutes who are bought and sold for cash. No lets not improve their lot at all, let's argue about triviality and endorse hate speech against the hard working whom support our lazy, shiftless existences. *Any country in the world and its people.
  16. Edér was always a fighter and Aloth is very useful, though a bit situational. I thought Edam was supposed to be a Rogue, i'm sure I read that somewhere a year or so ago, and everybody just assumed he was a Fighter because of the shield and mail. Aloth seems a little pathetic so far, in truth he's more of a hindrance with all the attention needed to keep him alive, he's definitely not a good return on investment. I may be misplaying him though I admit, i'll leave him behind and see if my efficiency improves. Still enjoying the narrative and setting, though I really should be allowed to walk in Gilded Vale, Torment had a walk/run toggle.
  17. Do items become any more interesting as Poe progresses? So far they've been as dull as dishwater, satisfactory backstories and such but statistically extremely meh. I like the challenge the Ghosts present with their teleportation, hopefully the combat remains so challenging throughout, though i'm not seeing much use of the environment. Edit: When did Edam get changed into a Fighter? Does Aloth ever become useful?
  18. So far i'm having a good time with Poe, soundtrack, presentation, art design and the atmosphere of the game are all top notch, am pausing on my way to Gilded Vale at the moment. That said I have some criticism: First, in character creation there were not enough variables, I expected a height and weight slider such as was used in TOEE, there was none. Secondly, the attributes are just not intuitive, if I were not conversant with the game from perusing the forums then I would be confused as to the illogical bonuses one accrues from varying stats. Third, the character models are plain, not ugly mind but just so so, I was expecting more improvements in this aspect. Fourth, the combat just cries out to be turn based, every single aspect of it. Fifth, the combat - non combat divide is artificial, it's fair enough that the developers don't want pre buffing, that doesn't mean that certain skills should be impossible to perform outside combat, simply mechanically improve pre buffing. just my opinions however.
  19. Killed Frank Horrigan, watched the Enclave pass away into history, good riddance. On to Poe now, rather large boots to fill.
  20. Your position is perfectly understandable McMayhem, and admirable, but one cannot help being disappointed and disgusted when on reading these threads there are actually people whom are advocating for the Neo Nazi Ian Miles Cheong and excusing the genocide that Erica Victorious preaches for. To any right thinking people this is immoral, sickening, twisted and disgusting, yet these people whom defend it and say it is "just a joke" are so blinded by their own hatred for people as to not see that it is first not funny, and second the raving of a diseased mind. I do not hold all gay people to be like this, most gay people are just people, normal, right thinking, moral and sensible, whom just happen to have a slightly different sexual favour than the majority. It is not a thing worthy of discussion really, as they'll be treated no differently by me than any other individual. However the people whom are arguing for Neo Nazi's and genocide advocates to be sated are immoral and hateful and must be opposed, they are sick of mind and are a seed of hatred in society that anybody sensible knows to never cater to, never listen to and never compromise with. I'm sickened by those whom would do otherwise, and it has nothing to do with their sexuality, gender or anything but their individual decision to enable hatred and support such obvious evil. I do not use that word often, because it is often overused and rendered impotent, but there is nothing else I can find that fits.
  21. I have to admit that i'm still disgusted by the genocide advocate who first complained about this having their whining accepted and Mr Keldorn's limerick censored, i'm a little biased because after church this Sunday i'll be visiting my grandfathers grave, a quiet, brave and good man who served in the war and carried the scars to his grave. Such a victory of censorship by an immoral and ungrateful idiot just seems to spit on his and so many others sacrifices against genocide, but then again I suppose this may be me being too sensitive, and may be my Achille's Heel. I still maintain that such people should never be catered to, but i'm going to relieve such feelings with a few miles of tabbing and some quality time on the heavy bag. Good morning all, have a nice Easter.
  22. I don't actually know what you're talking about but I thought the content in question was in poor taste and I neither support genocide nor do I know who Ian Miles Cheung is. And while some folks have bad opinions, you'll find that even a broken clock is right twice a day. Maybe its because I come from an older generation, and the horrors of the war are still all too well remembered by the family members who came back and failed to come back from liberating Germany and the tales they told, but I personally never regard genocide as "right," I hope I never do. I'm sorry if that view is not fashionable, but it will not be changed.
  23. I'll repeat myself, sorry to do so, I can't back a decision to cater to a Neo Nazi and a genocide advocate, and the insecure, entitled whiners who would support such individuals. That these twisted and immoral individuals are dictating what is moral and acceptable in a virtual construct is to me utterly preposterous. Surely you must see how hypocritical it is to say that this joke is unacceptable, while arguing for the death of half the worlds population and Ian Miles Cheung's equally repulsive views are acceptable? I'm utterly speechless at the tacit support of such hateful bile spewing agendas.
  24. Caving in to the demands of a genocide advocate, a neo Nazi and their insecure, humourless supporters, i'm sorry but I can't see this as anything but an immoral and cowardly action, such people should not be listened to or given anything, they should only be spurned by right thinking moderates. Tremendously disappointed.
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